# 4673 -
Posted on 1/4/2022 0:30:35
@Xylvanian - Compilations on the site aren't really associated to platforms on the curator side of things. When you add a compilation to your collection, it will add each sub-game (as you noted). The site assumes these are on the same platform as the compilation entry itself (within your collection). In the case of Kessakusen! Ganbare Goemon 1+2, it's a compilation of two SNES games, so each one is in your collection (separate from the compilation itself). This allows you to enter backlog status (among other things) for each item in a compilation. Monster Hunter G is a little different because it involves hardware. In that scenario, you would likely want to add Monster Hunter G instead of the Starter Pack to your collection. All that being said, there's an option within the filters to expand compilations (which is the default), so you can essentially hide them if you don't want to see them. You can also "hide" things on a per-item basis if you want to get certain things out of your default view. |
# 4674 -
Posted on 1/4/2022 15:22:41
Rabbit of Destiny - https://store.steampowered.com/app/926410/Rabbit_of_Destiny/ Thanks! |
# 4675 -
Posted on 1/4/2022 22:43:24
@madtom79 - That one has been added! |
# 4676 -
Posted on 1/5/2022 10:57:15
@moho_00 thanks for link to X-Morph: Defense. however if you search for "X-Morph: Defense" or "X-Morph" nothing is found: "There were no games matching your search criteria." would be great to check why. |
# 4677 -
Posted on 1/5/2022 16:01:58
Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros (2020) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Game%26_Watch:_Super_Mario_Bros. Game & Watch: The Legend of Zelda (2021)
Post Edited on 1/5/2022 16:02:21
Posts: 8
Registered: 11/7/2021
# 4678 -
Posted on 1/5/2022 20:11:21
ok another request, please add Yuurei-Kun (Mr. Ghost) for the MSX2 :)) |
Posts: 2
Registered: 10/13/2021
# 4679 -
Posted on 1/6/2022 21:25:34
Hello, Please add Evil Tonight. It's currently out on Steam and Nintendo Switch. Thanks |
# 4680 -
Posted on 1/7/2022 8:19:33
DLC to Dead Cells need adding. "Dead Cells: The Queen and the Sea". Steam page: Developer's twitter: thank you in advance :) |
# 4681 -
Posted on 1/7/2022 21:20:37
@everyone - Those have all been added! |
# 4682 -
Posted on 1/8/2022 3:36:14
Please can we add 'Cyber Protocol' for the Nintendo Switch. Here's the game on the Nintendo website - https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/cyber-protocol-switch/ |
# 4683 -
Posted on 1/8/2022 19:16:54
Can someone please add "Mana Spark Complete Edition" for the Nintendo Switch, and the DLC for the base game? Mana Spark Complete Edtion I'm a little confused on which other platforms they are on. On the publisher's site it says Mana Spark (base game) and the DLC is for Switch and PS4. No mention of the Complete Edition nor that the game is on Steam. I can't find the Complete Edition or the DLC searching the Playstation Store though just the base game. On Steam the game is called just Mana Sparks, but the thumbnail pictures says "Mana Sparks Forgotten Crypts Edition". I found a Steam news page where it says "After the DLC launch, the game base price will have a rise to reflect the price of the new content." So technically Steam should have updated their title of the game? lol Figures Steam get the DLC for free while on Switch you need to buy the DLC if you don't buy the Complete Edition. Thanks in advance :) |
# 4684 -
Posted on 1/9/2022 1:12:33
Request to have "Not Tonight: Take Back Control Edition" added, and also the DLC seperately "Not Tonight: One Love". https://store.steampowered.com/bundle/11407/Not_Tonight_Take_Back_Control_Edition/ https://www.nintendo.com/games/detail/not-tonight-take-back-control-edition-switch/ Developer: PanicBarn thank you :) |
Posts: 163
Registered: 11/6/2016
# 4685 -
Posted on 1/9/2022 1:46:57
Samus & E.M.M.I. Amiibo 2-Pack (Metroid Dread) compilation, containing: https://www.bestbuy.ca/en-ca/product/amiibo-metroid-dread-samus-e-m-m-i/15554675 |
# 4686 -
Posted on 1/9/2022 2:02:23
Can you add "Wytchwood" into the database? https://whitethorngames.com/wytchwood Platforms: Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS4/5, Steam, Epic, GOG |
# 4687 -
Posted on 1/10/2022 12:54:00
Deathsmiles I & II - https://www.play-asia.com/deathsmiles-i-ii-english/13/70eexj |
# 4688 -
Posted on 1/11/2022 5:35:47
Hey everybody! Could you please add the following? Nintendo DS: PC: |
Posts: 8
Registered: 11/7/2021
# 4689 -
Posted on 1/11/2022 22:34:16
Please Add , Kyoro-Chan no Purikura Daisakusen
Post Edited on 1/11/2022 22:35:14
# 4690 -
Posted on 1/12/2022 16:30:59
Can you add these games: Amulet of Time: Shadow of La Rochelle Around the World in 80 Days Darkheart: Flight of the Harpies Garden Variety Body Horror - Rare Import In Sound Mind Kinduo Lost Lands: Redemption Milo and the Magpies Ms. Holmes: Five Orange Pips Collector's Edition Ms. Holmes: The Monster of the Baskervilles Collector's Edition Otherworld: Omens of Summer Collector's Edition Otherworld: Shades of Fall Collector's Edition Prototype Mansion - Used No Cover Thanks a lot for all the work! |
# 4691 -
Posted on 1/12/2022 23:45:42
Farming Simulator 16 https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/farming-simulator-16/9nblggh5xhtn?activetab=pivot:overviewtab |
# 4692 -
Posted on 1/13/2022 2:54:08
Fixing Solar Ash entry: current image uses pre release name: new box art https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_Ash |
# 4693 -
Posted on 1/13/2022 10:59:19
Hello, I'm trying to include Dark Mist from PS3 but I can't because it doesn't exist in the database. Could you include it? I found the following information on the wiki => https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_Mist |
# 4694 -
Posted on 1/13/2022 18:56:51
Bomberman Hardball - PS2 |
Posts: 8
Registered: 11/7/2021
# 4695 -
Posted on 1/13/2022 21:30:56
Please add Nekotako for the SNES, it is a 2019 fun and platform indie game :) |
# 4696 -
Posted on 1/14/2022 6:10:45
@everyone - everything has been added! @BifeSTER - I believe one of your titles is Chrome SpecForce, which you can find here: https://www.completionator.com/Game/Details/4425 |
# 4697 -
Posted on 1/14/2022 12:45:17
three games to add:
https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/store/minecraft-java-edition thanks!!! |
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