dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 51 - Posted on 2/13/2016 19:34:07

Resogun & Towerfall were meant to be cross-buys, so at least it makes sense. (Though Resogun on ps3/vita came later, I think?)

However, that's a weird mix-up regarding the cross-buy for Don't Starve, but hey, I'm not complaining! :P

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 52 - Posted on 2/24/2016 16:59:38

March will be kind of a meh month it seems...

Playstation Plus - Available Tuesday, March 1st - Monday, April 4th:


  • Broforce (winner of Vote to Play)
  • Galak-Z


  • The Last Guy
  • Super Stardust HD

PS Vita:

  • Flame Over
  • Reality Fighters

Xbox Games With Gold:

Xbox One:

  • Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments (March 1st - 31st)
  • Lords of the Fallen (Match 16th - April 15th)

Xbox 360: (Compatible with Xbox One)

  • Supreme Commander 2 (March 1st - 15th)
  • Borderlands (March 16th - 31st)

moho: Looks like only Galak-Z needs to be added this month.

Post Edited on 2/24/2016 17:02:36
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 53 - Posted on 2/24/2016 17:13:34

I already own Super Stardust on PS3 but have never tried it. Otherwise, I'm not familiar with any of the other games for the Sony lineup.

I wish the PS3 had a better way to see what you own/purchased. I like the library functionality of the PS4.

Does anybody know a great way to navigate what you've purchased for the PS3?

Post Edited on 2/24/2016 17:15:39
boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 54 - Posted on 2/24/2016 19:02:14

I just go through the "Download List" on the web version of the store, as the one on the PS3 itself occasionally decides to reset and go back to the top if it doesn't have an absolutely perfect connection. Still not perfect because you only get things in the order you purchased them (with PS Plus items shooting to the top every time you renew it) rather than alphabetical. You can also go to a specific game in the shop and see if there's an ability to buy it or if it only prompts you to download it.

The first sentence in the paragraph above is also exactly why I buy Rock Band 3 music through Rock Band Blitz and not the RB3 store.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 55 - Posted on 2/24/2016 19:15:54

Broforce is fun and silly. The variety of Bros you can play as and how they differ in their mechanics makes it quite fun. Multiplayer is chaotic but hilarious.

As for the web version of the store, you might be interested in PSDLE. http://repod.github.io/psdle/

It'll allow you to sort your entire psn catalogue, filter by platform, show only non-ps+ stuff, etc... If you're like me and "bought" every single thing ps+ has had to offer from day one, being able to more effectively sift through 1000+ items is a godsend.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 56 - Posted on 2/24/2016 19:18:46

My thoughts on each game:

Broforce: Heard very good things, many already have it on Steam.

Galak-Z: Haven't heard of it before. From the description it sounds a bit like the fighting from Star Control II, just modernized and with no outside adventure connecting it.

The Last Guy: I actually already have this game. Way back when in the big PSN outage of 2011, I actually had a 2nd account with a Hong Kong address (that I made up) so I could claim some (but not all) PSN bonuses to disc games I bought while working in South Korea. The Last Guy was one of the available Welcome Back bonuses. It's a top down game where you try to guide survivors out of attacked cities. A bit weird.

Super Stardust HD: Well, if you like top down 2D Space Shooters, this is your month. Here's a second one.

Flame Over: Top down fireman simulator. This looks pretty interesting. Hopefully they decide to add a cross buy version by next week (which they do sometimes).

Reality Fighters: Just plain weird Vita launch title I already have. The concept is 2D fighter using the camera so you can import yourself and fight in Augmented Reality zones. And, it features Mr. Miyagi from the Karate Kid movies... well after Pat Morita had already passed on.

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments: Got this one on PS Plus for PS3 last year. Still haven't gotten around to playing it.

Lords of the Fallen: From everything I've heard, Dark Souls homage/ripoff. Not as good as that, but okay.

Supreme Commander 2: Have this one from a Humble Bundle. RTS usually works better on PC.

Borderlands: The original game, over 6 years old at this point. I already have it plus all the DLC on PC.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 57 - Posted on 2/24/2016 22:28:19

@boffo97 - Galak-Z has been added!

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 58 - Posted on 3/2/2016 8:32:52

For some unannounced reason, there was a last minute change on PS Plus this month. Rather than Super Stardust HD, PS3 owners got I Am Alive for some reason.

Oddly enough, European players DID get Super Stardust HD. As far as I can tell, there's been no announcement on Sony's part as to what's going on. In case it's a mistake, you might want to grab I Am Alive ASAP.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 59 - Posted on 3/2/2016 13:31:21

I didn't even notice the change but that is really strange. Oh well....bonus for me since I actually bought Super Stardust HD a long time ago.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 60 - Posted on 3/2/2016 13:45:46

@jwcooley - Apparently I lost that key you sent me since Steam only keeps a certain number of messages. You should send it again tonight ;)

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 61 - Posted on 3/2/2016 15:44:16

@moho - I sent you the email I got that has the code on it.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 62 - Posted on 3/24/2016 18:05:41

April's Games with Gold have been announced early.

