moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1 - Posted on 5/13/2016 2:56:37

If you run across any games that don't have any pricing data, feel free to report them here. Please keep in mind that only physical NTSC-U games are supported and only those that are available on VGPC.

robpancake Posts: 1 Registered: 5/13/2016
# 2 - Posted on 5/13/2016 10:46:02

I couldn't find an entry for this earlier today.

Cheers btw, just joined the website. This is exactly what I have been looking for.

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 3 - Posted on 5/13/2016 13:27:52

Dragon's Lair for 3DO
The 8-bit Modern Mario Amiibo is closer to $10, not $1
Falco Amiibo
Blackjack for Atari 2600
Bowling for Atari 2600
Breakout for Atari 2600
Combat for Atari 2600
Football for Atari 2600
Haunted House for Atari 2600
Millipede for Atari 2600
Missile Command for Atari 2600
Moon Patrol for Atari 2600
Outlaw for Atari 2600
Phoenix for Atari 2600
Q*bert for Atari 2600
Reactor for Atari 2600
Star Voyager for Atari 2600
Star Wars: The Empire Strikes back for Atari 2600
Street Racer for Atari 2600
Super Breakout for Atari 2600
Tennis for Atari 2600
Video Olympics for Atari 2600

I'll stop there for now. (Please don't hate me. I really do love the idea behind this site)

travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 4 - Posted on 5/13/2016 15:34:57

These weren't showing up in my collection so far (just NES and N64 for now): #sorry #loveyou #lovethesite #sorry

Arch Rivals: The Arcade Game Nintendo Entertainment System
Adventures of Tom Sawyer Nintendo Entertainment System
Air Fortress Nintendo Entertainment System
Airwolf Nintendo Entertainment System
Alien 3 Nintendo Entertainment System
All-Pro Basketball Nintendo Entertainment System
Alpha Mission Nintendo Entertainment System
Amagon Nintendo Entertainment System


Post Edited on 5/13/2016 16:55:55
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 5 - Posted on 5/13/2016 15:58:19


Oh my.

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 6 - Posted on 5/13/2016 16:00:33

Holy shit.

We love you, guys...

offers internet cookie

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 7 - Posted on 5/13/2016 16:15:44

@travplaysgames - It looks like there's a bug with the bulk import where it doesn't wire up price data, so that will be an easy fix :D I'm going to load in new VGPC data this weekend anyways, so most of those should be fixed soon!

travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 8 - Posted on 5/13/2016 16:55:43

Sweet! Sorry for taking up so much space, I'll edit down my post since you figured it out!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 9 - Posted on 5/14/2016 2:17:01

@robpancake Welcome aboard, that one has been added!

@jkersey450 and @travplaysgames - I loaded in the newest VGPC prices today, so you should have less games that are missing prices now. I'm sure there are still some that I need to map, so I'll be working on that now!

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 10 - Posted on 5/16/2016 17:02:09

I'll wait on the Atari 2600 before checking again. (That last update made the value of my games go up by about $150 bucks, haha)
So here's other systems in the meantime.

Atari 5200

James Bond 007
Star Raiders
Super Breakout


Quake III: Arena
Sega Rally Championship
Zombie Revenge

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 11 - Posted on 5/19/2016 12:20:41

I've been mapping games and I think I have most of the ones that have been posted taken care of. In doing this, it's reminded me of a couple of things we had previously discussed on the forum here, but I haven't actually handled in the code. I figured now would be a good time to discuss them again.

  • Some games / conditions don't have a value on VGPC. For example, at the time of this posting, Zombie Revenge does not have a "Complete" price, which is why I suspect it's not showing up for you, @jkersey450. We had talked about in instances like this that we would "fall back" to the next price level, so in this case, you would show the "Loose" price. That would at least show something, even though it wouldn't totally be accurate. But given that this is all just an estimate, maybe that's okay?
  • The other issue is sometimes the prices aren't "in order". What I mean by that is the "Complete" price can sometimes be more than the "New" price, which doesn't make any sense. It really depends on the data that VGPC is able to pull in and unfortunately, this can happen. My thought here is we could pull in the highest value up to and including the condition you've entered. So if you enter "Loose", you would always get that price. If you enter "Complete", you'd get the highest of "Loose" and "Complete". And finally, if you enter "New", you'd get the highest of all three.

One other thing to consider is that in some instances, VGPC simply doesn't have the game in their system. This isn't too common, but I've definitely seen it before. I don't think it's happened for any of the games listed here so far, but just wanted to throw that out there so you guys are aware.

Anyways, let me know what you guys think about this stuff and if we can figure out anything, I can try to implement it this weekend.

Post Edited on 5/19/2016 13:15:12
travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 12 - Posted on 5/19/2016 12:51:33

I still have about 280 not reporting prices, do you want me to share them here or wait until you've finished your process?

I also like your idea for orders. I can't think of any scenario in which that order would not make sense.

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 13 - Posted on 5/19/2016 14:34:01

That system seems pretty solid to me. In the meantime, here are some games missing prices.

Dragon's Lair for 3DO still is missing a price.

