DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 1 - Posted on 7/19/2016 5:58:28

As an avid trophy/achievement hunter, I take a lot of pride in my completion lists. I guess we all do in a sense, which is why we're all here on Completionator xD. Here's a pitch for an idea that might help keep motivation and replay for older games with no kind of reward system (i.e. retro, pre-trophy games, etc.) Anyway, I've taken the last few days to build a pseudo-achievement (better referenced as 'tasks') dynamic list for my games that I currently have in my collection. I've search around the net for different 'free' task management apps, only to find that many of them are not exactly what I'm looking for. It needs to be a bit more than a basic checklist, something that basically mirrors the 'My Playthroughs' or 'My Completions' pages found on this site. Fortunately, I did manage to find a website that could make good use out of what I wanted, and it's called Wrike Workplace ( It's mainly focused on small business team management for arbitrary tasks that the user creates, along with visual guides and cues to keep it stimulating.

I've kind of tinkered with the Workplace a bit to accommodate a list of 'tasks' that I made for a bunch of my games, starting with the current playthroughs. Below is a list of screenshots to better explain the layout of sorts:

After doing some more research, there may be some sort of pseudo-interaction already established on the site itself. Worst comes to worst, and this kind of thing can't happen here, it might be something worth experimenting with. There are a few things that require workarounds such as user/display names (in order to not use my real name I had to input my First Name as AX and Last Name as 3LZ3R07), but nothing too serious. There is a feature called Collaborators (think friends that need to be invited) that can only view tasks and change the ones assigned to them. So basically User A has a Completion Task List for Game X and wants to share it with User B. Both Users must have an active account, and an email registration is required for the new User to gain access to the Workplace. User B can access User A's List and once achieving said task, can mark it as complete and insert a screenshot for proof it's been beaten. I can see this process being a lot more effective if certain adjustments were made, all of which with gaming completion in mind of course.

Well there you have it, there's my pitch for an innovative idea. I'm not sure how that would integrate as far as site functionality goes. Spit-balling ideas would be neat to kind of let this run with the Achievement(s) placeholder for games. I only tend to really use it when the game has official achievements/trophies. The main goal here basically would let users create their own list which could lead to more community interaction. Seeing how successful the 'Stacks' section is, maybe this is in the realm of possibility? There could even be potential for "true" Bounties (collaboration of users could be based off a certain time frame to complete a 'task' or group of them) or at least an expansion of the philosophy.

What is everyone thoughts on the matter? I feel like this kind of thing is right up Completionator's alley, and would only benefit users like myself who enjoy a visual representation of progress.

Post Edited on 7/24/2016 0:56:52
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 2 - Posted on 7/19/2016 13:45:59

I think this idea is very cool. I think it would definitely add even more value to the site and bring out something that further distinguishes this site from other game tracking sites.

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 3 - Posted on 7/19/2016 14:07:19


I think this idea is very cool. I think it would definitely add even more value to the site and bring out something that further distinguishes this site from other game tracking sites.

Thanks for the input. I think a very basic flaw in a lot of other game tracking websites is the lack of visual input you get back once you've actually completed what you set out to do in the first place. Since I've applied this idea, I've been more efficient at getting through older titles quickly or getting the absolute most out of a fighting game that could be very easily backlogged after just one arcade completion. I really enjoy it here on Completionator more than anywhere because of the visual appeal on top of the meticulous organizing and attention to detail, so I think being able to manage your playthrough even further to this kind of level would be top notch.

Post Edited on 7/23/2016 8:20:58
CobaltCub Posts: 6 Registered: 7/9/2016
# 4 - Posted on 7/19/2016 14:49:24

This would be great to see!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 5 - Posted on 7/20/2016 0:35:51

Okay, so I've been thinking about this idea all day and I'm finally ready to respond hehe.

I know you referred to these things as "achievements", but the idea forming in my head is more like a "milestone". I know those can essentially be the same thing, but I still feel it's an important distinction. With achievements, you have A LOT more leeway with what they can be. I look at milestones as more of checkpoints as you play through or make progress in a game. I know a lot of games have "story" achievements that are basically what I'm describing as a milestone, so there's definitely some overlap as well.

