Wall of Shame / Abandoned Playthroughs

Published on August 13, 2024
Last updated on August 17, 2024
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Idea stolen from a friend. A selection of the games I've dropped over the years and most regret dropping. Hopeful that this list will encourage me to give them another look.

Final Fantasy XII

A casualty of the years when my Japanese was good enough that I didn't want to play Japanese games in English, but not advanced enough to actually enjoy more complex games. Struggled through about fifteen hours with my then limited language skills and gave up. Language skills are now no barrier, so I want to go back to it.

Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria

One for one the same situation as FFXII.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3

Played this right up to the end and didn't finish. Was the last Japanese RPG I ever played in English, and would like to revisit it in its native language and actually beat it this time.

Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 4

Another casualty of my then limited Japanese, as well as fatigue with the game format so soon after Persona 3.

Persona 5

Played about fifteen hours in Korean shortly after getting my PS4. Was kind of difficult for me in the language at the time, and was also going through some downtime with games in general then. But I still own my Korean copy, and very up for the language challenge / properly experiencing this beloved game now!

Paladin's Quest

Recommended by a friend. Played a bit, enjoyed, but I had started on stream and went through a huge down period of streaming where it got lost. Want to replay from the start.



Started on stream, liked a lot, but wasn't really an interesting game to stream, and wound up dropping for that reason. I own a copy now, so want to restart on my own.

Prince of Persia (2008)

Played a bit at the end of last year. Wasn't crazy about it from what I played, but wasn't bad at all, and given that I've already pushed a ways into it, I think I should go back and see the rest.


Have started and failed to finish about six times, most recently early this year. This time for sure!

Final Fantasy Tactics

Played bits a bunch of times over the years, but one of a handful of big English-language RPG releases on PS1 that I never did finish. Very, very keen to give it a proper go now in Japanese.

Hollow Knight

Played nearly all of this! And liked! But fell out of sync with it, and the daunting task of getting back up to speed to the degree that the remaining endgame content will require has put me off a bit. One of these days...


Played quite a bit during my lost years after high school, don't remember now. Definitely didn't finish. Amazing game, and want to.

Kamaitachi no Yoru

Not abandoned as such - played up to one bad ending, and took a break there. But want to see more of what it has to offer, as I've only seen a tiny fraction of the game really.

Wild Arms 3

Only mainline Wild ARMs I haven't finished, and I think it might be the best one! Shocking, really. Got it for Christmas one year in English, played about thirty hours over the holidays, and then never went back to it at all. Has been long enough now that it basically feels like a new game, and eager to give it another shot.

Breath of Fire II

I dropped 1 as well, but not sure I'm really interested enough in that one to go back. Definitely am with this one, though, which put me off with its bad translation, even though I liked the rest of it. Looking forward to starting afresh in Japanese sometime.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country

Started right on the back of the second game. Was all just a bit too much after such a long base game, and dropped very quickly. Own the Japanese physical release, so sometime!

Yakuza: Kiwami

Played ten hours on stream, loved, didn't continue. Haven't played any of the rest of the series either. Dunno if I'll actually play Kiwami itself as a first play, as the original has been calling to me in its own way too, but sticking it on here to remind me to play some sort of version of the first game.


The Alliance Alive

Played about half (?), really enjoyed, and then got distracted by something. Don't remember what it was, but I do remember that I really enjoyed this and want to give it another go.

Bravely Default

Bought while living in Japan. Played about twelve hours, but my heart just wasn't in video games in general at that time, and I think I was bound to dislike it no matter what. Found out the European copy I was given a long while back has full Japanese language support, so going to give it another try sometime.

Ar tonelico Qoga: Knell of Ar Ciel

This is not a very good game in honesty. But I have fond feelings for the first two because of when I played them and their status as some of the earlier games I finished in Japanese. And I actually wound up buying this one full price at release (oof), so to have never actually played it in full feels... wrong, I guess? I think I'll probably replay the first two first, and if I still like them after all these years, give this one a proper play.

Atelier Totori: The Adventurer of Arland

Finished Rorona around the time I got my PS3, and bought this a bit later. Really liked what I played, and thought it was a big improvement over Rorona, but I really went off games around that time for a bit, and gave my copy to a friend. Rebought a while back, and very keen to replay from the start.

Rudra no Hihou

Finished two scenarios back in about 2005. Remember it being tough! And fun! And gorgeous! One I'd like to pick up for my Super Famicom and play properly (though I think it's quite expensive!)


Twilight Syndrome: Tansaku-hen

Started on stream, played two chapters and very much enjoyed. Then dropped. Whoops.

Sweet Home

This one wasn't totally my fault, to be fair. Got softlocked right at the end. Such a bummer, but a great game and I will absolutely replay.

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

I rage quit this one near the end around the time of its English release for reasons I... don't entirely remember now. And the more I think about it, the more I feel like it was actually pretty neat. Want to give it another try.

Grandia III

Played back to back with Wild ARMs 4 around the time of its English release. Found both disappointing and didn't finish either. Have since gone back and beaten WA4, so feel like I should probably finish this as well, if for no other reason that to close the book on the last numbered Grandia title. :(

Shin Megami Tensei

Played on stream and was really liking, but the game's alignment system is a wee bit wonky, and despite not really going out of my way to change my alignment, I randomly got stuck aligned in a way that made the stage of the game I was at hard. Wound up dropping instead of grinding through the difficult section. Would like to replay from the start and have another go at finishing.

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