Marcus Curator Backer Posts: 311 Registered: 10/16/2014
# 551 - Posted on 4/10/2016 19:02:53

Just a note that the entire Hot Shots Golf series is known as "Everybody's Golf" in Europe. So, if you can add the appropriate Everybody's Golf alias to the rest of the series it would be a big help for folks searching that stuff out.

Another one like that on the top of my head is "Dancing Stage" which is what DDR went by there. Obviously there are many more, but those are the first series' that come to mind for me. :)

Ruruja Posts: 2 Registered: 4/11/2016
# 552 - Posted on 4/11/2016 13:13:09

Anna Kournikova's Smash Court Tennis for the PlayStation.
Bishi Bashi Special for the PlayStation.
Jonah Lomu Rugby for the PlayStation.
Vib Ribbon for the PlayStation.

Initial D: Special Stage for the PlayStation 2.
Le Tour de France: Centenary Edition for the PlayStation 2.
Shijyou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi: Gekitou! Ragnarok Hachikengou for the PlayStation 2.

Post Edited on 4/11/2016 14:12:15
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 553 - Posted on 4/12/2016 0:03:36

@Ruruja - Those have all been added! You might want to check the Bishi Bashi Special games and make sure I loaded / named them properly, I'm not too familiar with them.

Oh and welcome to the site, I hope it's working out well for you! Let me know if you need anymore games added or have any feedback. And if you're really adventurous, you should join the Mercenary Guild :D

WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 554 - Posted on 4/12/2016 12:51:17

Hey Moho,

Can you add Ganbarre Goemon 1, 2, and 3 for the Super Famicom at some point? No rush :) Thanks as always :)

Ruruja Posts: 2 Registered: 4/11/2016
# 555 - Posted on 4/12/2016 15:44:16

Thanks for the welcome moho!

Great job on adding those games so quickly, all look perfect to me.

Loving the site so far. :)

Demmina Posts: 3 Registered: 12/1/2015
# 556 - Posted on 4/13/2016 2:17:27

Hey Moho,

Can you add:

Stories: The Path of Destinies
Bravely Second End Layer

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 557 - Posted on 4/14/2016 3:06:59

@WhitsEnd and @Demmina - Those have all been added!

ogdengamer Posts: 4 Registered: 3/7/2016
# 558 - Posted on 4/17/2016 19:19:12

Zoo Tycoon 2 - Zookeeper collection -
Command & Conquer: The First Decade -
Mall Tycoon 3 -
X3: Gold Edition -
James Patterson: Women's Murder Club - Death in Scarlet -
Riddle of the Sphinx: An Egyptian Adventure -
The Omega Stone -
Paradise -
Physicus: Save the World with Science! -

I know the top two are collections...I'm not sure how you handle those?

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 559 - Posted on 4/17/2016 22:58:48

@ogdengamer - Those have all been added! The collections are treated as compilations here, so when you add Zoo Tycoon 2: Zookeeper Collection to your collection, you'll receive entries for all of the "sub" games. The site won't let you remove the "sub" games, but you can remove the "parent" game (i.e. Zoo Tycoon 2: Zookeeper Collection), which will remove all of the "sub" games as well. There's also a filter and default setting for whether you want to include "sub" games when viewing your collection.

WhitsEnd Curator Posts: 251 Registered: 2/29/2016
# 560 - Posted on 4/21/2016 16:03:47

Hey Moho can you add Steambot Chronicles Battle Tournament for the PSP at some point? Thank you! :)

ogdengamer Posts: 4 Registered: 3/7/2016
# 561 - Posted on 4/27/2016 3:37:53

The Walking Dead: Michonne -

Ishuk Posts: 2 Registered: 2/19/2016
# 562 - Posted on 4/27/2016 20:45:27

Hi, here are some games that are missing:
Space Colony - (I'm not sure if this is the same game as Space Colony HD)
200% Mixed Juice! -
Circuit Breakers -
D/Generation HD -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 563 - Posted on 4/27/2016 22:15:28

@ogdengamer and @Ishuk - Those have all been added! I went ahead and created a new entry for Space Colony: Steam Edition since the devs appear to treat it separately.

@WhitsEnd - I forgot to post in here, but it looks like you've already added the Steambot game :P

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 564 - Posted on 4/28/2016 4:29:52

Ori and the Blind Forest released a "Definitive Edition" that includes new content from the original.

  • Ori and the Blind Forest: Definitive Edition
Post Edited on 4/28/2016 4:30:29
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 565 - Posted on 4/29/2016 1:55:21

@dhobo - That one has been added!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 566 - Posted on 4/29/2016 3:48:49

Thanks moho_00!

hypercube Posts: 4 Registered: 5/4/2016
# 567 - Posted on 5/4/2016 6:07:33

Atari 2600 Games:

Summer Games (Epyx)
Midnight Magic
Frogs and Flies
Target Fun
Dark Cavern

hypercube Posts: 4 Registered: 5/4/2016
# 568 - Posted on 5/4/2016 6:28:20

Genesis Games:

Awesome Possum
John Madden Football '92
James Bond 007 The Duel

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 569 - Posted on 5/4/2016 21:56:33

@hypercube - Welcome aboard! I've added all those games to the site, but let me know if you have anymore. Also, feel free to post any feedback you have on the site here on the forum :)

pancakes Posts: 16 Registered: 4/1/2016
# 570 - Posted on 5/8/2016 14:37:14

Please add 'Steel Empire' for the Sega Genesis. Thanks as always love this website!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 571 - Posted on 5/8/2016 16:15:38

@pancakes - That one has been added!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 572 - Posted on 5/10/2016 13:58:54

Stellaris came out yesterday

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 573 - Posted on 5/10/2016 23:01:26

@dhobo - That one has been added!

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 574 - Posted on 5/11/2016 4:26:47

Awesome, thanks!

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 575 - Posted on 5/12/2016 17:39:33

I'm going to have far more to suggest as I go through adding my collection to this site, but here's the first ones I've found needing added:

TV Sports Hockey for Turbografx-16
Sonic Spike for Turbografx-16
Power Golf for Turbografx-16
Victory Run for Turbografx-16
Dragon's Lair for 3DO
The falco amiibo doesn't have a value on the site
The 8-bit modern mario amiibo is worth $1 on the site
John Madden Football for 3DO is on the site, but has no value
Shanghai Triple Threat for 3DO
Shock Wave for 3DO
The Even More Incredible Machine for 3DO is on the site, but no value
The Last Bounty Hunter for 3DO is on the site, but no value
Xenoblade Chronicles X for Wii U is on the site, but no value

Sorry again for swarming with a list of things, but I just found this forum topic XD