Anyways, I think the best way to describe what I'm getting at would be to use an example. So let's use Super Mario Bros. For milestones, you could potentially have 8 of them, labeled like "Defeated Bowser in World 1" and so on. When you start looking at things like achievements, you could have other stuff like gained 50 1-ups in a single level. Or stomped 100 goombas, things like that.

I'm very intrigued by the milestone side of things because I think it fits very nicely with the flow of the site, which is currently: add to collection --> start playthrough --> enter time --> add completion. Not everyone follows this flow (most don't), but that's how I've tried to present the site up to this point and I feel it makes sense from a game-playing perspective. I see this as something that could be an optional, ancillary flow after you start a playthrough and before you enter a completion.

So I'm playing Super Mario Bros. and I beat World 3. I come to the site and enter my time and while I'm at it, I could optionally check off how far I've made it.

As I said before, I love the idea, but there are some potential pitfalls with it. The biggest issue is that since it's optional, most people won't use it. That's just the way things are, not just with this site, but with software in general (at least in my experience). So we'd be adding functionality to a very small subset, of which only a subset would utilize the new feature.

The next issue is that I feel in order to be effective, this would really need to be a community-wide and not a per user kinda thing. So that means we would need a "team" of users to come up with the milestones for games that would apply to everyone on the site. I actually think this would be kinda fun and I'm sure others would as well, so enthusiasm isn't the problem. Time is the real issue here. It takes a lot of time to curate data like this, which we've found out first-hand trying to curate release data, which is readily available on the Internet. So now we're going to have to dig up data on games that we may not even be familiar with and there may not be a clear-cut resource for us to pull from.

Another issue is spoilers. Sometimes games that have story achievements can have mild spoilers in them, which is something I think we'd want to avoid. Since this would be a curated portion of the site, I think we could keep this in check, but it's worth mentioning.

I know at this point it probably sounds like I'm finding reasons to NOT build the feature, but I assure you that's not the case. I love the concept and agree it does have a place here, but I think the key will be finding the right place and scope for it. As with most of the features here, it wouldn't be widely-used simply because our community is so small, but it would be a very unique and cool feature, and I love having those :D

Let's keep the discussion going and see where this leads!

Post Edited on 7/20/2016 0:39:16
DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 6 - Posted on 7/20/2016 1:03:33


snip - post #5

I'm glad you took it as some food for thought! Basically I see what you mean by setting them as "milestones" (I distinguished the same thing as "tasks" more or less) and you're right I think it would add a little more flow to your completion. However, as far as community wide effort goes and master lists...maybe that's not the right way to go about it?

I think since they are for personal gain, I don't see why you can't just have basically a blank "list" to fill in (optionally) for each game in order to at least visualize your own progress (think maybe a separate tab for "taks" or "milestones" under My Playthroughs). For those who don't care, these lists don't have to be filled in, much like a Playthrough, it's really up to the user. So as an example you used for Super Mario Bros. would be something like this. Add to collection -> start playthrough -> add 'taks/milestones' (story driven, specific task, whatever you decide) -> enter time -> add completion. As far as limiting spoilers, how about making lists with a checklist option per milestone (or even for the whole list) with a spoiler disclaimer so that the user's list could be private or something. This would eliminate the need for some kind of storage or database, as the "milestones" could be anything the user decides. This would help with any overlap in games. So even for two users with the same games, they could have totally different milestones, which I think could promote a lot of sharing between games. I could see this idea evolving into a forum game maybe, having users post elite challenges to retro games that have had their fair worth of play already, but will add a new challenge to a seasoned player.

Does this kind of description make sense to you? I'm not sure if it's necessary to populate one static list for games. I think leaving it up to the user to have the space to fill it all in could be the most effective, especially since the community here is so tight-nit. If anything, this might promote a little more community interaction, maybe through the sharing of milestone lists through forums or personal messages (taking the lead on the 'Bounties' idea).

