method Posts: 24 Registered: 12/14/2021
# 128 - Posted on 12/20/2021 8:48:09

Hello everyone!
I'm method. I've been gaming since I was 5 years old. For perspective, my first ever game that I can remember is the original Call of Duty that I played back when it first came out in 2003.
I usually play games casually, but if I particularly enjoy a game, I will likely replay it again and go for 100% completion (sometimes multiple times in a row). I also love collecting games, though opt for a digital collection on Steam due to lack of space at home for hundreds of game discs =D

I found out about this site just last week, and it is exactly what I was looking for. Before, I would track my completion, checklists and collection with Excel spreadsheets and Word documents. This is sooo much better and more convenient.

I grew up with PC gaming, as I never had any consoles. But recently I finally got a PS3 Slim, so I've been delving into the PlayStation exclusives. I am also planning to get a Switch soon.
My favorite genres are FPS, RPG and Open-World games like GTA, Just Cause, Red Dead etc.

I'm excited to be a part of this community =D

tarzanslam Curator Posts: 346 Registered: 1/25/2016
# 129 - Posted on 12/22/2021 19:14:44

Welcome Relu and method!

SnowWulF Curator Posts: 92 Registered: 12/21/2022
# 130 - Posted on 12/22/2022 22:20:31


I am SnowWulf and I found your wonderful website a couple of days ago.

As most of you guys I am somewhat of a Game and Gamesystem collector with a slight problem regarding keeping track of games and actually playing them, so here I am, using this site features like bounty hunting and guild missions as motivational boosters. :P

Since I was young, I was very passionate about games of all kinds and highly interested in technology. Right now I live in Germany and work towards my degree as a science engineer for video games.
Originally I wanted to create something like this site for myself, but then I found out about Completionator, which is pretty close to what I am looking for. (So If you guys are interested in my opinion towards the site, feel free to ask. ^^)
My strengths are UX Design, Teambuilding/leading, Intel analysis. I am also able to program (somewhat bad) in C++, C#, HTML, PHP, (my)SQL, have a degree in art/design and knowledge in Photoshop, Illustrator, 3ds Max/Maya and Unity Gameengine.

For Games I play all genres on nearly all game consoles I own, always looking for interesting and unique things to experience. I own a NES, SNES, GameCube, WII U, (lend Switch), PS2, PS3, PS4, Xbox, Gameboy, Gameboy Colour, Gameboy Advance, DSi, 2DS, PSP and PS Vita.

In my free time I like to go trekking, driving my Motorcycle (right now broken), urban exploring, Dungeon Mastering and analyzing data.

I hope we have a wonderful time together. :)

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 131 - Posted on 12/22/2022 23:24:53

Welcome @SnowWulF!

LadyMarble Posts: 10 Registered: 3/16/2023
# 132 - Posted on 3/21/2023 3:16:12

Hello, everyone!

I think I was about six years old when my dad bought home a PlayStation and turned us both into gamers. I fondly remember that the first games I ever played were Tomb Raider II and Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. These platformers were a great introduction to games, and I spent most of my childhood and teenage years playing various games. My favourite genres are JRPGs and puzzle games. Sadly, now in my late 20s, I have less time to game than I would like. But I still find time to game where I can. I've played on many consoles - mostly Nintendo and Sony - and also play on PC from time to time. I very much prefer a controller to a keyboard when I play games! My current primary console is my Switch (I'm at university and left the PS4 at home since I share it with my dad).

I like to keep track of things such as the TV shows I watch and books I read, and games are no different. I only recently realised there was a site for me to keep an eye on my game progression and signed up primarily to keep track of what I am currently playing, have on hold and have in my extensive "To Play" pile. I'm the same with books - I buy them and then don't read them until years later! Outside of gaming, I'm also a perfectionist and a chronic procrastinator. I speak English and Japanese and am currently studying to become a language teacher.

I hope you enjoyed that little background lore about me haha
I'm looking forward to keeping track of my games and maybe completing some challenges!

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 133 - Posted on 4/1/2023 10:19:02

Welcome @LadyMarble to our little corner of the internet! I did in fact enjoy learning a bit about your interests. ^^ I'm the same way as you, I like to keep track of everything. This site is the only one I found that met all of my needs for tracking games, and I hope it serves you well, too.

Good luck with your degree and your gaming goals, and I hope to see you around the forums. :)

AlchemicalTrance Posts: 3 Registered: 4/7/2023
# 134 - Posted on 4/7/2023 23:21:40

Hello everyone,

New to the site as I am using it to catalog my large collection of physical games. Stopped by to say hey and introduce myself. Completionator appears to have all I will need to keep track of games. Look forward to using it ! I have a need to catalog the items we own if there are more than a few of them. I use Library Thing for books and I love it. Already added Wii games this afternoon. Thanks for having me :)

I made my collection public so take a look if so inclined…

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 135 - Posted on 4/9/2023 3:06:54

Welcome, @AlchemicalTrance! We're happy you've joined us, I hope Completionator ends up being perfect for you. I took a look at your collection, it's pretty awesome! We have a bit of overlap, too. :)

Quinzelle Posts: 2 Registered: 4/9/2023
# 136 - Posted on 4/9/2023 10:35:03

Hello! I’m a very casual player but I’ve played games my entire life from Windows XPs Pinball Wizard with my dad through to the Bratz PS2 games to my now eclectic mix.

