# 1 -
Posted on 4/27/2015 3:57:38
I'm not a member of the latter, but figured I might as well set a thread up for discussion of both. May's upcoming Playstation Plus titles may have been leaked. According to a picture purportedly at Germany's Playstation Blog, next month will include: PS4:
PS Vita:
Some are doubting the purported leak though, since apparently Shovel Knight just came out on the Sony platforms and those who only recently bought it might be very upset if it came out for free. Usually new games that come out on PS Plus time their release so that they come out same day as their free release on PS Plus. Also, it's odd that Rayman Legends would be given away on the PS3 and PS4, but not the Vita.
Post Edited on 4/29/2015 3:32:00
# 2 -
Posted on 4/27/2015 5:58:31
That list sounds WAY too good to be true. I mean, there's zero chance the list would consist entirely of games I actually want |
# 3 -
Posted on 4/28/2015 2:15:46
I would love to see Knack get on the list. I've wanted to play that for a while but have refused to buy for this very reason. |
# 4 -
Posted on 4/29/2015 4:58:05
I know, right? Knack just screams ps+ to me, and I held off as well! |
# 5 -
Posted on 4/29/2015 18:53:31
Well, that "leak" turned out to be as incorrect as possible. On the plus side, the real list has some decent looking indie games I've been wanting to try. |
# 6 -
Posted on 4/29/2015 20:52:31
Yep... looking like not too big a PS Plus month. Then again, I almost stay with PS Plus more for continued access to the past stuff than I do for the current stuff. ;) |
# 7 -
Posted on 5/27/2015 17:34:15
June's PS+ games were announced a little early. They go on the PSN Store on the 2nd. PS4:
PS Vita:
After quick searches, it looks like only Super Exploding Zoo and Futuridium EP Deluxe need to be added to the database here.
Post Edited on 5/27/2015 17:36:44
# 8 -
Posted on 5/27/2015 17:41:12
Ugh, every time I see "Metal Gear Solid V" it reminds me that I haven't even played the third one yet...soooo far behind, considering I'd like to play some of the portable games too. |
# 9 -
Posted on 5/27/2015 18:16:53
I still need to play the 3rd one too... especially since I have it as part of the HD collection. It's just that anal-retentive part of my brain wants to play them in order since I have them all through Peace Walker except the weird handheld ones (PS1 version on PSN, HD Collection for 2 & 3, disc for 4, HD Collection for Peace Walker.) and I'm stuck on the 2nd Vulcan Raven fight in the first one. It was much easier with my Gameshark back in the day. ;) |
# 10 -
Posted on 5/27/2015 23:54:28
Oh man, I still remember buying the first one the day it came out when I was in high school! That was back before the internet was so prevalent (at least for me) and I mainly relied on video game magazines for my news :P I remember the anticipation from month to month until it came out, which is something I don't really see anymore. I guess part of that is because I'm older and have other crap to do, but still. Anyways, back on topic...The first one is pretty tough, but oh so good. I played through it maybe 5 or 6 years ago (wow, has it really been that long!?!) since I wanted to play through the second one for the first time (which I did). I briefly played the third one after that, but only played for about 20 minutes. It seemed like it'd be great, but I'm sure I just got sidetracked with some other game. I've also wanted to go back and play the VR Missions thing they did on the PS1, I think it's on the Legacy Collection? I've had that in my Amazon cart for weeks now, I should probably just buy it... |
# 11 -
Posted on 5/28/2015 1:31:19
Also, @boffo97, those PS games have been added. |
# 12 -
Posted on 5/28/2015 3:43:30
Sweet. Thanks, moho. Nothing like getting that taken care of before the games are even available. ;) |
# 13 -
Posted on 7/1/2015 22:20:36
July's PS+ Games: PS4:
PS Vita:
moho, Rocket League and Entwined need to be added, but no hurry because the games won't be available for download until Tuesday. |
# 14 -
Posted on 7/1/2015 23:17:35
@boffo97 - I went ahead and loaded those in with tonight's batch! Did anyone play Rain? The previews looked kinda interesting, but I'm not sure I've read anything else about it. |
# 15 -
Posted on 7/2/2015 4:37:08
Bought it a while back on sale, never played it. Backlog hell :/ |
# 16 -
Posted on 7/2/2015 4:53:11
I'd be interested to know if anyone here ISN'T in backlog hell... stupid Borderlands 1 for a dollar... :P Thanks, moho. |
# 17 -
Posted on 7/2/2015 20:18:46
Haha I've pretty much took up residency in backlog hell. I'd say I have three primary reasons: 1) I really enjoy playing RPGs, but they're often soooo long! I have so many PS1 RPGs that I legitimately want to play, but they can be tedious and take so much time. Then you have the stupid open world games we have nowadays! |
# 18 -
Posted on 7/2/2015 20:19:25
Oh and right now I actually have a fourth reason: Clicker Heroes, ugh! |
# 19 -
Posted on 7/3/2015 8:48:58
Make my 4th reason WoW, and I'm right there with you. Plus, so many longer games these days if you play them for a bit then move on to other stuff, then you might as well start over when you come back to it since otherwise you end up feeling you've forgotten important bits of story or important controls. :) |
# 20 -
Posted on 7/3/2015 16:31:26
Haha yeah, that was my big issue. I'd play through half or more of a game, then move on to something else... and when I get back to the first game, it's been so long that I just start over. Vicious cycle. Now I pick a game, focus on that so I can clear it out and be done with it. I still occasionally play other games, but nothing that would be "ruined" for me if I didn't play it for a month or more and feel the need to restart. edit: The worst offender so far is probably Nier. I think I've restarted playing that game about 6-7 times now.
Post Edited on 7/3/2015 16:31:59
# 21 -
Posted on 7/3/2015 16:35:04
I started playing Nier a few years ago when I first got it. I really enjoyed the story / setting and the gameplay was pretty cool too. I stopped at some point (probably 10 hours or so in?) and haven't touched it since. It's on my list, but I don't know if / when I'll make it back to it... |
# 22 -
Posted on 7/29/2015 23:40:28
August 2015 PS Plus Titles released: PS4:
PS Vita:
Titles will be available the first Tuesday of the month, 08/04/15. Also for completeness' sake, here's August's Games With Gold: 08/01/15: 08/16/15: And no work for moho here, because all 10 games are already in the database! ;) |
# 23 -
Posted on 7/30/2015 3:58:15
Oh nice! I came so close to buying Sound Shapes on a number of occasions, glad I held off. Saved a whole $2.50 or so :P |
# 24 -
Posted on 8/4/2015 22:56:33
Hope PS3 owning PS+ users aren't running low on HD space. This month's God of War Ascension? 34 GB!!! |
# 25 -
Posted on 8/25/2015 6:44:59
Since the first Tuesday of September is in fact September 1st, the Playstation Plus games for September are already announced: PS4:
PS Vita:
moho, it's looking like only La Mulana EX needs to be added, but no hurry of course. Xbox Games With Gold for next month haven't been announced yet.
Post Edited on 8/25/2015 6:47:15