Let me know if you want me to go in more detail, as I was thinking about mocking up a page that would resemble kind of what I'm describing.

Post Edited on 7/23/2016 8:22:29
Marcus Curator Backer Posts: 311 Registered: 10/16/2014
# 7 - Posted on 7/20/2016 2:07:28

I really like this idea! Sure, there are refinements that will probably be made as the concept is fleshed out, but in general it seems great.

For me, I am definitely encouraged to do more work toward a task if it means I get to check off a list as I go along. Dunno why that is, just some sort of simplistic lure to get me excited about progression. I use Trello for a similar purpose to keep track of my progress on writing reviews since Trello lets you have "cards" (this would be the game name) and stick a check box list within them. Now I'm going to investigate Wrike for more personal list stuff. :P

As a note, it would be much more appealing to me personally to utilize lists that have already been generated rather than creating an entire milestone list myself. It's a product of laziness, sure, but also would be a huge perk to inputting a collection on Completionator. With that said, if they do end up being run by admins, I would be interested in at least sharing potential milestone lists for games that I am fond of. We could probably start by working through games which we are most well versed in to ensure the milestone lists make sense and aren't spoiler heavy.

Post Edited on 7/20/2016 2:09:39
DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 8 - Posted on 7/20/2016 13:31:59


I really like this idea! Sure, there are refinements that will probably be made as the concept is fleshed out, but in general it seems great.
For me, I am definitely encouraged to do more work toward a task if it means I get to check off a list as I go along. Dunno why that is, just some sort of simplistic lure to get me excited about progression. I use Trello for a similar purpose to keep track of my progress on writing reviews since Trello lets you have "cards" (this would be the game name) and stick a check box list within them. Now I'm going to investigate Wrike for more personal list stuff. :P

It's nice to get some positive feedback across the board with this idea! Especially from curators and admins. Anyway, I tried Trello for this project but it wasn't as versitile and straightforward as I was demanding.


As a note, it would be much more appealing to me personally to utilize lists that have already been generated rather than creating an entire milestone list myself. It's a product of laziness, sure, but also would be a huge perk to inputting a collection on Completionator. With that said, if they do end up being run by admins, I would be interested in at least sharing potential milestone lists for games that I am fond of. We could probably start by working through games which we are most well versed in to ensure the milestone lists make sense and aren't spoiler heavy.

It seems like the most pressing issue would be the actual creation process of the milestone/task list. In a perfect world I would love to see a predetermined list created by admins, but to me the amount of labor just seems so daunting. The personal approach seems like it would play out more effectively, considering that if the majority of folks didn't take advantage of it then there wouldn't be wasted time or work. Yes I agree it takes some time to create a list for a game, but not as much time as one would think. My theory is that if you're willing to dedicate time to log a collection, then taking the extra step to log milestone/tasks isn't too far out there.

There needs to be a sort of middle ground here in order for this to be effective of course, but keeping on the level of user preference might help keep things rolling. A good reason for this is subjectivity. A veteren player might not find a predetermined list effectively entertaining if there is nothing new to conquer. A custom list could very well guarantee replays on virtually everything.

Post Edited on 7/23/2016 8:25:48
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 9 - Posted on 7/20/2016 15:54:50

Right now we can track progression in individual games with a slider from 0-100%

Frankly, it's boring and feels like an unnecessary extra step. I stopped using it in favour of waiting until I was done with a game to let it automatically go to 100% when I changed the game's status to finished/completionated.

If it were changed into a progression checklist instead? I could definitely see myself actually using that.

Add in functionality so that it auto-updates your feed to let everyone else know the milestones you've reached? Heck yes.
Is it an assigned mission? Update the person who assigned your mission as well! Heck yes.

Will it be a pain to implement these lists for such a huge swath of games? Heck yes.

As for the other "kind" of achievements, the more optional stuff, like moho_00's examples of stomping goombas and earning 1ups. While it could be fun to have a feature where we could track various stunts and feats in games, I don't feel like it would be a high enough priority feature to attract/keep users or interesting enough to justify being able to spend time on it. Would feel too much like re-inventing the wheel of achievements and trophies that already exist.

