jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 26 - Posted on 5/25/2016 21:55:49

So there's this hilarious glitch going on where Bill Walsh's College Football for Sega is showing up as worth $114. That'd be awesome!....if it wasn't actually closer to $5.


Post Edited on 5/25/2016 21:56:05
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 27 - Posted on 5/25/2016 22:21:37

Haha wow, not sure how it thought Popful Mail was Bill Walsh's College Football. I'd sell my copy of that football game in a heartbeat for $114 though :P

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 28 - Posted on 5/27/2016 17:31:35

Dragon's Lair for 3DO
Falco Amiibo

Has Sonic the Hedgehog 1 and 2 been entered into the Game Gear Library, yet? If so, what are they listed under? I can't find any port for the game gear with a value.

Creatures for Playstation 1

NBA All-Star Challenge for SNES
Sneak King for Xbox

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 29 - Posted on 5/28/2016 14:41:10

Dragon's Lair is a rather messy game in terms of releases and such. We have the 3DO entry listed under "Dragon's Lair (1994)" and it's mapped to VGPC for the 3DO, Sega CD, and Jaguar CD releases.

The Falco Amiibo does not seem to have a "complete" value on VGPC, so that might be why it's not showing up for you.

Creatures should be fixed now (it was incorrectly mapped to the PC version).

NBA All-Star Challenge had two releases, one for SNES / Genesis and one for Game Boy. The one you have in your collection is for Game Boy, so you'll want to select NBA All-Star Challenge (1992) for the SNES version. (I hope one day to have a better way of handling this or at least informing users that they're missing a value and it could be like this or something.)

Sneak King is one of those few weird games that works for multiple systems (Xbox and Xbox 360). We have it mapped to VGPC using the Xbox 360 entry, so if you change its platform to Xbox 360, you should a value for it.

I'll have to look into Sonic 1 and 2 for the Game Gear (gotta run for now).

Marusame Backer Posts: 11 Registered: 5/28/2016
# 30 - Posted on 5/28/2016 23:20:01

Was adding games to my collection and Mighty Switch Force 2 isn't showing up. Its on 3DS and Wii U eshop. The other versions of mighty switch force are on there.

Also many many amiibo do not show up, some like wolf link or megaman amiibo are not on here.

And as for SNES, I wasnt able to add most of my Super Famicom carts like:
Magical Taruruto Kun Magic Adventure for the super famicom
Super Puyo Puyo 2 for the super famicom
Parlor! Mini 4 for the super famicom

Found some more for xbox 360
Bejeweled Blitz
Adventures of Captain Becky (indie)
ApocZ (indie)
Motocross Madness (xbox live arcade)
Rayman 3 HD (xbox live arcade)
white noise (xbox live arcade, not online edition)
WSOP: Full House Pro (world series of poker full house pro) (xbox live arcade)
Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's (xbox live arcade)
Yu-Gi-Oh! MD (millennium duels) (xbox live arcade)

Post Edited on 5/29/2016 1:46:39
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 31 - Posted on 5/29/2016 2:08:50

@Marusame - Welcome to the site! Let me know if you have any feedback!

I added Mighty Switch Force 2 and the Super Famicom games you listed. I didn't see the 360 games or I would've gotten those as well. Nevertheless, they'll go in with the next load!

The Wolf Link and Mega Man amiibos are both on the site or are you saying the VGPC price isn't coming through?

Also, if you just need games added, we have this other thread for posting them. This particular thread is more for if VGPC price data isn't coming through.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 32 - Posted on 5/30/2016 17:02:55

@Marusame - Those remaining Xbox 360 games have been added!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 33 - Posted on 5/30/2016 19:47:08

Just a heads up that I am slowly adding more VGPC links to travplaysgames's list. I don't have as much time as I thought I would, but it is being worked on. There's been some dialogue between myself and moho_00 about trying to better organize some of these entries as well dealing with multiple releases, version differences, title changes and all that fun stuff that likes to muck with database organization, so that also slows things down a bit.

It is getting done, however, just thought an update would be in order.

Post Edited on 5/30/2016 19:51:41
jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 34 - Posted on 6/1/2016 14:14:14

Genesis games:

Demolition Man
Disney's Aladdin
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
NCAA Final Four Basketball
Super Volleyball
Virtua Racing (Actually, the two version on the site are the 1994 and 1995 ports. Wasn't the genesis one in like 92? A new version might need added altogether)

Marusame Backer Posts: 11 Registered: 5/28/2016
# 35 - Posted on 6/9/2016 6:23:44

Arcana Heart 3 is missing, all i see is Arcana Heart 3: LOVE MAX!, which by anime fighters go is completely different heh.

