lugianium Posts: 34 Registered: 9/29/2019
# 103 - Posted on 9/30/2019 0:11:33

Hello, I'm lugianium, I collect since 2015, mainly the switch, the 3DS, and the PS2 (I also collect on other media)
I also have as project to have the full full-set of pokemon games, spin-offs and main games, in PAL and JAP.
I discovered this site during a discussion with other people on discord, where we were talking about sites to archive his collection.

Small precision, I'm French, and my English suck ^^"

loomdog32 Posts: 37 Registered: 11/11/2019
# 104 - Posted on 11/16/2019 3:15:23

Hey everyone!!

I am a 40yo, getting back into the scene. My wife and I used to have a decent collection between the two of us, original games from our childhood, to discover they had disappeared! Nothing like finding out your entire cartridge based game collection is gone :( (NES, SNES, N64 games and SNES console. Still have the NES and N64 console as they were not in the same box).

I have always wanted a complete NES collection, so that is now my goal. While I will get some SNES and N64 games (mostly just to replace what we used to have), they will not be a focus. I am also considering a complete FC and FDS collection.

Hopefully starting in 2020, I will have a place to start streaming some 8-Bit pixels.

Post Edited on 11/16/2019 3:16:03
xFayth Posts: 1 Registered: 12/8/2019
# 105 - Posted on 12/9/2019 13:56:44

Hi, I'm Giovanni and i'm a 1st Line IT Support Agent for a company called "Fluvius" ( biggest electricity distributor in the country)
I'm from Belgium and currently 26 y/o . I have a love for games around the PS2 era and i'm a MASSIVE dragon ball fan :p

I randomly found this after a google search cause after a few years i'm starting to collect again so i wanne keep track of what i have and need
Hope i enjoy my time here, Thanks :D

Fourteen00 Posts: 3 Registered: 12/25/2019
# 106 - Posted on 12/25/2019 4:59:47

Hello everyone, I randomly was doing a google search for a place to start adding my games to a database so I can actually begin to complete them, kinda annoying to have so many games and not play them. From now on I am definitely going to at least try and play every single game I currently own. Its prob Steam's fault though lol.

Nepiki Posts: 1 Registered: 2/27/2020
# 107 - Posted on 2/28/2020 9:55:17

Hello all, Nepiki here! I just came across this site after looking for sites to store my collection, mark their progress and make reviews about them. I've used multiple sites in the past, but this one is very intrigueing because of the community aspect so expect to see me a lot around probably!

Quick intro on who I am: I am a 24-year old gamer from the Netherlands. Most of the games that I play are Retro or Indie, but I play almost anything I come across. I try to make a short review on every game that I played through, both to inform other people and to keep my memories in place. I don't exactly have amnesia, but I have a tough time ranking my games or remembering my negatives and positives about a game. So it's a win-win situation! I also try to stream my games on Twitch every now and then, but I'm busy with my job during the week so that's not always going to plan.

I'm still deciding on whether I add my entire collection to this site (it takes a very long time) or if I start from scratch and only add the games that I've played since joining the site. We'll see!

AlexanderRavenheart Backer Posts: 10 Registered: 4/8/2020
# 108 - Posted on 4/8/2020 18:43:31

Hi everyone, AlexanderRavenheart is what I go by and I've been playing video games since middle-grade.

Started with Terminator ( and a really weak PC, moved on to Dreamcast followed by PS2, upgraded to PS3 and gaming PC and nowadays I'm gaming on PS4 Pro, Nintendo Switch and a pretty good PC configuration (RX 580, Ryzen 5 3600, 32 GB DDR4 3200 Mhz CL 16).

I enjoy Strategy games, JRPGs, ARPGs, CRPGs, Point-and-click adventure games, Visual Novels and other genres that don't really pop up in my mind at the moment. Most of my games are single player only because I really like games that focus on story and characters rather than high replayability, using random/semi-random generation of assets/content or other gimmicks that artificially increase time of completion.

I found this site as I was searching for collection management software that would run on my Linux distribution. After looking through some of the options I found, most of which are abandoned or too outdated to run well on arch-like distributions, or are plain ugly with no proper shelf view of the cover art (a feature I simply love on GOG), I stumbled upon a post on the GOG forum where this site was mentioned, so here I am. (^_^)

Mutrain Posts: 20 Registered: 5/23/2019
# 109 - Posted on 4/16/2020 19:43:30

Welcome everyone. I always love hearing about people's backgrounds and what types of games they are passionate about.

