dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 226 - Posted on 6/29/2019 2:22:39

In a way I'm hoping MS doesn't shit up their offerings like ps+ so that people gravitate away from Sony enough that Sony stops making their stuff worse. :P July's stuff is pretty bad by most accounts unless you REALLY love PES

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 227 - Posted on 6/29/2019 2:52:03

Yeah, while I can understand dropping the PS3/Vita support, they honestly should have gone to at least 4 PS4 games a month.

Dropping from 6 to 2 games per month without a price drop sucked. And if Xbox lets them off the hook by following suit... ugh. I'd like to THINK that's not in the works though since PS Plus gave a 1 year warning in order to limit claims of "I renewed without knowing the service was going to change!"

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 228 - Posted on 6/29/2019 21:09:47

The Games With Gold list dropped today, and it makes me wonder if the delay was over trying to get something in at the last minute (and probably failing).

Games With Gold:

07/01/19: Inside (XB1) and Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (360) rotate in. NHL 19 (XB1) and Earth Defense Force 2017 (360) rotate out.
07/16/19: Big Crown: Showdown (XB1) and Meet the Robinsons (360) rotate in. Rivals of Aether (XB1) and Castlevania: SotN rotate out.

My take: The only interesting game here to me is Castlevania, and that seems to be a port of the PS1 classic more than a remaster, and PS Plus had that for free long ago. Unless Meet the Robinsons is one of those rare good licensed games, not really much interesting here.

PS Plus Instant Game Collection: (new titles rotate in 07/02/19)

  • Pro Evolution Soccer 2019
  • Horizon Chase Turbo

My take: PES I'm on the fence about. It's typically lauded as superior to the FIFA games, but the FIFA games certainly did a LOT better in terms of team licensing. It's worth a look at least. Horizon Chase Turbo apparently is a spiritual successor/homage to those old 2D arcade racing games like Out Run and Rush which I loved back in the day.

My guess for winner: PS Plus. 4 games is better than 2 games, but they need to be decent games.

Moho Note: Big Crown: Showdown needs to be added to the database.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 229 - Posted on 6/29/2019 21:17:57

@boffo97 - It has been added!

Mutrain Posts: 20 Registered: 5/23/2019
# 230 - Posted on 6/30/2019 1:20:27

Inside is a great game and definitely worth checking out. Pretty easy to get 1000 achievement points also. First game I've got all achievements for in a long time.

Post Edited on 6/30/2019 1:20:48
elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 231 - Posted on 7/1/2019 22:41:30

Horizon Chase Turbo is great. The music in the game is amazing. I recommend it.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 232 - Posted on 7/2/2019 14:39:26

So PES got swapped out with Detroit: Become Human. I gotta say that's not a great change for me personally (as I have it already) but I bet it makes more people happy than not.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 233 - Posted on 7/2/2019 16:32:04

I would have been okay with PES, but this change makes me happy. I was a big fan of Heavy Rain. I guess I have to finish Beyond Two Souls now to do the three in order (even though they're separate stories).

It's the Deluxe Edition too, so if you missed when Heavy Rain for the PS4 was previously given away, you can get it here.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 234 - Posted on 7/11/2019 19:47:42

From what little is publicly available on the issue, it seems (purportedly at least) the call to replace PES 2019 with Detroit: Become Human in this month's PS Plus offerings was a last minute call on Sony's part. It wasn't any kind of rights issue and Konami is a bit confused as to what happened.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 235 - Posted on 7/12/2019 13:37:59

Interesting. Makes me wonder if they actually did the swap in response to the initial backlash from the reveal (which would be shocking) or if there was some other factor that came into play.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 236 - Posted on 8/1/2019 21:11:21

August 2019:

Games With Gold:

08/01/19: Gears of War 4 (XB1) and Torchlight (360) rotate in. Inside (XB1) and Meet The Robinsons (360) rotate out.
08/16/19: Forza Motorsport 6 (XB1) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (360) rotate in. Big Crown: Showdown (XB1) and Torchlight rotate out.

My take: A big improvement even though I've had Torchlight on the 360 for years. Two AAA games in one month is pretty rare these days. The old Castlevania games are a neat get too.

PlayStation Plus Instant Games Collection (all games available August 6th):

  • WipEout Omega Collection
  • Sniper Elite 4

My take: I'd be far more excited about Sniper Elite 4 if Humble Bundle hadn't gone through a period of giving us all the Sniper Elite games (or at least most of them) on Steam through Humble Monthlies. An earlier version of Wipeout was a previous PS3 giveaway on the service, but last time something like that happened, we got Rocket League, so it's not a disqualifying feature.

