dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 26 - Posted on 12/3/2016 15:16:37

Welcome aboard @Byzantene! RPGs were my staple for the longest time, especially games by Square on the SNES/PS1 (before the Squeenix merge.) Have you had a chance to play some FFXV yet, it looks so good!

If you have any questions on how to use site features or run into any snags, feel free to post on the forums, you'll find that between moho_00 (site owner) and the curators, we try to be a helpful and accommodating bunch.

Drymonema Curator Backer Posts: 395 Registered: 5/31/2016
# 27 - Posted on 12/3/2016 19:03:38

@Byzantene Welcome! I joined a bunch of game-tracking sites myself before finding this one. And it's hands-down the best imo. Plus moho makes it better with each new update :)

drakkenxof Posts: 9 Registered: 12/5/2016
# 28 - Posted on 12/15/2016 14:49:51

Hello, I am Drakkenxof, my goal is to play every game I have in my collection, I got into video gaming when I was very young. I was 4 or 5 and I just found a love for them and played off and on ever since. I am trying my best to dive back into my collection, I thought that it would make it easier for me to do so, if I could save my collection somewhere. So some time ago I tried to look for some and then I came across this site and maybe eventually I will be able to get my whole collection on here. Well thank you for whoever read all this and I hope to get to know all of you eventually.

Drymonema Curator Backer Posts: 395 Registered: 5/31/2016
# 29 - Posted on 12/15/2016 14:57:33

@drakkenxof Welcome! Hope you enjoy using the site for your collection :)

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 30 - Posted on 12/15/2016 15:55:58

Welcome to the site @drakkenxof!

Hopefully you stick around and knock that game collection off one game at a time!

SockmonZ Posts: 41 Registered: 12/29/2016
# 31 - Posted on 1/20/2017 5:54:33

Howdy, My name is Cody. I'm about to graduate highschool and go to collage for construction managment. I came here hoping to be able to see my whole game collection in one spot, but I haven't gotten around to putting them all in yet. Right now I primarily PC game when I get the chance. I also have a gbc, gba, ds lite, 3ds, n3ds, ps1, ps2, xbox, genisis, and a gamecube ready wii. I'm currently playing Warband mods while I wait for Bannerlord to come out. I was playing games since before I could remember my own age. I got started with my older brother playing suoer mario world and super bomberman on the snes and Spyro the dragon/riptos rage and some game i cant remember to well. On our pc we had Smash Pack 2 and sonic and knuckles collection. Shining Force turned me into a reader. i also had Kirby's tilt n tumble on gbc. That had to be the coolest game ever. My first and favorite open world rpg is Morrowind, and my favorite fps is Halo 2. Ico is not my favorite game, but it very well may be the best one ever made. Shadow of the colossus is pretty legit too. Geez I practically wrote an essay.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 32 - Posted on 1/20/2017 17:05:56

@SockmonZ - It can be a bit of a slow process to get your entire collection loaded in, but just think of how awesome it'll be to see it all together when you're done!

DrakkanTalesXIII Posts: 2 Registered: 1/20/2017
# 33 - Posted on 1/20/2017 23:04:48

Hello I'm Drakkan Tales XIII but you can call me Michael, Mike, Mikey. I'm an achievement hunter and I want to get back into making youtube gaming content. I'm also a guide writer and I have done a bit of speedrunning. Feel free to add me and feel free to get to know me. If you want to suggest any games to play, feel free to do so. I'm currently taking on the task of completing Puzzle Pirates with 100% achievements. But thanks for reading this and I hope to get to know more of you soon :D

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 34 - Posted on 1/21/2017 7:00:27

Welcome aboard Michael, Mike, Mikey! (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

FreakyDinosaur Posts: 1 Registered: 7/5/2016
# 35 - Posted on 2/2/2017 7:25:08

Hello to all, My name is Michael hailing from New Zealand.

I'm glad to find a website like this to track my progress and achievements, I've been keeping track of my progress and achievements on spreadsheet.

Its going to be quite daunting to be adding my entire collection. :(

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 36 - Posted on 2/2/2017 19:56:40

Hi FreakyDinosaur, hope you find the site helpful and easy to use! If you run into any snags, feel free to ask questions on the forums and you'll find that plenty of us are willing to help out if we can.