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 10 - Posted on 7/20/2016 16:58:22

I didn't consider the perks of a live feed update, but it only seems more positive when you mention it. I do my best to use the 0-100% slider for all of my titles, but for games with no progression or reward system, this can be quite tedious, or next to impossible to keep it updated accurately. With a custom task list, visual progression could be more tangible, and would give the slider function a more important role during a playthrough I think.

I'm not really focused on “achievements” such as collect x amount of things, or anything that can't be manually tracked. It's more so for progressional purposes or to outdo your own personal level of skill. One example for my tasks for Street Fighter Alpha 3 is to play 25, 50, 150, 250, all the way up to 500 total versus matches with another local player, having the task increase in difficulty and/or duration as time goes on. This can clearly add hours upon hours of personal replays, but in the end the only one who gains anything from it is the player. This seems to be the main point behind both completions and playthroughs, so to me it makes sense.

Given the amount of enormous extra space one is left with while logging a game under 'My Playthroughs', it seems like this kind of feature would mesh well on the same page. After all, time tracking and milestone/task management go hand in hand, so at least to me the collaboration makes sense. Also, being able to adjust, change, modify, or delete a task during the playthrough would be really convenient, especially if you find that the task is either unattainable/unreleastic or redundant.

There is one other subject I would like to address, and that is for games that already have an Achievement/Trophy set already in place. It wouldn't make much sense to simply repopulate the same list for games that already have them (I feel like that doesn't really add any originality to the game, since it's always a predetermined list created by developers) but rather with the custom task idea could again reignite the motivational spark to get the most out of the game. Also, there are certain games that aren't necessarily 'completionated' after 100% Achievements, such as Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes, that could really benefit from additional visual tasks. I've 100% achieved the game already, but still have all of the trials to complete, but I'm finding it difficult to stay focused on what's left because at this point I have no real visual cue to keep me updated on progress, therefore I slip in keeping up with the game.

Post Edited on 7/20/2016 18:42:25
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 11 - Posted on 7/20/2016 18:37:04

I'm wondering if we couldn't implement something along the lines of a similar framework to the Stack system, where you can create your own custom lists of items, but apply it to a Milestone system instead that can be attached to specific games?

Have some "official" Milestone lists that would be used in place of (or in conjunction with) the 0-100 slider that would be curated and focused entirely on tracking things like progress through a campaign or whatever is appropriate to the title, while users could create some unofficial ones for their own use but could be accessed by anyone else (if the creator set their Milestone list to public.)

So using Street Fighter Alpha 3 as an example, let's say the official Completionator Milestone list would be:

  • Beat the game with Akuma
  • Beat the game with Balrog
  • Beat the game with... etc...

and then you could have someone like AX3LZ3R07 create a custom Multiplayer milestone list with his objectives:

  • Play 25 vs matches
  • Play 50 vs matches
  • Etc...

whereas someone else might have a Hardmode milestone list:

  • Beat the game with Akuma on Expert
  • and so on...

As long as the Milestone list is made public by the creator, anyone could add it to their game tracking, maybe append it to the official list? We'd need to add a blurb somewhere though to explicitly state while the official list is kept spoiler free, users lists may not be.

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 12 - Posted on 7/20/2016 18:48:58


I'm wondering if we couldn't implement something along the lines of a similar framework to the Stack system, where you can create your own custom lists of items, but apply it to a Milestone system instead that can be attached to specific games?

Now you're cooking with grease!

Anyway, this is (almost) spot on with what's in my head right now. The idea of official Milestones of that nature seems to be very appropriate, especially if the "official" tasks make sense and are straightforward. I think in order to combat the enormous list of titles that need Milestones, I think some kind of approval process should be in place. By that I mean if a game has no "official" Milestones, then the user (with certain credentials such as account life for x amount of months, forum post count, amount of points, etc.) could have the option to create and submit a list for the public as the "official" one. Approval by a curator/admin would need to be there in order to keep it clean and fun.