Maerestor Posts: 5 Registered: 4/17/2020
# 110 - Posted on 4/17/2020 21:27:24

Hello humans, I'm Bob. I am loving this site so far. Really clean and slick. I joined to keep track of my PC-games. My PlayStation collection is my main focus, which I've been cataloguing through Backloggery, but that's a very manual process. The bulk import and Steam-sync options on this site are great! Maybe some day I'll move my PlayStation stuff here too.

About me: I'm 31 and videogames are a longtime passion of mine that I felt ashamed of for a long time. In recent years I've learned to embrace my passion and even take pride in showing off my collection. I look forward to being part of this community

hildalev Posts: 16 Registered: 4/22/2020
# 111 - Posted on 4/23/2020 16:57:40

Hello everyone! My name is Olga and I'm studying social anthropology and work at pre-school. I just discovered the website yesterday and I really like it, apart from that I didn't find a couple of older or indie games. I mostly play point-and-click adventure games and I'm really bad at action games haha Looking forward to exploring more of the website!

noangelhonestly Posts: 1 Registered: 5/6/2020
# 112 - Posted on 5/6/2020 16:33:06

Hi everyone,

I'm noangelhonestly aka nah, but you can call me Jo. I got a massive collection of PC games both Physical and digital. I started to make a list of everything across all platforms and noticed that I have sometimes up to 3 or 4 copies of the same game. Which is silly at best. So to prevent that I was looking for a website to keep track of it plus manage my huge backlog.. So I hope this site will help with that!

Brianx88 Posts: 1 Registered: 5/27/2020
# 113 - Posted on 5/27/2020 19:41:56

Hello everyone, I'm Brian.

My gaming collection spans pretty much every system released by Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and Sega, as well as some PC games thrown in (though it's far from my focus platform) and my library of games is huge. Honestly I didn't realize how big it had really gotten until I moved last year, and it took up a huge amount of the boxes we used.

Anyway, a big thing I'd been wanting to do for a long time was start fresh, treat my collection as if I'd never played any of them before, so basically I'm saying every game I own is "in my backlog" even if it's something I've beaten before my move. Part of this even included setting up 2nd accounts on both my Playstation and Xbox so I could unlock achievements again in any games I play on those.

As of right now, I'm unsure how to handle this going forward, my collection is, IMO too big to just put up all at once. I'd probably be hear for a week or more just adding games, and I'd rather use that time to actually be playing them. But I'd also like to have something that makes picking what game I should play next easier (I can spend an entire day just looking though my games and by the time I decide what to play, I don't have much time left to play it ), so I'd be interested in seeing how others have handled adding large collections to this site.

Either way at the very least I'm hoping to use this site to just track everything I've beaten since my move and as well as everything I play going forward.

MoDez Posts: 1 Registered: 5/30/2020
# 114 - Posted on 6/2/2020 4:03:19

Hi everybody,
I recently joined and I'm really liking this site. I was looking for a site similar to what discogs is for music, but for my video games. I wanted a place to make an easily accessible reference list of what I have in my collection. I mainly collect old games and systems that I grew up on, NES being my largest. I've pretty much gotten all my old collections entered so far, but I still have some games to add from my newer systems like PS3, WiiU and 2DS. Anyways, I'm sure there are lots of functions to check out on this site, but for now it's a lot of fun adding games and browsing around.

Shibodo Posts: 1 Registered: 7/18/2020
# 115 - Posted on 7/18/2020 17:00:54

Looks like this forum isn't very active, but I'll post here anyway.

Greetings everyone, I'm Shibodo. I came here from a thread on Reddit's /r/gamecollecting and thought I'd make an account to track my collection. I'm mainly just using it for personal use, so I have a way of tracking my games. I don't really have a "collection" goal or anything, I just collect what I'm interested in regardless of platform. One thing I would like is a large PAL Gamecube library though, which is something I'm going to start working on soon. See you all around!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 116 - Posted on 7/18/2020 17:54:31

@Shibodo - Welcome aboard! It does get a little quiet around here sometimes, but that's okay If you run across any games missing from the database as you're adding to your collection / wish list, feel free to post here and we'll get 'em added for you.

Clefable Posts: 1 Registered: 8/17/2020
# 117 - Posted on 8/17/2020 20:41:16

hi everybody! my name is alex, but i also go by clef or cat :)

last night i was half asleep and it occurred to me the stupid amount of unfinished video games i have, both old and new. half asleep me thought that maybe i should figure out a way to make a nice neat list of all my games so i can see just how many i have and how many more i need to finally finish. i may be a disaster but i do love having nice organized lists of anything and everything

so this morning i found this site, and it has been perfect so far! im slowly adding my games and im excited to finally have a nice neat list of my collection :)

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 118 - Posted on 8/21/2020 19:54:28

Welcome @Clefable! Glad to have you as part of the community!