Oddworld Munches Oddysee HD on ps3
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time (i own the psp version on vita TV)
DISSIDIA duodecim prologus FINAL FANTASY (paid psp dissidia 2 prologue)

Post Edited on 6/9/2016 6:54:10
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 36 - Posted on 6/12/2016 12:05:35

@Marusame - Those have all been added!

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 37 - Posted on 6/14/2016 13:44:58

The Locoroco 2 for PSP price is missing

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 38 - Posted on 6/14/2016 13:57:44

You caught me slippin'...that one should be fixed now :P

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 39 - Posted on 6/14/2016 15:12:11

"You caught me slippin'"

^ Is that a Game Chasers reference? :p

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 40 - Posted on 8/30/2016 17:27:52

Is this thread still alive? I have some games in my list that don't have price data. I've confirmed that all of these have price data on VGPC.


Age of Empires III
Backyard Baseball 2001
Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood
Clue Classic
Toy Story


Demolition Man
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
NCAA Final Four Basketball
Prince of Persia
Super Volleyball
Virtua Racing


Pro Pinball: Timeshock (listed on VGPC as "Timeshock Pro Pinball")
Creatures (listed as 99 cents?)

Game Gear:
Desert Speedtrap (listed as a penny?)


Zombie Revenge (I recall an admin saying that the VGPC price was linked, but there was no price for CIB. There is now, but no price on this site is listed)



Sega Saturn:

MidWay Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits (This is on VGPC as "William Arcade's Greatest Hits")

Atari 2600:

Star Voyager
Home Run

Xbox 360:

Gears of War

Sega Master System:

Pro Wrestling

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 41 - Posted on 8/30/2016 19:37:45


  • Age of Empires III - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.
  • Backyard Baseball 2001 - Not in our database yet, needs adding.
  • Brothers in Arms: Earned in Blood - Added VGPC link
  • Clue Classic - Not in our database yet, needs adding.
  • Toy Story - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Clue - Added VGPC link (as well as the SNES version)
  • Demolition Man - Fixed the VGPC linking. The SNES, Genesis, and Sega CD versions were linked to the unique 3DO version instead in error.
  • Aladdin - Although there are two entire Aladdin game versions missing from our database, the one we do have is for the edition you're asking for. Price linked.
  • MMPR - This one's another messy entry that needs a bunch of variants added to the database it seems. I've gone ahead and linked the Genesis pricing to it, however since the box art we're using matches the aspect ratio of that edition.
  • NCAA Final Four Basketball - Added VGPC link (along with SNES)
  • Prince of Persia - This entry needs a lot of cleanup/additions. Lot of differences between platforms. Not linking anything to this until we have it sorted out.
  • Super Volleyball - Added VGPC link (along with TurboGrafx-16)
  • Virtua Racing - Added VGPC link


  • Pro Pinball: Timeshock - Added VGPC link
  • Creatures - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.

Game Gear

  • Desert Speedtrap - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Zombie Revenge - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Cyberball - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Midway Presents Arcade's Greatest Hits - These collections are a mess, again, will need to take some time to sort it out. Naming variations and console differences are all over the place with this thing and it's ilk.

Atari 2600

  • Star Voyager - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.
  • Home Run - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Gears of War - Already linked, but using old VGPC data. Will get updated next time moho_00 does a VPGC update.


  • Pro Wrasslin' - Added VGPC link
Post Edited on 8/30/2016 19:41:11
jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 42 - Posted on 8/30/2016 20:40:24


Barely two hours later, and you handled that list like a boss.

Thank you!

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 43 - Posted on 9/2/2016 19:40:03

Romance of the Three Kingdoms II for SNES: https://www.pricecharting.com/game/super-nintendo/romance-of-the-three-kingdoms-ii

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 44 - Posted on 9/2/2016 20:39:49

RotTK2 - VGPC links added

FMonk Posts: 15 Registered: 9/13/2016
# 45 - Posted on 9/16/2016 22:23:09

As a companion to the missing games I put in the other thread, here are the games that are missing prices that do exist in the Completionator database. In a few cases, I suspect that some may just be mapped to the wrong system since the price for the correct system definitely exists on the VGPC. I know it says only NTSC games, but there is a listing on the VGPC for the Japanese version of Rez on Dreamcast, so I wasn't sure if that was something that could be added or not. I also know there is discussion of using the loose price if a complete price doesn't exist, and that popped up for me with the PS3 version of Remember Me.