Spongebob Squarepants: Legend of the Lost Spatula for Game Boy Color

Road Rash for Game Gear

I'm not sure if the Sonic the Hedgehog games (1 & 2) for Game Gear are missing, or I put them under the wrong game. I listed them as the 8-bit versions. Is this correct?

Ghostbusters for NES
Robocop for NES
Rygar for NES
Shadowgate for NES
Spy Hunter NES
Tecmo Bowl for NES
Top Gun for NES

Dead or Alive 2 for PS2
Midnight Club 3 Dub Edition Remix for PS2
Spiderman for PS2
Spiderman 2 for PS2
Spy Hunter for PS2
Lord of the rings: Fellowship of the ring for PS2
Transformers: The Game for PS2

Lethal Enforcers II: Gunfighters for Sega CD
Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective for Sega CD

Dennis the Menace for SNES
Family Feud for SNES
Judge Dredd for SNES
NBA All-Star Challenge for SNES
Sim City for SNES
Tin Star for SNES (the box art for this on the site is completely different. Is this a different game?)

Sneak King for Xbox

I promise, that is every game that I currently have listed missing prices! (I still have a few more systems to list on here, but I shouldn't have another list this long!)

EDIT: Also, I double-checked that every single one of these is listed on the price charting web site.

Post Edited on 5/19/2016 17:00:04
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 14 - Posted on 5/19/2016 19:15:06

@travplaysgames - Feel free to go ahead and drop them in here and so I can prioritize them.

As a side-note, there are 996 games that either A) need VGPC mappings or B) don't have a physical release and just need to be noted as such. So we're getting close :P

Post Edited on 5/19/2016 19:15:21
travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 15 - Posted on 5/20/2016 15:06:24

I'm seeing that a good number of mine are Steam PC/Windows games or digital Xbox games. I assume there's no VGPC price for those so I'll omit those here. Here are the cartridge games that I have missing values for:

Arch Rivals: The Arcade Game
Caesars Palace (1992)
Cobra Command (1984)
Dick Tracy
Die Hard
Dig Dug II
Dragon Spirit
Dragon's Lair (1990)
Dungeon Magic
F-117A Stealth Fighter
Family Feud (1991)
Flying Dragon
Ghostbusters II
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Jack Nicklaus Golf
Joe & Mac
John Elway's Quarterback
Karate Champ
Lode Runner (1983)
MiG-29: Soviet Fighter
Monopoly (NES)
NFL Football
Pictionary (1990)
Puzznic (1990)
RoboCop 2
Rygar (1987)
Skate or Die 2: The Search for Double Trouble
Space Shuttle
Spy Hunter (1983)
Spy vs. Spy (1984)
Star Force
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
Star Wars
Superman (1988)
Tecmo Bowl (1989)
Tecmo Super Bowl
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
The Adventures of Gilligan's Island
The Bard's Tale (1985)
The Chessmaster
The Karate Kid
The Legend of Kage
The Little Mermaid
The Punisher
The Ren & Stimpy Show: Buckeroo$!
The Three Stooges (1987)
Top Gun
Top Gun: The Second Mission
Top Players Tennis
Town & Country Surf Designs: Wood & Water Rage
Track & Field
Track & Field II
Wheel of Fortune (1988)
Wheel of Fortune: Family Edition
Wheel of Fortune: Junior Edition
Where in Time is Carmen Sandiego?
Where's Waldo?

Dungeons & Dragons: Eye of the Beholder
ESPN National Hockey Night
John Madden Football (1994)
NBA All-Star Challenge
NHLPA Hockey 93
Nigel Mansell's World Championship Racing
Pebble Beach Golf Links
PGA European Tour
PGA Tour Golf (1994)
Pro Sport Hockey
Scooby-Doo Mystery
SimCity (1989)
Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
Taz-Mania (1992)
Tecmo Super Bowl
The Lawnmower Man
Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics
Wayne's World

Super Cobra
Yars' Revenge

Star Wars
Super Off Road (SNES)
Taz-Mania (1992)

GameBoy Advance:
Super Space Invaders '91

Karaoke Revolution Party
X-Men: The Official Game

Asterix and the Great Rescue
ESPN National Hockey Night
Family Feud (1991)
Flashback: The Quest for Identity
Global Gladiators
Joe Montana Football
NHLPA Hockey 93
Pebble Beach Golf Links
Road Rash (1991)
The Incredible Hulk (1994)
World Series Baseball

Bust-A-Move 2: Arcade Edition
Command & Conquer
Fighting Force
Hot Wheels Turbo Racing
Monster Truck Madness
Namco Museum (2000)
Nuclear Strike
Polaris SnoCross
Scooby-Doo! Classic Creep Capers
Xena: Warrior Princess

Nintendo DS:
Spider-Man 3

ESPN X-Games Pro Boarder
Star Wars: Rebel Assault II - The Hidden Empire

PlayStation 2:
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2

Post Edited on 5/20/2016 15:09:41
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 16 - Posted on 5/20/2016 23:49:26

I've been going through more games and since there are a lot of them posted here, I'm just going to gradually make notes as to why some prices aren't coming through.