FeelingKoi Posts: 2 Registered: 6/4/2020
# 119 - Posted on 9/6/2020 12:01:37

Hello! I'm Koi, I go by Koi.
I enjoy collecting games and hunting for them, my favourite thing is the gentle clack of two games cases as I gently sift through stock.
I also enjoy seeing my collection together on a shelf, it's a big sense of pride and accomplishment for me.
I recently moved from England to Finland and it took a bit to find a local game store but now I've found one I'm hooked again.
My games with the most playtime (and my favourites) are Animal Crossing : New Horizons and FFXIV.
I have alot of gaming books, zines, spin off merch (board games, lego, other tat) and Plushies!
I met my partner through FFXIV and we now have a joint collection.
^^ I'm open to friend requests and chats :3

ArcadeMain Posts: 9 Registered: 10/13/2020
# 120 - Posted on 10/14/2020 0:49:35

Hey all, I am doing a (hopefully) somewhat unique collection-every possible Disney video game, which includes past and present games on properties the company currently owns. I only really started this a year ago and don't have a ton of disposable income so the collection isn't huge but this is a long-term project. Outside of that enjoy a lot of RPGs and third-person action-adventure games. Currently mostly playing Hades on Switch and Avengers on PS4. If it's ok I'll plug my Twitter here:, and that also has a link to my Instagram and blog, on a bit of a content break till November, but the Twitter is still very much active and I'll be using that time to do things like catalog my current collection. Very open to friends and chats but I might be a little quiet on the forums. Arcade or Eric works for my name.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 121 - Posted on 10/14/2020 6:32:24

Welcome @ArcadeMain!

XaekoVT Posts: 2 Registered: 4/20/2021
# 122 - Posted on 4/20/2021 5:10:15

Hello! I am Xaeko; I am an Oni Kitsune from the Zothis Empire; here to bring joy, cheer, and other insanity coming your way. I am a soft spoken style ASMR streamer; I play a huge variety of titles, but lately I've been focusing primarily on old school shooters on their hardest difficulties and RPGs. Super Happy to have a place to catalog all of my collection; I've seen quite a lot of collection sites and this one looks the nicest out of all of them that doesn't have a huge price tag with it.

Socials :

Feyrii Posts: 1 Registered: 9/22/2021
# 123 - Posted on 9/22/2021 6:04:51

Hiya everyone! I go by Feyrii :D But you can also just call me Fay/Fey!

I've been playing games since was a child, but I've only just become an avid completionist.
I am hoping that this site will assist me in completing my backlog :)
I'd also like to make some friends! Please chat with me :D I'm quite terrible at conversation though, so please be patient with me haha :)

Avium Curator Posts: 46 Registered: 10/14/2017
# 124 - Posted on 9/22/2021 8:11:36

Welcome! Didn't even know we had an intro thread :D

WeirdLittleDog Curator Posts: 195 Registered: 3/20/2021
# 125 - Posted on 9/22/2021 23:04:40

Hello and welcome! So glad to have more people here.

Arcinia Curator Posts: 55 Registered: 4/13/2021
# 126 - Posted on 9/29/2021 2:20:27

Hey everyone, welcome aboard! Didn't realize we had an intro thread :)
I've been a gamer since little me learned how to use the sword and boomerang on A Link to the Past. I've collected quite a number of games over the years and while I'd love to beat every game I own/purchase, trading and accessibility/availability have made that a bit daunting of an ask. Still plan to get there, eventually.
Aside from that, looking forward to meeting fellow completionists and finding people to game/share thoughts with!

Relu Posts: 2 Registered: 12/10/2021
# 127 - Posted on 12/12/2021 8:01:17

Hi everyone!
I'm Relu, My husband and I have been starting to collect more and more games so I figured I needed a place to catalog and sort what I have or haven't played in a digital form so here I am!

I originally signed up to catalog my collection but seeing all the community features has me interested.

As for what games we collect, I have all Nintendo handhelds, N64 and newer Nintendo home consoles, PS2-4 and Xbox 360. I collect mostly NIS titles (I'm a big Disgaea fan but I enjoy all their titles) and my husband collects mostly ATLUS published RPGs.

Nice to meet you all!