I’m primarily playing Switch games atm as it’s the easiest for me to access. Need to get around to buying a PC so I get my Steam games back but until then, I will just have to keep playing on my boyfriend’s PC whenever I can!

Slowly but surely I am adding my games. I love tracking things such as my reading (Goodreads) and watching (TVTime and Letterboxd) so games is naturally the next one.

Feel free to add me and stay updated as I add my games!

AlchemicalTrance Posts: 3 Registered: 4/7/2023
# 137 - Posted on 4/9/2023 20:04:09

Thanks WeirdLD. It is taking a while to get all the games in. Happy to have found this site !

Welcome Quinzelle. I’m new too. Hope this site works out for you. My son just finished college and I have great memories of playing his first games with him. He is a serious PC gamer like a lot of the members here. I never got into that much. I’m a big fan of gaming for 15-20 minutes and then going on with other things. So consoles or an iPad are great for me.

All be well…

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 138 - Posted on 4/9/2023 22:41:54

Welcome, @Quinzelle! I love your collection so far and I wish you luck in getting your own PC. I also track my reading on Goodreads (though it's impossible to remember every book I need to add on there), and I use Trakt for movies and shows. It seems a lot of us here like to track other things too.

@AlchemicalTrance, what were your son's first games? I'm curious!

Quinzelle Posts: 2 Registered: 4/9/2023
# 139 - Posted on 4/11/2023 11:17:28

@alchemicaltrance - Thank you so much! I hope it works out for you too! I know the feeling, I go through spades of being intense and then not so much. I always feel like a casual gamer cause I prefer games like Mario Kart and the odd round of OW compared to a lot of people.

@weirdlittledog - Thank you! I’m happy to hear, it’s certainly a weird collection that won’t be to everyone’s taste haha. Thank you! Hopefully it won’t be too long but my bf and I are moving so need to hold off for a while, rip. I know the feeling, there’s definitely books missed off of my goodreads but it’s like 98% there so I can just maintain it now. Definitely! It’s an unusual hobby but I’m glad it’s not just me.

AlchemicalTrance Posts: 3 Registered: 4/7/2023
# 140 - Posted on 4/11/2023 19:22:35

@weirdlittledog I can’t remember the very first game. I think it was a Scooby computer game. But the first that we played a lot and he really became involved in were Mario Kart Double Dash and SSX Tricky on the GameCube. Also Arctic Thunder on the OG XBox. We had played it at an arcade (remember those !) and it was fun to play at home.

@Quinzelle Love some Mario Kart. Never fails to be fun.

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 141 - Posted on 6/19/2023 6:41:24

I'm a bit late to this; ah well!

Hello, I'm Sam! I've been gaming since I was little and I got my first video game, Spider-Man for PS1. Just about every genre fascinates me, but I'll admit that my favorites have a focus on exploration or getting about in a cool way - probably a result of driving zoomers in Jak II. My backlog has gotten extremely out of hand, and I've always wanted a nice website where I could really figure out how to tackle it. LOTS of RPGs, and that gets a little... intimidating in terms of figuring out where to start. The Playthroughs feature has made it a lot more engaging to log my times and to work toward actually beating games to earn that little diamond.

In that sense, Completionator feels like it was made just for me! I'm looking forward to getting more familiar with this site and the people here.
And I've signed up for the Mercenary Guild, but, please be merciful? I'm actually unsure what I should have my Max Missions be at; there's a chaotic part of me that wants to say 10, but at the same time, I'm worried I'd be intimidated by it.

But maybe that's just what I need? Ah, heck it.

AllTheTrophies Curator Backer Posts: 122 Registered: 7/27/2018
# 142 - Posted on 6/19/2023 14:00:25

Welcome to the site, glad you like what you see. I’ll be sure to assign you a mission on the Missionaries tab soon!

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 143 - Posted on 6/19/2023 16:59:38

Thanks! I'll admit, it's a little intimidating to think that people here can just be like "You. Yeah, you. Play [JRPG]."

But at the same time, and this probably sounds terrible, I probably wouldn't be able to play through some of these games if someone weren't making it a task for me.

I like RPGs, a lot! That's why I own so many. But RPGs are long, and when you like RPGs and wanna become a collector, you suddenly find yourself owning a bunch of games which are all 60+ hour commitments and no idea where to start.

Add in that I suffer from "Oh, I haven't played this games in months, guess I gotta restart" syndrome, and "well, unsure if this class is the best pick for me, guess I gotta restart" syndrome, which I think is called class anxiety or something, it gets brutal. I've played through the opening stretch of some of my RPGs and some of my Zelda games so many times that reaching the part where I left off feels like where the game is over for me, oof..

mgkoll Curator Posts: 41 Registered: 12/26/2020
# 144 - Posted on 6/21/2023 7:00:08

Welcome! Don't worry, I'm the same way about my games. I didn't touch any of them for years and had no motivation to do so until I joined Completionator. It's a lot less overwhelming when someone else chooses a game for you lol

Adorabull Curator Posts: 31 Registered: 6/4/2023
# 145 - Posted on 6/21/2023 7:53:07

Case in point, I finally beat Banjo-Kazooie today because I got it as a mission! This website is already doing wonders for my backlog.

Hopefully I can pick up some more missions!

Post Edited on 6/21/2023 9:23:04
SpikeyMouth Posts: 4 Registered: 4/13/2023
# 146 - Posted on 6/24/2023 18:48:26


Post Edited on 6/29/2023 15:49:49