Crayzninja Backer Posts: 15 Registered: 1/14/2019
# 3197 - Posted on 1/5/2020 3:28:35

Hi Moho,
Can you add SpookyGhosts dot com for switch :

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3198 - Posted on 1/6/2020 2:53:11

@everyone - I think I've added everything, but still trying to decide how to handle the Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy IV compilations. I think we're going to need to clean up some existing entries, but it'll require a bit of research.

WhitError Posts: 2 Registered: 1/6/2020
# 3199 - Posted on 1/6/2020 11:55:10

Hello !
Michigan: Report from hell on Playstation 2 is missing in any versions :)

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3200 - Posted on 1/6/2020 13:13:04

@WhitError - That one has been added!

stufio Posts: 193 Registered: 1/30/2017
# 3201 - Posted on 1/7/2020 0:47:13

Watchmen The End is Nigh Parts 1 and 2 for Xbox 360 -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3202 - Posted on 1/7/2020 2:15:21

@stufio - That one has been added!

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 3203 - Posted on 1/7/2020 12:11:06

Ace Combat: Squadron Leader should be added as an alias to - see - Squadron Leader was subtitle used for EUR release.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3204 - Posted on 1/7/2020 12:42:39

@kw4s - Alias has been added!

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 3206 - Posted on 1/8/2020 19:00:36

OSK - The End of Time
Exile Squadron
Tomato Way 2

Post Edited on 1/9/2020 18:45:53
warringshogun Curator Backer Posts: 76 Registered: 4/10/2019
# 3207 - Posted on 1/9/2020 15:29:55

@Brunauss - these are added.

@Redwarrior 366 - Sorry, my guess is these will remain separate games unless they were sold as a compilation, which I believe didn't happen. I know some other sites, like HLTB considers them the same game, but I don't think take that approach is taken on this site. @moho or others, please weigh in here if I'm wrong.

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 3208 - Posted on 1/9/2020 17:32:52

@Redwarrior366 - I agree with @warringshogun. Unless all three of those games were contained in a single compilation (which the site would still break out as single games), they will remain separate entries on the site. As you could have a completion time for Red, shorter or longer, then you would have for Blue.

Post Edited on 1/9/2020 17:33:58
WiiCollectorHorus Posts: 2 Registered: 1/9/2020
# 3209 - Posted on 1/10/2020 2:14:45

Hi there, any chance of adding the following games for the Wii to the database?

Big Catch: Bass Fishing 2 RXNPGT
Build-A-Bear Workshop: Friendship Valley R9UE52
Chicken Riot SCRPJH
Circus R5QPGT
Family Fortunes R9NPMR
Family Party: 30 Great Games - Outdoor Fun R63PG9
Family Party: 30 Great Games - Winter Fun S3WPG9
GTI Club Supermini Festa SGIPA4
Hugo Troll Woods SHOXKR
Mary King Riding School 2 RRHPUJ
Donkey Kong: Jet Race RDKP01
Skyscraper R3KP6N
Wii Chess RTYP01

By the way this database + web interface is Awesome!!

Post Edited on 1/13/2020 9:31:47
Pyrotechnic Moose Posts: 3 Registered: 12/22/2018
# 3210 - Posted on 1/10/2020 21:38:24

These games are on here, Epic Pinball Packs 1, 2, and 3 and Epic Pinball: The Complete Edition which puts all the packs together, but 5 of the pinball tables were released as individual games and those need to be added to the database.

Crash & Burn
Deep Sea

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3211 - Posted on 1/11/2020 3:43:46

@WiiCollectorHorus and @Pyrotechnic Moose - Those have all been added!

WiiCollectorHorus Posts: 2 Registered: 1/9/2020
# 3212 - Posted on 1/13/2020 10:01:26

Hi there, thanks for adding all those moho_00 much appreciated...

I still cant seem to find? maybe i'm doing something wrong?

Big Catch: Bass Fishing 2 RXNPGT

And also if you could please add?

Donkey Kong: Jet Race RDKP01


moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3213 - Posted on 1/13/2020 13:02:31

@WiiCollectorHorus - No problem at all I added Big Catch: Bass Fishing 2, but it's listed under its North American name, which is Hooked! Again. However, I also added an alias for the European (and Japanese) title, which should allow you to search for it accordingly. Once you add it to your collection, it should show up with the appropriate name based on the region you've selected. We also have the ability to set region-specific box art, so again, that will be reflected once you add it to your collection.

Please note that this is a work-in-progress and I haven't gotten around to the Wii yet, so many of the games are likely not set up for this. If you run across any games that you feel are missing an alias name, you're welcome to post here and we can take care of it.

Donkey Kong: Jet Race also fell into this scenario, although we already had the game on here this time (Donkey Kong: Barrel Blast). It should aliased now though.

merph518 Curator Posts: 192 Registered: 4/21/2017
# 3214 - Posted on 1/14/2020 1:32:53

Hey Moho, could we get the Yakuza Remastered Collection added? I don't think I have the ability to add collections like that, or I'd do so myself. It's out for PS4 on 2/11/2020. Contains Yakuza 3, 4 and 5 remastered.

Hotshotz79 Posts: 75 Registered: 11/20/2018
# 3215 - Posted on 1/14/2020 16:03:23

Please add the following:

Hypercharge: Unboxed

Initial release date: June 22, 2017
Engine: Unreal Engine
Mode(s): Single-player; multiplayer
Developer: Digital Cybercherries
Publisher: Digital Cybercherries
Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows

Steam Link:
Nintendo Switch Link:

Shinjimx Posts: 1 Registered: 1/13/2020
# 3216 - Posted on 1/15/2020 8:06:23

Thank you so much,I am migrating from Grovee, maybe is it possible to pair the CVS file to pair the games here too?

Mystic Guardian Android

ekonroth Curator Posts: 80 Registered: 1/11/2019
# 3217 - Posted on 1/15/2020 9:58:39

  • Angelo and Deemon
  • Still There
  • The White Door
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3218 - Posted on 1/15/2020 13:38:07

@everyone - Those have all been added!

ekonroth Curator Posts: 80 Registered: 1/11/2019
# 3219 - Posted on 1/15/2020 15:29:43


alex.vasselman Posts: 25 Registered: 9/29/2017
# 3220 - Posted on 1/16/2020 15:15:13

puzzle and dragons gold plz.

Hotshotz79 Posts: 75 Registered: 11/20/2018
# 3221 - Posted on 1/16/2020 16:13:41

Does this qualify as a different game? if so, please add:

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE - [Already on Completionator for Wii U]
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore - [Releasing on the Switch Jan 17, not on Completionator]

Release Date Jan 17, 2020
Genre: Role-playing video game
Publisher: Nintendo
Developers: Atlus
Platforms: Nintendo Switch

johnnyd1988 Posts: 35 Registered: 12/10/2014
# 3222 - Posted on 1/16/2020 22:48:48

Whispers of a Machine
both for steam