moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 2/9/2022 2:12:44

Well, we did a giveaway for the original DOS version of PowerSlave, so why not the soon-to-be-released remastered (?) version! I use the "?" there because this isn't a straight remaster, but rather it merges the PlayStation and Saturn versions together. The console versions are important here because they have a sort of Metroid-esque progression system, rather than the more straightforward FPS style of the DOS version.

Nevertheless, PowerSlave: Exhumed is scheduled to release on 2/10 so I'm going to give out a free key for your choice of either Steam or GOG. To enter the giveaway, all you need to do is post in this forum thread what FPS game(s) you'd like to see remastered. I'm sure I've asked this as a giveaway question before, but I'm too lazy to look back

I'll randomly select a winner from those that participate. You have until 11:59 PM EST on 2/11/22 to enter!

Post Edited on 2/9/2022 10:52:20
EmEmeraldCave Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 3 - Posted on 2/9/2022 3:17:16

Would definitely love a remaster of Outlaws. Especially by Nightdive, The Steam port we have right now is an absolute mess, because it doesn't play in good resolution or really control all that well either. On top of that, it's filled with bugs. Nightdive doing a remaster would be a dream come true.

MJM247 Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 4 - Posted on 2/9/2022 3:17:40

Unreal Gold since it can be a pain to set up and I have yet to complete it. I would even take Unreal II even though it sucks cuz I grew up with it. Also Outlaws cuz I wanna play it and there isn't a great way to play it currently.

jupiterfrost7 Posts: 2 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 5 - Posted on 2/9/2022 4:02:46

I want to see a remaster of the PlayStation version of Doom. It has some cool new levels, lighting and transparency effects, and even an atmosphere similar to Doom 64! For an FPS besides Doom, Descent 1 and 2 need serious rework, as they do not have an official port yet.

OnWingsOfValor Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 6 - Posted on 2/9/2022 4:07:01

It's a bit more on the immersive sim side of things, but I'd love for Fallout: New Vegas to get some love. I love the story and the setting, but mechanically and visually it's so rough to go back to these days.

CanadiAndrew Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 7 - Posted on 2/9/2022 7:02:19

I don't know why, but Jurassic Park Trespasser was the first game that came to mind when I was thinking of FPS games that haven't gotten a remaster, but I'd like to see it happen.
It was very ambitious for its time and had a lot of potential. There are some decent fan-made patched/modded versions, but I’d like to see an official remaster that irons out all of the kinks and makes it the game it was meant to be!

TrollUnderTheBridge Posts: 2 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 8 - Posted on 2/9/2022 7:29:51

Daikatana. The game "could" be good with a few tweaks... Then John Romero will finally make you his bitch!

RottytopsZombieWaifu Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 9 - Posted on 2/9/2022 8:15:00

DOOM 3, and I mean a proper remaster (not that nerfed garbage that dares to call itself the BFG Edition) for modern consoles, with enhanced visuals/textures, improved performance, and perhaps some newly added scrapped content that wasn't in the original game (nor the BFG Edition)

Smellbow Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 10 - Posted on 2/9/2022 8:23:56

As good as Graven looks I'd love a true heretic/hexen remaster. The switch hunting can be a grind but I do love the setting. Played way to much as a kid ??

lakituboi68 Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 11 - Posted on 2/9/2022 10:57:23

Ok hear me out. If any series of games deserves to be remastered it should be the venerable Marathon Trilogy. Not only does it have one of the most compelling sci-fi stories ever written for a FPS but it also innovated many modern fps mechanics. While the work that the devs of Aleph One have made is absolutely phenomenal, the game is in serious need of a remaster or heck even a remake. Even with all the QOL of life features the AlephOne ports add it is still a pretty rough and daunting experience for the modern gamer trying it out.

Just keep the base gameplay and story intact and it will be like printing money.

SenorMexicano Backer Posts: 68 Registered: 9/20/2018
# 12 - Posted on 2/9/2022 11:14:54

I think Halo: Combat Evolved could use a much better remaster than what we got with the 2011 remaster. That remaster really did the game no justice with its poorly adapted art style and questionable model replacements. Seems like they did the complete opposite with Halo 2: Anniversary, which was an incredibly faithful remaster. I genuinely hope that one day they return to the original game for a much more faithful remaster.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 13 - Posted on 2/9/2022 11:15:14

I posted on Twitter as well, but sorry for the confusion regarding entry to the giveaway! I've updated the original post here to specifically mention posting on the forums to enter. I don't always tweet out giveaway links and when I do, they don't usually receive much attention. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one ready for PowerSlave: Exhumed!

As a life-long gamer from the '80s, I'm loving these response so far though:

  • Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion - I never managed to get anywhere in this one. I didn't play it when it was released and I think by the time I got around to it, I had lost all of my ability to play any non-Goldeneye FPS games with an N64 controller I'd love to see it resurface, but not sure since it didn't originally have a PC port.
  • Outlaws - I replayed this one back in 2020 and I thought it held up pretty well overall. I played it on GOG though, so not sure if Steam has the same version. The only thing that bugged me was the menus would take a while to load and would flicker a bit. Otherwise, it was a nice blast from the past. I played the "expansion" last year and...well, I was a bit disappointed with that one.
  • Unreal Gold - This is another one that I replayed in 2020 (plus the expansion last year), once again on GOG, and it seemed to run pretty well for me. It's a great game, but I could never seem to get into the sequel. I'd settle for a sequel or just another Unreal Tournament!
  • Doom PS1 - I've never played this version of Doom, but maybe I'll try and check it out sometime. I didn't care for the Saturn version (as much as it pains me to say haha), but Doom 64 was great back in the day (and the recent remaster was even better).
  • Fallout: New Vegas - Sadly, I've never actually finished a Fallout game. I've never even played New Vegas. Maybe one of these days...
  • Trespasser - I was one of the very few people who actually owned this game in the '90s and enjoyed it! I replayed it in 2019 (using some patches / mods from Trescom) and...I still like it! Like you said though, it would be awesome to see it released with the full original vision as an official remaster. Licensing might be a problem here, but hey, let's dream a bit!
  • Daikatana - Hmm...another poorly received FPS that I mostly enjoyed back in the day. I bought this one after it hit the bargain bin and I never thought it was terrible. I know it had some patches that helped fix things up a bit, so I'm sure the original release was a bit bumpier than what I experienced. I thought the first part of the game where you're in the swamps and stuff was a poor choice since the game definitely seemed to pick up after that.
  • Doom 3 - This is a game I've wanted to replay for a while now. I finished it some 15+ years ago.
  • Heretic / Hexen - Despite my best efforts, I've never managed to finish Hexen. I had it on the Saturn back in the '90s (didn't even have a PC at the time!) and enjoyed it, but I agree with you on the switch hunting...I would get so lost in that game! I'd like to play Hexen II at some point, but I feel like I need to finish the first one. Heretic was solid and worth playing, but I prefer Doom overall. I replayed Heretic II last year and it held up pretty well. Even if it's not a remaster, I'd love to see Heretic II released digitally in some form.
  • Marathon Trilogy - I haven't played any of these, but they're on my list! It's (mostly) unrelated, but while we're talking about classic Bungie games here, can we go ahead and get the Myth series released digitally!?!
  • Halo: Combat Evolved - I played the Anniversary edition and I remember liking it, but it's been a while. I've been trying to play through the Halo games recently since I had only played the first two (plus Halo Wars). Maybe I'll finish them all sometime...
Post Edited on 2/9/2022 11:19:37
Klone Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 15 - Posted on 2/9/2022 11:28:38

I wish Chasm: The Rift! The game is a hidden gem, i feel that few people know this game, so this moment would be perfect for the release since they released the update in Quake 1 maybe there are people wanting a similar 'vibe' from other game. But I argue that Chasm is not simply a Quake clone. He has his own way of enchanting the player! You have to play it to see.
I really hope this remaster happens!!

ChrisE Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 16 - Posted on 2/9/2022 11:48:20

A multiplatform remaster of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark would be amazing since many people didn't have the chance to experience those games due to the N64 exclusivity. Or even Alien vs Predator 2, becuase it has a lot of compatiblity issues on modern PCs.

Post Edited on 2/9/2022 11:48:32
Drew Pickles Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 17 - Posted on 2/9/2022 13:10:56

Have you ever heard of an old parody FPS game called "PO'd" where you're fighting evil butt-faced aliens with a frying pan? That game is so hilariously fun, and I'd love to see a remaster of it, that would be super swell!

patryktopoteznygej Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 18 - Posted on 2/9/2022 13:17:04

I would love to see the original Deus Ex remastered in KEX Engine. I know that pc version on Steam with kentie luncher is good enough for enjoying the game, but many console players never had a chance to experience this masterfully crafted game. Furthermore, I know, that Deus Ex Revision exists, but I think here are too many polarizing changes, that make the game worse.

stabbity Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 19 - Posted on 2/9/2022 13:33:25

I would love to see remasters of Chronicles of Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay, Requiem: Avenging Angel, Aliens vs Predator 2 and both Soldier of Fortune games. In my opinion gameplay in these games aged quite well, but they are either hard to run on modern systems or simply unavailable for purchase. World deserves these bangers!

TheGremlinKlown Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 20 - Posted on 2/9/2022 13:40:49

Disruptor PS1 from Insomniac Games

Stealth-ElfLover UwU Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 21 - Posted on 2/9/2022 13:47:00

Gloom on Amiga. I know it's basically a Doom clone, but I'd like to see what it would look like remastered, with all the blurry pixel messes cleaned up, and I'd finally be able to see what every detail of the game really looks like in all its Gloomy glory!

Gru's Brother Dru Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 22 - Posted on 2/9/2022 14:00:30

I remember back when Gru and I first discovered Super Noah's Ark 3D, it was quite fascinating to see a complete reskin of Wolfenstein 3D based on a story from the bible, we've never seen anything quite like it before at the time. I'm curious to see what a remaster would look like. I wanna see every detail of the animals up close and personal, I want to see the food actually fly out of the slingshot (it appeared invisible in the game), I'd like to see just how much effort Wisdom Tree put into making it, and I'm sure Gru does as well.

zeruka Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 23 - Posted on 2/9/2022 15:32:54

Alien Trilogy (probably never ever but let me dream)

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 24 - Posted on 2/9/2022 18:18:29

I'd like to see Clive Barker's Undying get revamped. Never understood why it's sales numbers bombed so hard back in the day, despite being a decent game with some rough edges (especially in the latter half.)

Don't count me for the giveaway, just wanted to chime in!

VioletCol Posts: 1 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 25 - Posted on 2/9/2022 18:39:43

Disruptor because I like this wacky use psychokinesis in a sci fi FPS. It's pretty interesting.

Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 26 - Posted on 2/10/2022 0:01:09

Would love to see either Heretic or the Witchhaven games get a revamp (yes yes, I know AMID EVIL exists but...) :)

Thanks for the GA opportunity!

Mooster Posts: 1 Registered: 2/10/2022
# 27 - Posted on 2/10/2022 23:54:30

I would've picked Sin, but luckily that's in development, so I'll go with NOLF. I haven't played it in at least 15 years, so it'd be nice to experience it again with improvements. Give me that Man Chowder.