Cim Posts: 1 Registered: 2/11/2022
# 28 - Posted on 2/11/2022 17:29:39

I would love to see a re-imagining of Hired Guns, an old Amiga game. It's was Dungeon Master style game but unlike those more RPG focused games, Hired Guns was much more about action and shooting (with some light puzzles). What really set it apart from other games though was that it showed four first person viewports on the same screen, one for each of your party, and you had to control all of them in real-time. It also had a fantastic atmosphere and just felt great to play. I think a remaster could really work for it, just like Legends of Grimrock games did for the RPG equivalent games.

Esports Lord Posts: 1 Registered: 2/12/2022
# 29 - Posted on 2/12/2022 3:33:59

Redneck Rampage. I like the game's theme, graphics and style, but the clunky gameplay hasn't aged well at all, and it could definitely use a good tweaking and remastering.

TrollUnderTheBridge Posts: 2 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 30 - Posted on 2/12/2022 5:05:39

Is the giveaway over?... Who won?

jupiterfrost7 Posts: 2 Registered: 2/9/2022
# 31 - Posted on 2/12/2022 5:11:34

Will one of us be DM'd?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 32 - Posted on 2/12/2022 13:20:29

The winner is @stabbity! I'll shoot you an email so we can coordinate your gift. GOG is easy since I can just gift you an order, but Steam requires us to be friends for a few days (or did at one time).

Thanks for the participation everyone, it would be awesome to see the games mentioned live once again in remastered form