  • Command & Conquer - The N64 version is a separate entry called Command & Conquer (1999) since it was a bit of a remake
  • Fighting Force - The N64 had a separate version called Fighting Force 64. I thought I had this on the site, but apparently not. It will be added with the next load.
  • Monster Truck Madness - Don't you just love how the N64 added "64" to the end of games? This one is listed under Monster Truck Madness 64.
  • Namco Museum (2000) - So these things are really nasty :P I tried to load them as accurately as I could and I think this one was a Dreamcast-only release (based on the games included). The N64 version is listed under its own title of Namco Museum 64.
  • Nuclear Strike - Another N64 game listed under its own entry of Nuclear Strike 64.
  • Wipeout - This one is listed under Wipeout 64.
  • Xena: Warrior Princess - The N64 version had a different title of Xena: Warrior Princess - The Talisman of Fate.
  • Family Feud (1991) - I think this was an NES-only release, so I'll add a separate entry for the 1993 release that was on the Genesis and SNES.
  • Pebble Beach Golf Links - It appears as though there are three different games with the same name and I think they warrant separate entries here. The one that's loaded is for the Saturn, so I'll add ones for the Genesis and 3DO releases (all were released in separate years and have distinct artwork).
  • World Series Baseball - This is another series that's kinda wonky hehe. The release in question here is actually the Saturn-only release, which I've since renamed to World Series Baseball (1995). The entry for the Genesis is World Series Baseball (1994).
  • Karaoke Revolution Party - Ah, these music games are really messy. I've avoided them long enough though, I suppose :P I actually have this one mapped, but for whatever reason, VGPC does not have an GameCube entry WITHOUT the microphone.
  • Super Space Invaders '91 - Was this released on GBA? The only one I can find is Space Invaders (also known as Space Invaders EX), which is missing from the site, so I'll go ahead and load it.
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 17 - Posted on 5/20/2016 23:59:19

@jkersey450 Just finished up your list as best I could.

I had to shuffle a VGPC listing for Dead or Alive 2 which was incorrectly assigned to DoA2: Hardcore.

I think I've fixed the Sherlock Holmes one, the VGPC entries for it are a bit messy, alternating between calling it Sherlock Holmes Volume I and Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective depending on what platform it's for.

Yes, the Tin Star on the site right now is a steam game. We don't have a listing for the SNES game of the same name, so... I'll go make a request for that amongst others I've run into doing these updates ;)

@travplaysgames I won't be able to one-shot your list, but I'll try to put in some time on it over the weekend when I have some downtime from my schedule!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 18 - Posted on 5/21/2016 0:01:55

@moho_00 The Family Feuds for NES/SNES/Genesis/3DO were effectively the same with minor differences, I think they're good to sit in the one category. I mapped them that way, before I saw your post here.

travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 19 - Posted on 5/21/2016 16:06:01

@dhobo no rush! Thanks for all you guys do!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 20 - Posted on 5/22/2016 18:37:35

Did some updates from Travisplaysgames' list, didn't get as far as I would have liked because VGPC is a horrible confusing mess sometimes and slowed me down. :P

Arch Rivals - We have two entries for this, both are effectively the same game however. They just changed the name across platforms for whatever reason. I'll see if moho_00 can clean this up.

Cobra Command (1984) - This version of the game did not come out on the NES, I think you're looking for Cobra Command (1988)

Dragon Spirit - You might be looking for Dragon Spirit: The New Legend entry instead.

Dungeon Magic - Another one with an alt title "Dungeon Magic: Sword of the Elements"

Flying Dragon --> Flying Dragon: The Secret Scroll

Got as far as Galaga. I'll do some more tomorrow.

Post Edited on 5/23/2016 15:02:30
dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 21 - Posted on 5/23/2016 3:51:04

@jkersey450 After running into a lot of really poorly named VGPC listings while working on @travplaysgames' list, I went back to double-check my work on something. My "fix" for Dead or Alive 2 was actually a mistake so I reverted it.

Since VGPC is limited to North American games only, after some googling the best I've been able to figure is that North America never got a "vanilla" edition of DoA2, only the hardcore edition. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong though, but either way, VGPC doesn't have a listing for a vanilla ps2 DoA2.

Sorry for the confusion there, but sometimes this stuff gets messy. :P

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 22 - Posted on 5/23/2016 11:46:31

@dhobo - Yeah, I'm pretty sure North America did not receive a vanilla Dead or Alive 2 on PS2, only the Dreamcast did.

travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 23 - Posted on 5/23/2016 14:03:50


Cobra Command (1984) - This version of the game did not come out on the NES, I think you're looking for Cobra Command (1998)

That's interesting... I would have thought the 1998 version of the game would be about 10 years later than the NES version.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 24 - Posted on 5/23/2016 15:01:14

Grah, I meant 1988 :P Typo

travplaysgames Posts: 38 Registered: 5/11/2016
# 25 - Posted on 5/23/2016 15:23:23

@Dhobo that makes way more sense ha, thanks!