I didn't even consider the idea of multiple list types as you mentioned, but I think that's extremely innovative, and sounds like it would be a blast to conquer different lists. So basically, one could 'completionate' the official Milestone list, and wants to keep playing, so the user could then have the option to explore the site and pull from different types of Milestone lists like the ones you mentioned. I think in order to control spoilers there should be heavy disclaimers about the types of lists you create, or ones that are only recommended after the main story/plot (or the entire "official" Milestone list) has been finished or something. There could also be Multiplayer or Elite difficulty fashioned lists that could really challenge the player, and to me that is the most exciting thing about it all.

From a progression standpoint, I think a neat feature (and for spoiler control) would also be to have the option to have privacy settings for the Milestone lists you currently have logged. If a user has their list set to private, how about maybe even having a 'request' option to ask permission to see the list at all? It could be followed by a heavy spoiler disclaimer as well, so people are able to know what they are about to see. It's basically impossible to shield gamers from spoilers completely nowadays (thanks internet) but I think this kind of approach seems to be the most realistic to me to keep it under control. I'm not really sure how well that would all work out, but it's a thought.

Post Edited on 7/23/2016 8:28:02
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 13 - Posted on 7/20/2016 18:56:54

It sounds like there's definitely some interest in the core idea, but some differing opinions around where the milestones should be defined. I like to lay out a good 'ol fashion pros / cons kinda thing for stuff like this.

Here's the upside for community-level milestones:

  • Milestones for a game are immediately shared / accessible for everyone in the community.
  • This is a very subjective assumption, but I think more people would use milestones if they didn't have to create them. That sounds counter-intuitive, but it's tough to get people to do optional things hehe. For some users, this would be very helpful and I'm sure they wouldn't mind creating their own. But others might think it's a cool idea, but too much work to do the research and build their lists.
  • Content could be better and more complete since a team of users that are interested and engaged will be generating content
  • New admin-ish screens can be built to facilitate the creation and management of milestones
  • Could prioritize which games need milestones based on current / upcoming bounties, new releases, etc
  • Spoiler-free control

And the downsides for community-level milestones:

  • Only a select number of users can generate data (though it could be argued that most other users wouldn't do it anyways)
  • Each game would only have one set of milestones and no option for user-specific customization

Next is the upside for user-level milestones:

  • Everyone could use their own set of milestones so they can be exactly what you want
  • Could allow you to share milestones or maybe select a template to start with based on other users' milestones

And finally, the downside for user-level milestones:

  • The management for milestones would potentially need to be a part of the existing playthroughs page (if they're playthrough-specific)
  • I think overall this option is bigger and more difficult to implement because users add another level of complexity
  • Might stumble upon spoilers if you're doing research for milestone purposes

I'm sure I missed some items here, so feel free chime in.

All that being said, I still feel like community-level provides an overall better solution, but I think user-level could still work. As I mentioned before though, ultimately I think it comes down to how many users would actually utilize this feature. It's a pretty big development effort no matter how we slice it up, so I just have to make sure the payoff in the end is worth the time involved. (And I hope it is since I still love the idea :D)

Post Edited on 7/20/2016 18:58:32
DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 14 - Posted on 7/20/2016 19:14:58


All that being said, I still feel like community-level provides an overall better solution, but I think user-level could still work. As I mentioned before though, ultimately I think it comes down to how many users would actually utilize this feature. It's a pretty big development effort no matter how we slice it up, so I just have to make sure the payoff in the end is worth the time involved. (And I hope it is since I still love the idea :D)

I can definitely see both sides of the coin by way of comparison, so I'm picking up what you're putting down xD. I'm also very humbled by your enthusiasm towards my idea, as it's something I've been longing for in a game logging/collection site for pretty much forever, so simply addressing all of this is really exciting for me!

Anyway, community-level sounds like the "lazy" users would have something to pull from a lot easier, but I would still lean on the user-level idea much more simply because of the personal options and freedom one would have. It's probably just me as a person, I don't really mind creating lists and things of that nature if it's for my own benefit. I guess the best argument I could present here is how the My Playthroughs page is utilized under the same kind of way. It's something that is there for personal use, but is not required in order to complete a game. At this point, if the cards fall that way, I wouldn't mind being apart of that Milestone creation process if the majority rules for a community-based approach. However, I think less actually might be more here, but that's just me. As long as players are able to see what they've done, have a progression bar/chart/percentage in their face and see what's left to conquer I think a lot more people would defeat their backlog.

