moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 126 - Posted on 10/24/2016 22:43:11

I couldn't get into Blood Dragon, but I LOVED Far Cry 3.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 127 - Posted on 10/24/2016 23:32:48

We should get the PS Plus games really soon, since the first Tuesday of the month when they come out is November 1st or a week from tomorrow.

BTW, Moho, nothing needs to be added to the Database from the Games With Gold selections.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 128 - Posted on 10/26/2016 16:54:05

ps+ Nov

Everybody's Gone to the Rapture
The Deadly Tower of Monsters

Dirt 3
Costume Quest 2

Letter Quest Remastered (also ps4)
Pumped BMX+ (also ps4/ps3)

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 129 - Posted on 10/26/2016 18:52:42

I already own Everybody's Gone to the Rapture and Costume Quest 2.

Don't know much about the rest.

However, I would say that this MIGHT be a good reason to put Costume Quest 2 up as a bounty since we are extending the 'horror' bounties! :)

stepmack35 Posts: 9 Registered: 7/10/2016
# 130 - Posted on 11/1/2016 7:48:53

I recommend The Deadly Tower of Monsters. I've played it before and I thought it was really fun. You'll really like it if you're really into movies as the setup is kinda like a 50's B movie. Also a lot of the jokes in the game make fun of things within the movie industry. There's a joke about CGI and things like that.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 131 - Posted on 11/23/2016 1:20:30

December 2016 Xbox Live Games With Gold:

Xbox One:

  • Sleeping Dogs - Definitive Edition (12/01-12/31)
  • Outlast (12/16 - 01/15)

Xbox 360: (Compatible with Xbox One)

  • Outland (12/01 - 12/15)
  • Burnout Paradise (12/16 - 12/31)

My reactions:

I have Sleeping Dogs on Steam, and never got around to finishing it. Now I'll probably just do the Xbox One version.

Outlast is kind of meh for me because horror games never interested me.

Outland (that won't be confusing) is a 2D platformer with hack & slash elements. Could be interesting for a looksee.

Burnout Paradise I'll have on pretty much everything now as I have it on PS3 (where I got annoyed at it because I bought The Complete Box and only got 1 DLC and PSN refused to either fix it or refund the issue. They pointed me at EA. EA didn't respond.) and it's been in Bundles for both Steam and Origin.

Now up until now, I haven't had any of the next gen systems (at least not the non handhelds). But if Gamestop puts that pack of a preowned PS4, Xbone and Wii U on sale again,I'll pick that up. If they don't, I might just get a preowned PS4 and Xbone. Mostly because right now I have over 100 games for PS4 and over 25 (not counting backwards comptaible 360 titles) for the Xbone and it'd be nice to actually play them and be caught up with the times.

Post Edited on 11/23/2016 1:26:33
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 132 - Posted on 11/23/2016 4:58:59

I had a blast with Sleeping Dogs. Highly recommend!

As far as the rest, can't really comment. Seems like a pretty good line-up though.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 133 - Posted on 11/29/2016 19:25:12

A purported leaked image says that this month's PS4 offerings for PS Plus are Invisible, Inc. and Stories: The Path of Destinies.

Color me underwhelmed.

No word yet on PS3 or Vita games or any crossbuy.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 134 - Posted on 11/30/2016 20:20:53

The rumors ended up true and Xbox Games With Gold definitely wins for this month:


  • Invisible, Inc.
  • Stories: Path of Destinies
  • Tiny Troopers, Joint Ops
  • Color Guardians


  • Hyper Void
  • Tiny Troopers Joint Ops


  • Tiny Troopers Joint Ops
  • Color Guardians

I've had VVVVVV on Steam for forever. It was in one of the first Humble Bundles.

Moho, looks like Hyper Void and Tiny Troopers Joint Ops need to be added.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 135 - Posted on 11/30/2016 22:23:54

VVVVVV is fun, but it might as well be free given the amount of times it's been bundled/heavily discounted and it's initial low price point. Sony got cheap this month. Not a good showcase for new ps4/pro buyers this Christmas.

WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 136 - Posted on 12/1/2016 14:23:32

Stories: Path of Destinies is actually a game I had been keeping my eye on and then forgot about so I actually am looking forward to picking that one up!!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 137 - Posted on 12/1/2016 17:27:44

Yar, I've heard nothing but good things about Stories: Path of Destinies from my friend who always seems to buy games the month before they're ps+ games (To the point where it's become a running joke.) Invisible Inc. is also supposed to be quite good and I've been keeping my eye on it to get a good discount.

I personally think it's going to be a good month for games since I enjoy good games regardless of whether they're AAA or indies, etc... A lot of people were hoping for something a bit "more" as it's a major holiday month though. The folks who equate indie with garbage are the ones who are going to be (and continue to be) disappointed with the ps+ offerings.

Post Edited on 12/1/2016 17:28:42
boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 138 - Posted on 12/1/2016 17:35:20

I admit Stories did intrigue me a little.

Though I'd rather take a month with older AAA stuff like Xbox has than a month with all indie stuff like PS+ here.

Of course, right now, my PS4 is in the middle of a LOT of downloading anyway... 8 GB updates for disc based games.. wow.

