(Top 10’s) Games I’ve Played: 2024
Games I played through this year any%.
Red Dead Redemption II
Truly the best game I have in a while and deserves the first place.
Halls of Torment
Bullet heavens being a new genre. This mimics the styling of diablos pretty well and was entertaining to play 100%.
Honestly played since alpha 3 and the amount of stuff added just scratched my factory establishing itch.
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Another classic I just got to play. Genre-defining stuff. Would go higher if I was a fan of metroidvanias. 200.9% completed this though.
Silent Hill
Classic. First time playing it and it has been awhile since I got scared or frightened by a video game.
Very fun VR game. Challenges very hard though and I haven't finished them yet :P
Tomb Raider (2013)
Liked the story and gameplay. Scenery was also breath-taking at times and exploring was rewarding.
The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky
Initially didn't think so highly but story got so good the further it progressed. Combat system was ok.
Soundtrack complements the fast paced combat. Solid work and deserves the place on this list.
Fallout: London
Pretty good mod.