SonicChiliDog Posts: 16 Registered: 6/7/2017
# 179 - Posted on 11/14/2019 4:08:45

(Switch) Diablo III: Eternal Collection

callmesteam Posts: 4 Registered: 8/28/2018
# 180 - Posted on 11/22/2019 23:05:31

I see in the pinned post that only physical games are eligible, but Vader Immortal Episode 1 is listed on the site, while Episodes 2 and 3 are not. For the Oculus Quest. Also, Songbird Symphony is missing. There are physical releases for Switch and PS4. Thanks

callmesteam Posts: 4 Registered: 8/28/2018
# 181 - Posted on 12/15/2019 20:09:54

Please add Shovel Knight Showdown. I see that King of Cards was added already with the same release date. It's available (or coming to) every major platform. Thanks

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 182 - Posted on 12/15/2019 23:05:45

@callmesteam - I've updated the Vader Immortal and Songbird Symphony info. Vader is only digital and I only see EU physical releases for Songbirg. Currently, VGPC data on this site only does US releases and they have to be physical. If you were talking about just getting the games added, this is the incorrect thread as this is for getting VGPC data added/corrected.

Use this thread for game requests to be added to the site:

Shovel Knight Showdown was added.

Post Edited on 12/16/2019 2:20:47
Cheesyben Posts: 258 Registered: 12/31/2018
# 183 - Posted on 12/16/2019 15:44:24

Shovel Knight Showdown is actually included in Treasure Trove can you please add it to the compilation.

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 184 - Posted on 12/24/2019 15:05:56

Days Gone for PS4 -
Infinifactory for PS4 -
Steamworld Dig 2 for PS4 -
Sairento for PS4 (PSVR) -
Wolfenstein Cyberpilot for PS4 (PSVR) -
Mutant Year Zero Road to Eden Deluxe Edition for Xbox One -
(As far as I’m aware the Deluxe edition was the only version released physically. It’s the only version that has a listing on pricecharting.)
Hitman Definitive Edition for Xbox One -
(I'm not 100% sure about Hitman. All that is listed in the database is "Hitman" not "Hitman Definitive Edition." Either way, there is no price data for Hitman for Xbox One.)

Post Edited on 1/7/2020 1:14:49
stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 185 - Posted on 1/6/2020 20:50:42


moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 186 - Posted on 1/7/2020 2:12:22

@stufio - Sorry about that, I was on vacation and must've missed this one when I was catching up. Those should all be fixed now though. I ended up adding a separate entry for Hitman: Definitive Edition.

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 187 - Posted on 1/7/2020 3:28:06

@moho, thanks! I figured the holidays were the cause. I always appreciate the effort you put into this website!

loomdog32 Posts: 37 Registered: 11/11/2019
# 188 - Posted on 1/15/2020 2:12:46

When adding NFL Football for the NES, none of the options listed match the NES version.
Link to VGPC

The NES version is Copyright 1988, Released in 1989 by LJN.

I used the "NFL Football (1990)", which is the wrong year, and also shows Konami in the picture...
But this version appears to be the closest match IMO.

Post Edited on 1/15/2020 2:13:40
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 189 - Posted on 1/15/2020 3:08:05

We have that one listed simply under "NFL", which I think is the official name (but is definitely kinda weird!):

Post Edited on 1/15/2020 3:08:30
loomdog32 Posts: 37 Registered: 11/11/2019
# 190 - Posted on 1/15/2020 19:45:23

That was it!!

I typically use the name as listed on VGPC; that was the disconnect.

I've also noticed issues like this with games like "Super Jeopardy" being called "Talking Super Jeopardy"...
Gotta love it when the developer names a game then marketing decides to put a different name on the label...

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 191 - Posted on 1/24/2020 20:07:31

Metal Wolf Chaos XD for PS4 -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 192 - Posted on 1/24/2020 21:26:48

@stufio - That one has been fixed!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 193 - Posted on 1/27/2020 20:59:38

Sinking City for Xbox One -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 194 - Posted on 1/27/2020 22:41:18

@stufio - That one has been fixed!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 195 - Posted on 3/2/2020 16:17:46

Slay the Spire for Xbox One -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 196 - Posted on 3/4/2020 22:10:12

I needed to load in some new VGPC mappings for that one, but we should be good to go now!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 197 - Posted on 3/27/2020 18:06:04

Avicii Invector for Xbox One -
This was just added to, so it probably won’t have any pricing data at first, but over time it should show up if you guys link to it.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 198 - Posted on 3/28/2020 17:34:22

DOOM Eternal

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 199 - Posted on 4/14/2020 23:28:14

Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball for Game Boy -
Monopoly for Game Boy -
Texas Hold 'Em Poker for Game Boy Advance -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 200 - Posted on 4/14/2020 23:57:33

@stufio - Those should be fixed up now. Also, I forgot to post before, but the last couple will be picked up once I get some new pricing data on here (should be soon).

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 201 - Posted on 4/17/2020 4:02:05

Question: do you plan on importing non-North American pricing data if it’s available on For example, I have several Japanese Pokémon games, and they have entries on priceharting’s website. I thought I remembered someone on these forums saying foreign (non-US) pricing data was not going to be added, but I can’t remember when or who said it. It’s possible I’m wrong and made it up too, so I thought I’d ask.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 202 - Posted on 4/17/2020 18:59:32

I definitely plan to add support for PAL and JP releases at some point. I need to rework the way VGPC integration works to add in a layer for region since I had to lock it down to North America initially. It's on my list though

Also, I loaded in some new data today and adding the requested mappings from a few posts back!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 203 - Posted on 4/18/2020 3:18:37

Thanks! How will we know when you've added international pricing data? The release notes section?