I think a good way to combat spoilers in the community-based fashion would be to limit the number of redundant tasks involved. Using Crash Bandicoot as an example (most, if not all, of the game's milestones/tasks are progressional), instead of listing "complete x level" from the first to last, one could simply have the task "complete all main story levels", and "complete all hidden levels" as another. This way, the user wouldn't know what's coming next, or can at least wait to update the Milestone until much later, rather than constantly, because I know a lot of folks aren't as adamant on logging and tracking as I am. This seems really obvious, but a lot of next-gen games with Achievements/Trophies make this mistake far too often, and browsing their list it's very easy to see what's coming next.

I could elaborate more on the community-based approach if need be, as it seems like a lot of folks like that idea, but to reiterate my main focus I think it would be a lot more convenient (and less stressful) to have a blank template and insert each Milestone individually (whether it be all at once or progessionally) and work towards your own personal goals. As stated, quality control needs to play a huge role here, but the etiquette found on this forum is some of the best I've ever seen, so I think the userbase would be okay with any rules and/or restrictions set in place.

To touch again on the sharing of Milestones, it definitely could see this playing a gigantic role with Bounties, and could create a very unique forum experience. If this idea does become implemented, I think a large focus should be on interactions of that nature.

One more thing I would like address here is the creation of 'subtasks' (what I call them on my Wrike account) that could further organize a Milestone. The example I will be using comes straight from my list of games on Wrike, using Ape Escape to show how it could work and possibly keep things more together.

The reason I use this method for that particular game is because you have to revisit every level and collect all the apes you couldn't possibly get the last time you were there. To have a task as "Complete Lost Land" couldn't necessarily gauge progression since you're going to be completing the same level multiple times. I feel like this way, you could still check off as you go, whether it be the first time or a revisit. I'm really glad I did that because it makes games with tasks like that a lot easier to get through, and I feel like actual progress is being made a higher rate.

Post Edited on 7/23/2016 8:30:16
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 15 - Posted on 7/23/2016 18:53:14

I just pushed out a VERY early version of this feature, which is now officially known as "Playthrough Goals". I decided to go with "goals" instead of "milestones" since milestones imply a certain order for things to be completed. I thought goals would work better here since some games don't follow a linear progression, plus it allows you to enter goals that are not progress related (going back to the whole 100 goombas thing). I also didn't want to use achievements or trophies to avoid confusion.

So these suckers are now available on all playthroughs. When viewing your playthroughs, you should see a new section for each one that will tell you how many goals you have completed and out of how many. There's a button to edit your goals, which will bring up a modal that looks strikingly similar to the Edit Lists modal on the Collection page. Once you have some goals entered, they will be displayed with the playthrough and each one has a button that you can click to complete it. You can always un-complete goals as well.

As I said before, this is a very early version, but I wanted to get something out the door. Like most new features here, there are plenty of things left to do before it can be polished off. Here's what I have on my immediate list:

  • When you edit your goals, the display should update to reflect your changes (right now, you need to refresh the page or search again)
  • Need to display the completed date somewhere
  • Modify the goals list so it can be collapsed / expanded and possibly default them to being collapsed (let me know what you guys think about this one for sure)
  • Add a feed item when a goal is completed (probably gonna add some logic in so you only get ONE feed item ever, per goal, so if you keep toggling the option, you won't keep getting feed items)

As you've probably already figured out, goals are user-specific for now. I opted for this solution since we can always add the community-wide goals that could act as defaults / templates that just get copied down when you start a new playthrough.