I'm also a spreadsheet graduate and I don't think I'd even consider looking back at this point. Completionator gets better with every new feature it receives and I'm pretty stoked for what the future brings as we work to tweak and improve functionality.

alsortiso Posts: 2 Registered: 2/12/2017
# 37 - Posted on 2/14/2017 8:55:44

Hey, I'm Joe. I've been a video game collector for quite a while now. I was just looking for a way to track my collection and stumbled on this site. It's pretty much perfect for what I wanted and then some.

For as many console games as I have, I'm mostly a PC gamer. I generally prefer RPGs and strategy games, but I play just about anything.

I don't really know what else to say, so there you have it. I'm generally really bad about keeping up with the social aspect of just about anything, but I think I have enough interest in this community to keep me here, so hopefully I'll be able to get to know a lot of you.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 38 - Posted on 2/14/2017 13:43:21

Hello and welcome, @alsortiso! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site so far :D If you ever have any questions, feedback, or need any games added, please don't hesitate to post here on the forums!

alsortiso Posts: 2 Registered: 2/12/2017
# 39 - Posted on 2/14/2017 20:52:07

Will do. I have a few games already that are in my collection that aren't in the site so I'll be requesting those as soon as I get the chance. I'll probably wait until I finish putting the entire collection in so I have everything

Nonemployee Curator Posts: 71 Registered: 9/23/2016
# 40 - Posted on 3/10/2017 0:45:05

Geez, at least 6-7 months on here and haven't touched the forums. No clue why :P

I'm Matt, with at least 4 usernames because I have an "identity crisis" when it comes to that. (or at least I call it that) I've been a flash movie novice, RPG Maker, amateur artist, writer, etc....oh yeah, and a gamer. I'm not necessarily a game collector, and I'm glad I'm not because I have over 200 games I haven't even played yet!

I've been wanting to be a completionist for a while, and recently got interesting in tracking my game collection, so I was so glad to find this site. The Playthrough tab is probably one of my favorite things ever, and it alone drew my brother here.

Now if only I can get rid of this video game burnout...

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 41 - Posted on 3/10/2017 14:51:28

@NonEmployee - welcome!

Glad you're enjoying the site.

As far as the video game burnout, I've been there a few times. I've either had to wait it out until something just caught my eye OR just try random games until something stuck. Usually that something was a game I had played previously but knew I could always get into no matter what. I'm not real big on re-playing games, but if it helps get me back into playing, it's worth it....and if it's a game you love, then there is definitely nothing wrong with that!

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 42 - Posted on 3/12/2017 20:26:17

After posting several times in the Games to Add thread. Figured it was time to make an official introduction here. If you think you have seen the name Brunauss elsewhere. Very likely. Currently have this name registered with Xbox, PlayStation, Steam ( B34rgamer ), Uplay and Ouya networks. May have even seen my other name T3stburn on Origin, when playing Need for Speed. I and my husband are collectors of Games, Movies, Television and Music. I do believe if our entire media collection had remained in the stored physical cases, we would have no room left in the house to live. Been playing games for nearly 40 years now. Started with the arcades and pinball machines. Did a decent job of keeping up with the changes. I have actually played through half of the stuff in my collection 100%, just have not got around to making the adjustments to the entries. Still busy adding things from my library when I can.

I have registered and blown through more database websites and programs than I care to count. Once everything gets entered here, leaving VGcollect behind. Finally found a great software program last year, that will actually let me enter everything for once. Its called My Game Collection and runs on Android, Fire and iOS. This program does not have the annoying integer error glitch Game Collector does, that causes your entries to utterly vanish. It is extremely detail rich and lets you track your game progress as well. Its also a lot cheaper too.

Two minor things about this place does bug me though. The "Search Games" box, with my avatar next to it, does not stay up in the right corner and keeps hovering right over the numbers that display the value of my collection. This is not a glitch isolated to my computer and appears the same even when logging in at the library. I am also curious as to why there is no direct menu link to the forum itself.

Other than that, very pleased with the results I am getting with this place so far. Absolutely brilliant work here guys.

Post Edited on 3/12/2017 20:33:05
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 43 - Posted on 3/14/2017 1:23:03

@Brunauss - It sounds like the two issues you reported are related to screen size. The menu has kinda exploded over the past year or so and I really need to collapse some items or something. I didn't realize there was an issue with the search textbox in the header, but I can fix that one while I'm at it!