My guess as to perceived winner: Games With Gold

Note to Moho: All games in database already.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 237 - Posted on 9/2/2019 22:14:53

September 2019:

Xbox Live Games With Gold:

09/01/19: Hitman: The First Complete Season (XB1) and Earth Defense Force 2025 (360) rotate in. Gears of War 4 (XB1) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow (360) rotate out.
09/16/19: We Were Here (XB1) and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (360) rotate in. Forza Motorsport 6 (XB1) and Earth Defense Force 2025 rotate out.

My take: Not a good month. Both 9/1's offerings were previously given away previously on PS Plus IGC, and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 was previously given away for free on Xbox 360 (don't know if Gold membership was required). If We Were Here is the same game it is on Steam, it's already free on there. And I'm a bit skeptical of any game that requires the cooperation of a random stranger on Xbox Live. If you missed Hitman or Tekken before, these are good, but otherwise meh when compared to a great PS Plus month.

PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection:

09/03/19: Batman: Arkham Knight and Darksiders 3.

My take: Two AAA games? Yes and thank you. I'd been wanting to get Arkham Knight, as I have Asylum, City and Origins in the Arkham series, but wasn't sure how much better the PC port was nowadays. I have the first two Darksiders games, but need to finish them, so getting the third is pretty good.

My guess as to perceived winner: PS Plus

Moho Note: All games already in database.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 238 - Posted on 9/26/2019 17:38:43

October 2019:

Xbox Games With Gold:

10/01/19: Tembo the Badass Elephant (XB1) and Bolt (360) rotate in. Hitman: The Complete First Season (XB1) and Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (360) rotate out.
10/16/19: Friday the 13th: The Game (XB1) and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (360) rotate in. We Were Here (XB1) and Bolt rotate out.

My take: Bolt (aka Disney Bolt and Walt Disney Presents Bolt) are based on the "show within a show" from the Disney movie of the same name, not the movie itself from what I can see. Friday the 13th was disappointing and a repeat of PS Plus. The others aren't too exciting IMO, but YMMV.

PS Plus:

10/01/19: September's games rotate out and the following games rotate in, both for PS4: The Last of Us Remastered and MLB The Show 19.

My take: I'd be really excited about this one if I hadn't already bought The Last of Us Remastered. Looking forward to MLB The Show 19 though since despite not being big into baseball, I enjoy the games and typically purchase them on sale after Christmas. I'll upgrade a month early this year.

My winner: PS Plus. Again, the only way the 2 games of PS Plus beat the 4 games of GWG is when the PS Plus games are both really good, and GWG's are all not too exciting.

Note to Moho: All games already in database.

Post Edited on 9/26/2019 17:39:02
RockinHonestAbe Posts: 1 Registered: 9/28/2019
# 239 - Posted on 9/30/2019 2:37:20

Man, I've just been itching to play Bolt.

Post Edited on 9/30/2019 2:38:37
lankey Posts: 1 Registered: 9/29/2019
# 240 - Posted on 10/1/2019 16:43:24

Cant imagine many people haven't played The Last Of Us yet

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 241 - Posted on 10/2/2019 3:34:23


Man, I've just been itching to play Bolt.


To be completely fair, given that there are no new backwards compatible titles coming out until after the new Xbox launches, the 360 games are going to be in a "Best of what's left" type situation.

Post Edited on 10/31/2019 23:01:31
boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 242 - Posted on 10/31/2019 23:10:52

November 2019:

Games With Gold:

11/01: Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (XB1) and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (360) rotate in. Tembo The Badass Elephant (XB1) and Ninja Gaiden 3: Razor's Edge (360) rotate out.
11/16: The Final Station (XB1) and Joy Ride Turbo (360) rotate in. Friday the 13th: The Game (XB1) and Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter rotate out.

My take: Meh. It probably doesn't say much that the game that most intrigues me is Jedi Starfighter, which is actually an original Xbox BC game.

PS Plus: (All games now solely on PS4)

Nioh and Outlast II.

My take: Meh. Nioh might be okay, but big drop from last month for me.

My Winner: Meh vs. Meh. Pick 'em.

Note to Moho: Joy Ride Turbo needs to be added.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 243 - Posted on 10/31/2019 23:14:05

@boffo97 - Joy Ride Turbo has been added!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 244 - Posted on 11/1/2019 15:18:47

Nioh is a great game if you like games that are Souls-y. I haven't had the opportunity to play it yet, but a number of my friends and acquaintances that have all enjoyed it (minus the one who hates Soulsborne games because he's terrible at them.)

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 245 - Posted on 11/28/2019 2:24:23

Improvement by both this month:

Xbox Live Games With Gold:

12/01: Insane Robots (XB1) and Toy Story 3 (360) rotate in. Sherlock Holmes: The Devil's Daughter (XB1) and Joy Ride Turbo (360) rotate out.
12/16: Jurassic World: Evolution (XB1) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate HD (360) rotate in. The Final Station (XB1) and Toy Story 3 rotate out.

