elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 51 - Posted on 7/6/2019 16:57:25

@Cheesyben - Was that for PS2? I updated the image. Let me know if that is correct now.

Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 52 - Posted on 7/6/2019 17:35:36

@elko84 Unfortunately not. It's still showing the French version.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 53 - Posted on 7/6/2019 18:09:07

@Cheesyben - You might have to do a hard refresh / clear your cache to get the image to update (CTRL + F5)

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 54 - Posted on 7/6/2019 18:27:41

@Cheesyben - moho_00 is correct. If you are using Safari on a Mac, hold down the Option key while clicking the refresh button in the address bar to hard refresh.

Post Edited on 7/6/2019 18:28:05
Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 55 - Posted on 7/6/2019 19:18:25

I'm using Chrome on Windows and I tried that and it did not work.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 56 - Posted on 7/7/2019 1:17:57

@Cheesyben - You made need to just clear your entire browsing history. This way your browser will have to reload all the images on the website again (pulling in the latest changes).

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 57 - Posted on 7/29/2019 18:10:12

I hope this is the correct place to put this.

If a game contains multiple games (like a collection), it usually displays the included games at the bottom of the game information. Splatterhouse (2010) for PS3 and Xbox 360 actually contained Splatterhouse 1, 2, and 3 on disc as unlockables as you progressed through the story. Is it possible to add Splatterhouse 1, 2, and 3 as "included games" to Splatterhouse (2010)?


moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 58 - Posted on 7/31/2019 1:58:13

@stufio - This particular scenario (unlockable / bonus games) has popped up before and we opted to not treat them as a compilation title. Instead, we've generally reserved compilation games for packs such as Namco Museum, Mega Man Legacy Collection, etc, as well as bundle packs like console pack-ins (Super Mario Bros. / Duck Hunt), box sets (Metal Gear Solid: The Essential Collection), hardware bundles (Virtua Cop and Stunner Bundle), etc. Even those can get a little messy with regional / platform differences, such as Taito Legends 2 and Activision Anthology

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 59 - Posted on 8/1/2019 14:19:18

@moho thanks for the clarification

Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 60 - Posted on 8/3/2019 18:00:23

https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/26972 is just American Dragon: Jake Long in the EU and https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/46601 was also released for the DS

warringshogun Curator Backer Posts: 76 Registered: 4/10/2019
# 61 - Posted on 8/5/2019 14:13:53

@Cheesyben - I have made these adjustments.

Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 62 - Posted on 8/10/2019 15:49:36

Transformers War For Cybertron is also known as Transformers Cybertron Adventures in the EU

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 63 - Posted on 8/10/2019 23:24:23

@Cheesyben - Are you referring to the Wii version? If so, I think the issue was we were just missing it altogether I've added a new entry for it as it seems to be considered a separate release.

Snimpeachy Curator Posts: 46 Registered: 6/20/2018
# 64 - Posted on 9/1/2019 18:47:44

Not sure how to go about handling this one, but; in the recently released Collection of Mana (https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/47122), the original version of Trials of Mana was made available to play in the west for the first time. This is the original version, known as Seiken Densetsu 3. https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/19525 But the game that is tied to Collection of Mana is the Trials of Mana remake coming out in 2020. https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/47075 I think the confusion in this stemmed from the original and the remake sharing the same exact name, much like Secret of Mana (1993) and its 2018 remake. The Trials of Mana entry does use the 2020 remake's artwork, instead of the original art that the Seiken Densetsu 3 listing uses, also what is used by the game on the Collection of Mana selection screen. https://gyazo.com/0f91e144a9e979f8819dad2493ac33c9

Maybe it would be better to update the Seiken Densetsu 3 listing to be primarily named Trials of Mana and have that linked to Collection of Mana, instead? But then I imagine that's not so easy with a lot of people with progress on the remake's entry already.

Also, there seems to be a duplicate for Collection of Mana; the Japanese version had a listing before the English version was announced/released. https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/38307

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 65 - Posted on 9/4/2019 22:50:08

The Collection of Mana compilation has the Trials of Mana in it which was supposed to be the 2020 remake entry. Can that be removed from the compilation and replaced with the 1995 version of the game Trials of Mana/Seiken Densetsu 3.

Lol, basically what @_Peachy said. I saw that after the post. That's pretty much what I did though. Seiken Densetsu 3 was renamed to Trails of Mana and then the other was updated with (2020) in the name.

Post Edited on 9/4/2019 22:51:50
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 66 - Posted on 9/13/2019 17:24:12

Thanks for reporting the Collection of Mana issue! I think I have it all cleaned up now. Here's what I did:

  • Modified the Collection of Mana compilation title so the original Trials of Mana is included instead of the upcoming 2020 remake. This also caused a cascading effect so anyone who had the compilation in their collection will now have the original game instead of the remake. Likewise, ratings, difficulty, etc was also updated.
  • The duplicate compilation title has been removed.

One thing I noticed in doing this is the original Trials of Mana entry appears to indicate a physical North American release for Switch, not sure if that's accurate though? I know the Collection of Mana title recently had a physical release.

Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 67 - Posted on 9/14/2019 18:52:07

Pitfall 3D Beyond The Jungle was also released for the GameBoy Colour without the word 3D in the title.

Post Edited on 9/14/2019 18:53:20
Snimpeachy Curator Posts: 46 Registered: 6/20/2018
# 68 - Posted on 9/16/2019 8:38:41

Thank you for updating the Trials of Mana pages! The original definitely does not have a physical Switch release. It was only released "physically" on Collection of Mana.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 69 - Posted on 9/16/2019 16:31:41

@Cheesyben - The Game Boy Color version was added. https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/48219

HiMyNameIsPip Posts: 4 Registered: 2/18/2019
# 70 - Posted on 9/17/2019 3:48:10

Would it be possible to add a feature in the edition section for Play Station essentials and have it change the games box art in a similar fashion to how it does for Nintendo Selects games?

And also maybe make it so when adding in DLCs purchased separately from GOTY editions they don't count as extra games unless the breakout complications viewer is active? I think that is for compilations only though and not for add ons

Post Edited on 9/17/2019 3:52:56
elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 71 - Posted on 9/17/2019 16:04:26

@HiMyNameIsPip - It's not that there isn't a feature for PlayStation Essentials but more so that we are missing a lot of box art and data on the site. Everything is done manually here by the curators and a title with a PlayStation Essential edition has to be entered manually. If you type Essentials into your edition box when adding a game, once the Essentials edition box art is added it will automatically reflect in your collection. It will just take time.

If there is a specific title you would like updated to reflect the Essentials cover for your collection, let me know what it is and I will try to take care of that for you.

HiMyNameIsPip Posts: 4 Registered: 2/18/2019
# 72 - Posted on 9/25/2019 9:24:40

World Cup Italia '90 (World Championships Soccer) was also released for the Sega Master System

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 73 - Posted on 9/30/2019 1:05:50

@HiMyNameIsPip - I created a new entry for World Cup Italia '90 for the SMS.

ekonroth Curator Posts: 80 Registered: 1/11/2019
# 74 - Posted on 10/23/2019 14:52:53

Bloodwych is not "single player". You can play it in split screen mode with a second player.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 75 - Posted on 10/24/2019 1:02:31

@ekonroth - Bloodwych has been updated to include local co-op.