Xbox One:

  • The Wolf Among Us (available April 1-30)
  • Sunset Overdrive (available April 16-May 15)

Xbox 360: (compatible with Xbox One)

  • Dead Space (April 1-15)
  • Saints Row IV (April 16-30)

Pretty swank month all things concerned. I think The Wolf Among Us is the only one that wasn't a AAA title, but a complete Telltale Games series is always great.

Only bad thing is Dead Space, which is pretty old and all three games in the series have been in Steam Bundles before. Saints Row IV is great, but I'm already playing the edition with all the DLC on Steam.

I'll post April PS+ games when they're announced.

All four games are already in the system, so no additional work for moho here. :)

Post Edited on 3/24/2016 18:05:55
jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 63 - Posted on 3/24/2016 18:20:40

The Wolf Among Us was a really big surprise for me. I knew it was TellTale but had NO idea what it was about before I played it. The story was pretty awesome. For free, that's pretty awesome.

WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 64 - Posted on 3/24/2016 18:51:32

The Wolf Among Us is a game I want to play so bad. I have loved every TellTale game I have played and from what I have read/heard about this game this one will be no exception. The only problem is I don't have an Xbox One so I will be paying for it for one of my PlayStation systems lol.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 65 - Posted on 3/24/2016 19:29:37

That's a fantastic offering for xbox owners next month. I wish ps+ offerings were more like that lately!

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 66 - Posted on 3/30/2016 16:46:44

Looks like Xbox wins this month...

April 2016 Playstation Plus (availably Tuesday, April 5th):


  • Dead Star
  • Zombi


  • I Am Alive (apparently, it was a mistake it was offered last month, and was quickly replaced by Super Stardust, so it's offered again this month. So get Super Stardust ASAP if you missed it like me.)
  • Savage Moon

PS Vita:

  • A Virus Named Tom
  • Shutshimi

moho, looks like Dead Star, Savage Moon, A Virus Named Tom and Shutshimi all need to be added.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 67 - Posted on 3/30/2016 18:24:48

Zombi is a decent offering, though I have the original on my WiiU already.

Dead Star is a pile of poop filler game.

I am Alive and Savage Moon are just meh at best.

A Virus Named Tom is actually kind of fun, but nothing incredible.

No idea about Shutshimi, looks like it could be okay, but with short-lasting entertainment value. I love stuff like Parodius taking the piss out of side-scrolling shooters, but the production values on this title look pretty low.

jwcooley Curator Posts: 984 Registered: 2/28/2014
# 68 - Posted on 3/31/2016 5:20:10

If the offerings keep coming like this from PS Plus...pretty sure in December I'll probably not renew my subscription. There hasn't been much that I've seen lately that has just grabbed me.

Plus, it's not like I need the extra backlog anyway.

WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 69 - Posted on 3/31/2016 12:49:46

@jwcooley Agreed. Really the ONLY game I play online is Rocket League and that I got free as well from PS+...so it sucks that I may have to keep it for one game lol. Although I am pretty excited they are releasing a retail version of Rocket League. I'm a sucker for download games on disc...I never feel like I really OWN digital games.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 70 - Posted on 4/4/2016 2:22:24

@boffo97 - Sorry for the delay, those have all been added! A Virus Named Tom was already listed, but you probably didn't find it because there's apparently a bug in the search query. I assume it's related to the recent Roman Numerals conversion code I added, but I'll look into it. For now, you should be able to find it by searching for "named tom".

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 71 - Posted on 4/4/2016 14:49:46

No problem with the delay, since the PS Plus games won't be released until tomorrow anyway. :D

And yeah, I did think it was odd that I couldn't find A Virus Named Tom. SOMEBODY had to have it on Steam.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 72 - Posted on 4/4/2016 15:18:42

I think that was one of the first games I added to my collection when I joined the site, so it sure as heck had to be here somewhere.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 73 - Posted on 4/5/2016 18:47:00

PS+ games are up, and in a minor correction, Shutshimi is also available on the PS4 in addition to the Vita.

boffo97 Posts: 767 Registered: 1/25/2015
# 74 - Posted on 4/26/2016 16:18:31

May Xbox Games With Gold titles announced. Not as nice as last month, but still decent:

Xbox One:

  • Defense Grid 2 (May 1st - 31st)
  • Costume Quest 2 (May 16th - June 15th)

Xbox 360: (also compatible with Xbox One):

  • GRID 2 (May 1st - 15th)
  • Peggle (May 16th - 31st)

My thoughts:

Haven't played the Defense Grid games, though I do have the first game on Steam. I wonder if a console gives a good experience for tower defense games though.

Haven't played Costume Quest 2. I have the first game on Steam and PS3. It was the game that encouraged me to get an HDTV, and the text is STILL hard to read.

GRID 2 is a pretty old game at this point and in fact was on PS Plus back in December 2013.

Peggle will be nice, but has been in a PC bundle before.

PS Plus games for May aren't announced yet. I'll mention them here when they are.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 75 - Posted on 4/26/2016 16:24:43

Defense Grid is probably one of my favourite tower defense styled games out there. It looks slick compared to most of them and there is a great deal of challenge presented in the various modes for each stage. For a completionist though, it's brutal due to how many levels + variations there are to get through! I briefly played the second, but it didn't seem as good so far. I think I just need to give it another chance.

Current rumour is that ps+ will include some tetris game and watchdogs.