moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 151 - Posted on 3/24/2016 19:14:47

Thanks for the heads-up!

One of these days I'm going to actually play a Medal of Honor game...I think my only experience with the series is the demo to Allied Assault waaaay back in the day.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 152 - Posted on 3/25/2016 20:51:00

Slipstream 5000 is currently being given away.

smande00 Backer Posts: 38 Registered: 6/10/2014
# 153 - Posted on 4/1/2016 15:05:50

Posted this in the Game deals thread already, but this is probably a better thread for it:

Holodrive Steam keys are free here for a couple more days:

No idea if the game is any good or not.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 154 - Posted on 4/2/2016 15:27:04

Normality is currently free on IndieGala

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 155 - Posted on 4/2/2016 22:39:19

Looks like Normality is already gone.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 156 - Posted on 4/2/2016 22:45:15

Still shows up when I load the page. Maybe you need to be logged in?

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 157 - Posted on 4/3/2016 4:33:59

I'm logged in and nada. Maybe I've gotten too many of their free games or something. :D

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 158 - Posted on 4/3/2016 15:14:37

Haha, if that were the problem I think I would have been locked out ages ago!

Weird though, it's possible it's a region thing then? All I can think of since the giveaway still shows up for me even after a refreshed cache.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 159 - Posted on 4/3/2016 18:38:38

Maybe it was a cache problem on my end, because I tried it just now, and now it was there. Weird.

Also, I love it when the free games have cards. It's like "Here, have a few cents to take this game."

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 160 - Posted on 4/7/2016 19:02:54

Another one up for grabs. Agent Awesome

Of note, they now require you to join their steam group for these to work. Took a while before it acknowledged that I had joined.

Post Edited on 4/7/2016 19:03:04
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 161 - Posted on 4/9/2016 17:20:06

Memories of a Vagabond is up for grabs today.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 162 - Posted on 4/15/2016 15:49:52

Cubetractor is free at the moment

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 163 - Posted on 4/18/2016 20:17:28

Bell Ringer free from PC Gamer and Bundle Stars here:

It's a thing, but the things you have to do aren't too onerous: Sign up for the Bundle Stars Newsletter, view the new All Stars Bundle 6, join the Bundle Stars Steam group, and view a couple of Facebook pages (but with those, you can close the tab before it's loaded and it will still count).

Apparently, it's an arena PvP brawler and has Steam cards. Or at least the store page claims there are Steam cards, but they're not showing up.

Post Edited on 4/18/2016 20:18:39
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 164 - Posted on 4/19/2016 14:54:11

Broadsword: Age of Chivalry

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 165 - Posted on 4/24/2016 0:10:35

Goocubelets is free right now

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 166 - Posted on 4/29/2016 15:34:29

Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 167 - Posted on 5/2/2016 2:08:19

King's Quest (the remake) Chapter 1 is free on the Xbox Store for both 360 and Xbox One. It's supposed to be for PC too, but I can't find where.

EDIT: You might have to be an Xbox Live Gold member to get it, but it doesn't seem to be part of Games With Gold.

Post Edited on 5/2/2016 6:19:24
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 168 - Posted on 5/5/2016 1:01:54

Faeverse Alchemy has a boatload of keys being distributed by the devs here on their site. Good luck, lol

Post Edited on 5/5/2016 1:02:28
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 169 - Posted on 5/5/2016 1:08:56

haha nice, I found one!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 170 - Posted on 5/5/2016 2:31:23

Oh, so further follow-up informs me that the game is going to be 100% free any way. The developers look at it as a failed project, but they're still planning to do some updates to fix the more egregious problems.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 171 - Posted on 5/9/2016 3:00:19

Origin has added expansions into their "On The House" program. Even if you don't actually own the game in question, you can still claim the expansion, then if you acquire the game later, the expansion will be unlocked as well.

The two free expansions are:

  • Battlefield 4: Dragon's Teeth
  • Battlefield Hardline: Robbery
boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 172 - Posted on 5/9/2016 5:18:57

GooCubelets: The Algoorithm is free right now on Indiegala (same link as above). Different game than the GooCubelets before apparently.

Post Edited on 5/9/2016 5:20:07
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 173 - Posted on 5/10/2016 14:42:33

Top Trumps Turbo

This looks like complete mobile trash ported over to pc, but hey, it might float someone's boat.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 174 - Posted on 5/14/2016 15:35:02

Why So Evil? is currently free

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 175 - Posted on 5/20/2016 5:53:36

One Troll Army is free on steam due to the outcome of a Twitch event.

(Also, this needs to be added to the database) :P

Post Edited on 5/20/2016 5:54:16