# 3047 -
Posted on 10/11/2019 0:45:29
@Brunauss - That one has been added! |
# 3048 -
Posted on 10/11/2019 13:04:29
Steep Winter Games The base game is on here so not sure if this should get it's own add or not but it is a different edition of the game. |
Posts: 12
Registered: 9/3/2019
# 3049 -
Posted on 10/11/2019 20:24:32
Please add Doraemon Story of Seasons https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/doraemon-story-of-seasons-switch/ |
# 3050 -
Posted on 10/13/2019 18:39:22
@MikoFerret - That has been added! |
Posts: 24
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3051 -
Posted on 10/13/2019 18:44:38
Hello, _ Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Rengoku-hen (Ps3-Vita digital only) (JP) Can you add them please? Thanks. |
# 3052 -
Posted on 10/14/2019 10:28:25
Silent Gentlemen https://store.steampowered.com/app/636360/Silent_Gentlemen/ |
# 3053 -
Posted on 10/14/2019 20:51:36
Not necessarily missing but YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World is in the database under it's original Japanese title - YU-NO: Konoyo no Hate de Koi o Utau Shoujo. Not sure which would be right approach here, vndb treats them as one title ( https://vndb.org/v1377 ). |
# 3054 -
Posted on 10/15/2019 4:28:58
Starman (switch) : https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/starman-switch/ |
Posts: 10
Registered: 9/21/2019
# 3055 -
Posted on 10/15/2019 17:40:29
Answer Knot: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1049400/Answer_Knot/ |
# 3056 -
Posted on 10/16/2019 2:18:07
@everyone - I've added most of the requested games so far. I wasn't sure on Seireiki RayBlade as I saw it spelled a couple of different ways and it wasn't clear if the PS / DC releases were the same or different. Also, I might need some help in identifying covers for some of the Pokemon Pico / Beena games. |
# 3057 -
Posted on 10/16/2019 11:13:48
Destiny 2's new FREE TO PLAY bundle "Destiny 2: New Light", includes Destiny 2 base game and the first 2 expansions "Curse of Osiris" and "Warmind"
Post Edited on 10/16/2019 11:14:22
# 3058 -
Posted on 10/16/2019 12:09:27
Neo Cab please (https://neocabgame.com/) |
Posts: 34
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3059 -
Posted on 10/16/2019 16:52:26
Intellectual Training Drill Pokémon Diamond & Pearl Letter and Number Intelligence Game = https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/61i0mNsm3PL.AC.jpg If you want some help for the french exclusive games, I can help you with pleasure ^^ |
Posts: 24
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3060 -
Posted on 10/16/2019 22:04:13
@moho_00 Sorry I do not speak English very well, I help with Google translate. Thanks for the adds. |
Posts: 34
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3061 -
Posted on 10/17/2019 11:05:06
Pokémon Card GB2: Here Comes Team GR!, on gameboy color, exclusively NTSC-J : https://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/thumb/3/31/TCG_GB2_JP_boxart.jpg/250px-TCG_GB2_JP_boxart.jpg |
# 3062 -
Posted on 10/17/2019 22:39:06
@alex.vasselman - That one has been added! @lugianium - Thanks for the links, they were very helpful! For "Pokémon Advanced Generation Pico for Everyone Pokémon Loud Battle!", do you know if that's a game or hardware? Or maybe a bundle of both? Just want to make sure I load it appropriately. Also, we currently have "Pokémon Card GB2" listed under "Pokémon Card GB2: GR-Dan Sanjou!". I've seen some conflicting reports as to the "official" name, anyone care to weigh in? @Bahamut-Omega - Thanks, that one has been added! @XxThundaxX - Destiny 2 F2P edition is a tough one. PSN just calls it "Destiny 2", although some articles do refer to it as Destiny 2: New Light. I'm leaning towards just adding an entry called Destiny 2: New Light (F2P) or something similar and not treat it as a compilation. I suspect over time additional content will be made accessible in this version as new expansions are released. |
# 3063 -
Posted on 10/18/2019 8:31:16
MISTOVER came out very recently, so it's missing from the database https://playmistover.com/home |
Posts: 34
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3064 -
Posted on 10/18/2019 11:07:55
From what I saw, this is a bundle, the game came with the controller of the photo. |
# 3065 -
Posted on 10/18/2019 14:54:51
Found some missing games: |
# 3066 -
Posted on 10/18/2019 15:06:57
@moho_00 Thank you! |
# 3067 -
Posted on 10/19/2019 1:37:01
Ring Fit Adventure (Switch) |
# 3068 -
Posted on 10/19/2019 16:50:02
Stealth - Super Famicom |
Posts: 24
Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3069 -
Posted on 10/20/2019 6:30:21
It still lacks "Dai 3 Ji Super Robot Taisen Z Rengoku-hen" (Ps3-Vita digital only) (JP). Here is some information on this one: It is also missing "SD Gundam G Generation Cross Rays" (Ps4 - Switch) (JP - CH) output scheduled on 2019/11/28. Thanks. |
# 3070 -
Posted on 10/20/2019 18:47:47
Brave Dungeon + Dark Witch Story:COMBAT https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/brave-dungeon-and-dark-witch-story-combat-switch/ Embers of Mirrim https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/embers-of-mirrim-switch/ Lightfall https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/light-fall-switch/
Post Edited on 10/20/2019 19:29:08
# 3071 -
Posted on 10/21/2019 8:58:08
Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/yooka-laylee-and-the-impossible-lair-switch/ |
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