Chessmaster - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/chessmaster-%28original-gameboy%29
Mega Man 4 - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/mega-man-4
Qix - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/qix
The Immortal - GEN - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/sega-genesis/the-immortal
Who Framed Roger Rabbit - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/who-framed-roger-rabbit
Demolition Racer - DC - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/sega-dreamcast/demolition-racer
Legend of the River King - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/legend-of-the-river-king-%28original-gameboy%29
NFL Quarterback Club 96 - GB - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy/nfl-quarterback-club-96
Remember Me - PS3 - price for loose but not complete on VGPC - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/playstation-3/remember-me
Rez (JPN) - DC - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/sega-dreamcast/rez
Shadow of the Beast - GEN - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/sega-genesis/shadow-of-the-beast
The Sims: Deluxe Edition - PC - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/pc-games/the-sims-deluxe-edition
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - GBC - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/gameboy-color/turok-2-seeds-of-evil
Where in Time is Carmen San Diego - NES - https://www.pricecharting.com/game/nes/where-in-time-is-carmen-sandiego

Thanks again for all the work!

Post Edited on 9/17/2016 15:52:32
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 46 - Posted on 9/18/2016 13:23:32

@FMonk - For now, the VGPC integration is limited to only NTSC-U games, mainly because it would be so inconsistent (and probably nearly non-existent) for users that have primarly non-NTSC-U collections. To keep things simple and clear, I opted to only support North American releases. If VGPC starts adding other regions on a consistent basis, I would gladly put in the development to support them :)

As for your list, I've been working through it and here's what I came up with:

  • Chessmaster - GB - This mapping has been added.
  • Mega Man 4 - GB - This is actually a missing game since Mega Man 2-5 on GB are completely different games (and technically use different titles, i.e. Mega Man 4 vs. Mega Man IV). I'll be added the missing GB games with the next load, so you'll want to remove the one that's in your collection now and add the new one, which will have a mapping to the GB version on VGPC.
  • Qix - GB - This is the same issue as Mega Man 4. We recently decided to separate out these older arcade games that have had many releases since they generally have unique box art and look / play differently.
  • The Immortal - GEN - I did some research and it sounds like the Genesis version is different from the PC / NES (which is also different since it has reduced violence, but meh?), so I'll be loading a separate entry for it as well.
  • Who Framed Roger Rabbit - GB - Oh hey, another missing game...there were actually 3 completely different Roger Rabbit games and the one we have now is for the NES. The Game Boy version came out a couple of years later.
  • Demolition Racer - DC - This one should be mapped already, but the Dreamcast version is actually Demolition Racer: No Exit. The original game was not released for Dreamcast (only PC and PS1).
  • Legend of the River King - GB - I'm not sure why this one wasn't mapped already, but it is now! I'm also going to load a separate entry for the GBC version, which actually used "GBC" as part of the title.
  • NFL Quarterback Club 96 - GB - Hmm...This one appears to be mapped already. It looks like VGPC doesn't have a "complete" price, so perhaps that's the issue? I know you mentioned this about Remember Me, so definitely let me know your thoughts on having the prices "fall back" if one isn't available.
  • Remember Me - PS3 - This one is mapped, so I think your suspicion is correct.
  • Rez (JPN) - DC - See above.
  • Shadow of the Beast - GEN - This mapping has been added.
  • The Sims: Deluxe Edition - PC - This mapping has been added.
  • Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - GBC - The data we currently have loaded doesn't have a "complete" price, so that might be why it's not showing up for you?
  • Where in Time is Carmen San Diego - NES - This mapping has been added.
Post Edited on 9/18/2016 13:25:12
FMonk Posts: 15 Registered: 9/13/2016
# 47 - Posted on 9/18/2016 14:25:06

Doh, I can't believe I missed Demolition Racer's name :P

Thanks! :D

FMonk Posts: 15 Registered: 9/13/2016
# 48 - Posted on 9/18/2016 15:37:12

Followup question Re: prices.

I take it the link to the VGPC is not realtime? Turok 2 on GBC does have a price listed for CIB on VGPC, but it doesn't show up in Completionator. The way you worded the response there makes me think that you just don't have the latest data pulled, is that correct? It really doesn't matter, I'm just curious now :)

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 49 - Posted on 9/18/2016 21:05:19

Ah, I should've probably clarified on that :P You're correct, the link to VGPC is not real-time. I purchase new data from them every once in a while and then run some scripts to get the data loaded onto Completionator. The games are manually mapped to (hopefully) ensure accuracy, so that's why you might find some that aren't mapped from time-to-time. Hopefully our community grows large enough that I can justify purchasing data more frequently or hook directly into their API :D

OutlawDJ Posts: 9 Registered: 11/11/2015
# 50 - Posted on 9/19/2016 3:12:37

Not Syncing:
Out of this World - SNES
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Four Swords - GBA