My take: Not too bad. I had been thinking of getting Jurassic World: Evolution. Insane Robots might be interesting. And like the Assassin's Creed 2D games, it seems they're slowly giving us all the Castlevania remakes.

PS Plus (all games on PS4):

12/03: Titanfall 2 and Monster Energy Supercross rotate in. Nioh and Outlast II rotate out.

My take: I'd be more excited by this lineup if I hadn't bought Titanfall 2 for XB1 for like $6 nearly a year ago now. Monster Energy Supercross might be okay.

My winner: Games With Gold. You could make a case that the PS+ offerings and the 12/16 GWG offerings are roughly equivalent, with maybe even PS+ having a slight edge, but PS+ is hurt again by the 2 games vs. 4 issue.

Moho Note: Insane Robots needs to be added.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 246 - Posted on 1/1/2020 18:44:31

January 2020:

Games With Gold:

01/01: Styx: Shards of Darkness (XB1) and Tekken 6 (360) rotate in. Insane Robots (360) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow: Mirror of Fate HD (360) rotate out.
01/16: Batman: The Telltale Series (XB1) and Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy (360) rotate in. Jurassic World: Evolution (XB1) and Tekken 6 rotate out.

My take: That's a great start to the month, but what a letdown for the end. Styx is meh, but Tekken 6 is fantastic for anyone who didn't already have it. Batman: The Telltale Series was previously given away on PS+, and Lego Star Wars II... why? Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga was given away before and has all the content of both the 1st and 2nd games? Long time customers have no reason to even download LSW2 unless they just want achievements:

PS Plus (All games on PS4):

01/07: Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and Goat Simulator rotate in. Titanfall 2 and Monster Energy Supercross rotate out.

My take: Goat Simulator's great if you don't already have it. But Games With Gold already gave it away, and it's been really cheap on Steam sales before. Uncharted's going to be the big draw here, containing updated for PS4 versions of the Single Player campaigns of the first 3 Uncharted games.

My winner: PS4. Once the previously given away stuff is stripped away, it's Styx: Shards of Darkness and Tekken 6 vs. (essentially) Uncharted 1-3. And the latter wins there.

Moho note: All games already in database.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 247 - Posted on 1/31/2020 0:35:05

February 2020 Games:

Xbox Live Games With Gold:

02/01: TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge (XB1) and Fable Heroes (360) rotate in. Styx: Shards of Darkness (XB1) and Lego Star Wars II (360) rotate out.
02/16: Call of Cthulhu (XB1) and Star Wars Battlefront (2004) (360) rotate in. Batman: The Telltale Series (XB1) and Fable Heroes rotate out.

My take: I was considering buying the original Battlefront on something modern anyway, so this is great. The rest could be interesting, but not much wow factor for me personally.

PlayStation Plus:
All games are on PS4, and all previous games rotate out on 02/04 and these new games roll in:

  • BioShock: The Collection
  • The Sims 4
  • Firewall Zero Hour (VR Required).

My take: Wow. Packs of classic games (and BioShock 2. Heyo!) remastered and with all DLC make me happy. The Sims 4 is great too even if it is more playable on consoles and EA has gone way overboard with the DLC for it. And making VR only games bonuses is THE way to give them out. I'll definitely claim Firewall Zero Hour even if I have no reason to download it yet.

My winner: PS4. One of the best months I've seen from them.

Moho note: All games already in database.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 248 - Posted on 3/1/2020 2:03:05

March 2020 Games:

Games With Gold:

03/01: Batman: The Enemy Within - The Complete Season (XB1) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 (360) rotate in. TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge (XB1) and Star Wars Battlefront (2004) (360) rotate out.

03/16: Shantae: Half-Genie Hero (XB1) and Sonic Generations (360) rotate in. Call of Cthulhu (XB1) and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 rotate out.

My take: Decent. I'd be very excited about Sonic Generations if I didn't already have it long ago for PS3 and Steam. Castlevania fans must be appreciating the love they're getting lately. It's nice to get the 2nd season of Telltale Batman. A personal meh on Shantae.

PS Plus:

03/03: Previous games rotate out. Shadow of the Colossus and Sonic Forces (both PS4) rotate in

My take: Meh. As amusing as both services having Sonic games this month is, Sonic Forces is said to not be very good. I might look at the Shadow of the Colossus remake, but I never did get into the PS3 remaster that was offered with Ico back in the days of PS Plus.

My winner: Games With Gold, mostly on the strength of the "4 games are better than 2" factor. Though this ends a strong run for PS Plus.

Moho note: All games already in database.