sin2sin Posts: 24 Registered: 2/19/2020
# 3298 - Posted on 3/1/2020 7:48:02

Battlefield 3 limited edition

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3299 - Posted on 3/1/2020 13:07:55

@magnobssed - That one has been added!

@sin2sin - Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Ultimate Edition was treated as a separate retail release and therefore has been added. It looks like Battlefield 3: Limited Edition was just a variant of the original release (with some extras), so if you use the Edition textbox when entering the game into your collection, it should pull in the appropriate box art (and VGPC data if it's a physical North American entry).

Hotshotz79 Posts: 75 Registered: 11/20/2018
# 3300 - Posted on 3/2/2020 14:59:40

Please add the following title:


Platform: Nintendo Switch
Release Date: Feb 20, 2020
Category: Arcade, Music
Publisher: Forever Entertainment
Developer: Forever Entertainment

Thank you as always

Post Edited on 3/2/2020 17:23:03
nickrooster Curator Posts: 25 Registered: 8/7/2018
# 3301 - Posted on 3/2/2020 15:49:43

Please add
Space Channel 5 - Kinda Funky News Flash!



moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3302 - Posted on 3/2/2020 23:02:15

@Hotshotz79 and @nickrooster - Those have both been added!

fredtoy Posts: 5 Registered: 8/17/2018
# 3303 - Posted on 3/3/2020 12:51:40

Super Hiking League


lugianium Posts: 34 Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3304 - Posted on 3/3/2020 17:13:56

Cris Tales, on switch, steam, and PS4
Genshin impact, on PS4 and switch (i'm not sure for PC)
Rune Factory 5 on nintendo switch
Trine Ultimate collection (a compilation with trine 1, 2, 3 and 4), on switch, PS4 and PC

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3305 - Posted on 3/3/2020 23:07:30

@fredtoy and @lugianium - Those have all been added!

SwordfishBooks Posts: 32 Registered: 2/14/2020
# 3306 - Posted on 3/4/2020 6:49:58

"Drift Zone" for Android, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC
"Drift Zone 2" for Android
"Tony Stewart's Sprint Car Racing" for for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC
"Meow Motors" for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC
"Super Street: The Game" for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC
"RGX: Showdown" for PlayStation 4, Xbox One

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 3307 - Posted on 3/4/2020 14:54:13

Flowers: Les Quatre Saisons - - consisting of:
* Flowers: Le Volume Sur Printemps - already in db,
* Flowers: Le Volume sur Été -
* Flowers: Le Volume sur Automne -
* Flowers -Le Volume sur Hiver- -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3308 - Posted on 3/4/2020 22:10:24

@SwordfishBooks and @kw4s - Those have all been added!

XxThundaxX Curator Posts: 70 Registered: 2/24/2019
# 3309 - Posted on 3/5/2020 1:51:51

Moe Era -

IVT Posts: 90 Registered: 11/18/2018
# 3310 - Posted on 3/5/2020 3:01:01

Murder by Numbers (PC/Switch) -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3311 - Posted on 3/5/2020 3:14:28

@XxThundaxX and @IVT - Those have both been added!

sin2sin Posts: 24 Registered: 2/19/2020
# 3312 - Posted on 3/7/2020 4:36:58

Bulletstorm: limited edition on ps3

Dont know if that was a separate retail release or just a variant

sin2sin Posts: 24 Registered: 2/19/2020
# 3313 - Posted on 3/7/2020 5:38:33

Sorry these ones too:

Darksiders II: limited edition ps3
Dante's inferno: divine edition ps3
Crysis 3: hunter edition ps3
Crysis 2: limited edition ps3
Call of duty 4: modern warfare goty edition ps3

Slightly different on this one but Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay was included with Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena

Thanks for all the help. Site's awesome.

Gogo Posts: 20 Registered: 1/9/2018
# 3314 - Posted on 3/10/2020 16:40:23

Dancing Furby -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3315 - Posted on 3/11/2020 1:32:34

@Gogo - That one has been added!

@sin2sin - Most of those are editions / variants and they should all be filled out now, so if you type in the corresponding Edition value, it should pull in the box art / VGPC (if applicable). Call of Duty 4 GOTY Edition was a separate release, so that one has been added. As for Riddick, we currently don't treat "bonus" titles like that as compilations. We ran into similar situations with unlockable games (Dracula X Chronicles comes to mind). This might change in the future, but the site will auto-update the existing entries accordingly.

sin2sin Posts: 24 Registered: 2/19/2020
# 3316 - Posted on 3/11/2020 6:19:24

Thanks moho!

lugianium Posts: 34 Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3317 - Posted on 3/11/2020 23:49:27

Inazuma Eleven GO Shadow on 3DS
Inazuma Eleven GO Light on 3DS
Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stones Thunderflash on 3DS
Swords of Destiny on PS2

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3318 - Posted on 3/12/2020 0:14:43

@lugianium - Those have all been added!

lugianium Posts: 34 Registered: 9/29/2019
# 3319 - Posted on 3/12/2020 16:40:32

Langrisser I & II, the remake of the original games, on playstation 4 and switch, with a NIS' limited edition, official release tomorow,

Zaphod Posts: 10 Registered: 2/7/2018
# 3320 - Posted on 3/14/2020 3:16:01

Got a new one:

The Indifferent Wonder of an Edible Place (PC/Steam) -

Kazriko Backer Posts: 48 Registered: 4/22/2017
# 3321 - Posted on 3/14/2020 9:50:01

The Sands of Voltark,
The Longing

ekonroth Curator Posts: 80 Registered: 1/11/2019
# 3322 - Posted on 3/17/2020 13:27:05

Legend of the Sword