I'm not super happy about how it looks, but eh, it's a sneak preview, right? Let me know if you have any thoughts on how to make it look even better.


dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 16 - Posted on 7/23/2016 19:18:30

Testing it out now with GTA San Andreas. It bugs out if you try to enter something with an apostrophy.

ie: I tried entering "Roboi's Deliveries" and it entered as "Roboi"

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 17 - Posted on 7/23/2016 19:19:56

Hmm...that's weird, I'm not receiving error notifications on that. I'll look into it.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 18 - Posted on 7/23/2016 19:34:11

Aaaaaaand that issue should be fixed.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 19 - Posted on 7/23/2016 20:41:16

Cool, just checked and yep. I'll keep my eyes open for any other quirks

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 20 - Posted on 7/24/2016 0:20:37


snip - post #15

This is looking amazing. I'm very humbled that you decided to run with my idea! I've been using it during my current playthroughs (basically substituting for my personal goals pages that already exist). It's still taking me some time to fully implement everything, but as of now, this is just what I had in mind.


Optional goal descriptions would be nice for games that require multiple tasks in order to deem the overall goal completed. This would be ideal in a very small font underneath that could be collapsible.

Visual Aids for overall goals completed. Something such as a progress bar not unlike the one on the My Collection tabs. Myself in particular find percentages to be the most motivating.

It would be neat to see something in the My Reports page to mirror personal goals achieved. Have the Now Playing tab display Visual Aids as well maybe? How about underneath the games collected/completed bars?

Upon 100% of goals, have a signature "icon" to represent Completionated status boldy.

Setting a game's goal list to be viewable or hidden entirely would save a lot of screen space (and help you stay focused on particulars) for many current playthrough logs going on at the same time.

Goal completion dates could be a selectable option, or left null and hidden from the space.

Ability to save or export lists isn't essential, but would be very cool.

Once the feature is stable, I would recommend updating the homepage of Completionator to showcase this option. I feel like this particular piece sets this site apart from all of the rest and has the potential to attract a mass amount of users that may already contribute to other pre-existing game logging sites.

As you see I don't have anything relatively negative to say, so keep up the great work! The fact that these are personal and easily accessible makes this the absolute best feature of the site so far for me, so your hard work is very much appreicated! It jives perfectly with my path to completing games. I will be on the look out for any uncommon bugs and do my absolute best to contribute to the development of this feature.

Thank you so much!

Post Edited on 7/24/2016 21:00:49
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 21 - Posted on 7/24/2016 12:55:51

I pushed out an update that will fix the bugs around editing the playthrough or entering / adding / removing time for it.

I'm not able to recreate the issue where you enter the same goal name multiple times. I tried doing it on the same playthrough and different playthroughs and everything seems to work as expected. Let me know if you're still having this issue and I can try again.

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 22 - Posted on 7/24/2016 20:37:29


I pushed out an update that will fix the bugs around editing the playthrough or entering / adding / removing time for it.

Seems to be running smoothly!

I'm not able to recreate the issue where you enter the same goal name multiple times. I tried doing it on the same playthrough and different playthroughs and everything seems to work as expected. Let me know if you're still having this issue and I can try again.

I'm still having this problem. To recreate this issue, have two active playthroughs (not archived) for two different games. For the goal name use "100% Goals" (no quotations, case sensitive perhaps). Add the first goal to the first game, then refresh the page. Next, add the second goal to the second game (same name as the first), then refresh the page. The second game's goal will not be saved.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 23 - Posted on 7/24/2016 20:53:02

Just tried using the instructions that AX3LZ3R07 posted above and it worked fine for me.

Try a forced cache clear ctrl-f5 perhaps?

DOBERMAN_AX Posts: 245 Registered: 6/28/2016
# 24 - Posted on 7/24/2016 21:00:06

(Peter Stillman voice): Damn, that was it!

Everything seems to smooth sailing as of now. Thanks!

I was also using Google Chrome!

Post Edited on 7/24/2016 21:03:05
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 25 - Posted on 7/24/2016 21:01:31

Hmm...I tried doing that as well and I was unable to reproduce it. I even ran it in my dev environment to see if any errors were happening and I saw nothing. Nothing is showing up in the error log either, so I'm kind of at a loss on this one.

What browser are you using?