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 44 - Posted on 3/14/2017 5:31:59

Once again immediate professional response. Absolutely brilliant. Thank you.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 45 - Posted on 3/14/2017 10:43:14

I woke up early today and was able to knock these two issues out.

For the header issue, I did the following:

  • Moved the "About" link that was in the header down to the footer since it's not used very much and hasn't been updated in, well, ever haha.
  • Reduced the width of the search textbox in the header from 300 pixels to 260 pixels.

That should keep the textbox in the header where it belongs for all resolutions. If you're still seeing it, let me know and I can shave a little more off the textbox.

As for the menu issue, I did a couple of things:

  • Finally moved the Browse Stacks and Browse Article menu options into a single, collapsible "Browse Content" menu item.
  • Slapped a scrollbar on the entire menu so if you don't have enough space to see all items, you should now get a scrollbar.
Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 46 - Posted on 3/15/2017 22:20:19

Wow, thank you. Little improvements sometimes go a long way. For people accessing this on multiple game rigs, with excessively varying resolutions between them, this really helps with viewing consistency. Now if only Google Chrome would do the same LOL

"Now back to our regularly scheduled broadcast."

Post Edited on 3/15/2017 22:21:12
RetroSessions Posts: 15 Registered: 4/12/2017
# 47 - Posted on 4/12/2017 19:55:07

Hello all!

My name is Drew, and I'm new to the site. I found out about Completionator via a post on Reddit made by moho_00. I've been looking for something for a very long time that would allow me to catalog my collection, keep track of my backlog, AND (most importantly) pull Price Charting data.

Unfortunately, I have a lot of work to do to add everything properly, but once I get caught up it should be just maintenance, right?

Anyhow, I have a Youtube Channel I update periodically and I'm looking to play retro stuff on Twitch on a regular basis. I'm hoping between Twitch/Youtube and Completionator I can finally put a dent in this terrible backlog.

Looking forward to chatting with you all!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 48 - Posted on 4/12/2017 20:35:49

Hello and welcome! I'm glad to hear you're enjoying the site so far

Entering your collection from scratch can be rather daunting, but it's a good feeling once you're done and in maintenance mode. If you have a list already (like a spreadsheet or something), you might want to check out the bulk import option. Otherwise, I recommend going to the Browse Games menu option and using the Quick Add feature after searching for a game. If you're entering games by platform, you might want to check out your account settings (click on your icon in the top right corner of the screen) and set up some defaults to speed things up.

Regarding VGPC integration, please keep in mind that the data is not real-time. I purchase new pricing data from time-to-time and load it onto the site. Speaking of which, we're probably due for some new data soon...

I also noticed I still haven't fixed the issue with YouTube channel links since they offer two flavors, bleh! It's been on my list for a while, so I'll try to get to it in the near future.

If you have any feedback or need any games added, let me know!

RetroSessions Posts: 15 Registered: 4/12/2017
# 49 - Posted on 4/12/2017 21:48:24

@moho_00 Thanks!

I used the quick add to populate my PSX games. Worked out pretty good, but I'm also filling in details like purchase price, condition, etc, so I found myself going back in and updating those fields anyhow. I'm thinking for the next group I'll do it all individually. It'll take time, but it seems it's going to take time anyhow. No big deal!

As far as the VGPC data goes, no worries there. If I need real time I'll go to the source, otherwise this should be perfectly capable for tracking the value of the collection for the most part!

Scorchio Posts: 2 Registered: 4/10/2017
# 50 - Posted on 4/13/2017 11:51:52

Hi Guys!

My name is Sean, I'm here because I have an awful habit of buying too many games and never finishing them haha. So for 2017 I'm making an active effort to track my game completion as well as game purchases. Simply having a platform to be able to this should help motivate me to power through, plus it will be nice to have a full breakdown of my gaming experiences by the end of 2017.

I really like the layout and usability of the site and the community seems very friendly so I'm looking forward to getting started.

My games collection is quite large, but I'm going to start slow for the meantime and only add games I'm purchasing and playing this year as it gives me a smaller backlog to focus on! I can see myself adding more of my collection as time goes on for sure.

I'm currently playing through Persona 5 on PS4 and loving it, I also play a ton of Vita games on the side. but I collect for most consoles so if people have any recomendation on games worth trying or want to keep up on my progress feel free to add me as a friend!