Post Edited on 12/1/2016 17:36:07
boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 139 - Posted on 12/20/2016 19:25:42

The Games with Gold announcement seems to get earlier and earlier each month:

For January 2017:

Xbox One:

  • World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap (1/1 - 1/31)
  • Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition (1/16 - 2/15)

Xbox 360 (and Xbox One BC):

  • The Cave (1/1 - 1/15)
  • Rayman Origins (1/16 - 1/31)

Moho, it looks like the two Xbox One games need to be added.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 140 - Posted on 12/28/2016 16:56:03

And here's Playstation Plus, available 01/03/17:


  • Day of the Tentacle: Remastered
  • This War of Mine: The Little Ones
  • The Swindle
  • Titan Souls


  • BlazeRush
  • The Swindle

PS Vita:

  • Azkend 2
  • Titan Souls
  • The Swindle

Decent month compared to what's come before. I thought about buying the remastered Day of the Tentacle one of these days, and while I have This War of Mine, it's not with the DLC.

Moho, Azkend 2 needs to be added, and it's up to you whether to add This War of Mine: The Little Ones as a separate entry or not.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 141 - Posted on 12/28/2016 17:10:52

Not a bad month, though the two games I would have really liked were already part of various bundles in the past (DotT and Titan Souls)

As for the ones I'd never heard of:

  • Azkend 2 looks like azz. (generic match 3?)
  • BlazeRush is giving me some massive Rock and Roll Racing vibes (and that's a good thing)
  • The Swindle looks great, but apparently controls horribly.
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 142 - Posted on 12/28/2016 17:43:33

My PS Plus sub is set to end next week. Planning to let it end.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 143 - Posted on 1/3/2017 20:46:38

There was some crossbuy added to the PS Plus IGC for this month:

Azkend 2 is available on PS4 (and is apparently more properly called Azkend 2: The World Beneath)
Day of the Tentacle: Remastered is available on PS Vita.

So at least in number of games, it is looking pretty nice for everyone not on PS3 only... 5 PS4 games, 2 PS3 games, 4 PS Vita games.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 144 - Posted on 1/24/2017 17:22:04

Xbox Games With Gold for February announced. The PS Plus games might still be a while since this coming month, the first Tuesday of the month is on the 7th:

Xbox One:

  • Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime (02/01 - 02/28)
  • Project Cars Digital Edition (02/16 - 03/15)

Xbox 360: (and BC with Xbone)

  • Monkey Island 2: SE (02/01 - 02/15)
  • Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (02/16 - 02/28)

My take: Not too familiar with the Xbox One games. I do know Project Cars was in this month's Humble Monthly. It's nice to complete the Monkey Island set (1st game was in November) even if I had both on my PS3. And it's always nice to get older AAA stuff. I had The Force Unleashed and lost it without finishing it (long story) so this is good.

Moho: Nothing to add here unless you want to add "Project Cards Digital Edition" as a distinct entry since that's what it's being called here.

Post Edited on 1/24/2017 17:24:54
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 145 - Posted on 1/24/2017 23:16:33 looks like Project Cars: Digital Edition is the base game + the "Limited Edition" DLC. Anyone else familiar with this?

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 146 - Posted on 2/1/2017 18:01:31

Jwcooley unsubs, and we finally get a PS4 AAA game:

PlayStation Plus for February, 2017: (All games available Tuesday, February 7th)


  • LittleBigPlanet 3
  • Not a Hero
  • Starwhal
  • Ninja Senki DX
  • TorqueL


  • Starwhal
  • Anna - Extended Edition

PS Vita:

  • Ninja Senki DX
  • TorqueL

Moho, it looks like only TorqueL needs to be added.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 147 - Posted on 2/1/2017 21:37:43

Quick, more people need to unsub so the months improve! :P

Looks like a competent month.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 148 - Posted on 2/1/2017 21:54:08

Wow, they are finally giving a game that seems big time. Still not worth the money to re-subscribe, but that's at least a step in the right direction.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 149 - Posted on 2/25/2017 22:50:23

PS Plus for March 2017 isn't available yet as, just like with February, the first Tuesday on the month is the 7th and games won't be out until then. Announcement will probably come sometime between Tuesday-Thursday of this next week.

Xbox Games with Gold were announced though:

Xbox One:

  • Layers of Fear (03/01 - 03/31)
  • Evolve Ultimate Edition (03/16 - 04/15)

Xbox 360 (and BC with Xbox One):

  • Borderlands 2 (03/01 - 03/15)
  • Heavy Weapon (03/16 - 03/31)

I haven't heard of Layers of Fear or Heavy Weapon. Evolve I heard started REALLY declining very quickly after launch, so this might be an attempt to get more people playing). Borderlands 2 joins the original game on Games with Gold (both games were also part of the PS Plus IGC) and probably means my disc version of the game will be worth even less now.

Moho, it looks like all four of these are already in the database.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 150 - Posted on 3/1/2017 17:05:19

March 2017 PS+ Lineup. All games available Tuesday, March 7, 2017:


  • Disc Jam
  • Tearaway Unfolded
  • Lumo


  • Under Night: In-Birth
  • Earth Defense Force 2025

PS Vita:

  • Lumo
  • Severed

A lot of "Huh?" this month as the only game in this list I've heard of before is Tearaway Unfolded, and that only kinda sorta counts because I had heard only of the original Tearaway, which is supposed to be pretty good.

Moho, looks like Severed needs to be added. Under Night: In-Birth might be looked at too, since you have one in the database that is Under Night In-Birth Exe: Late, and I'm not sure if that's the same game or not.