BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 1103 - Posted on 2/22/2017 12:11:22

And another one :)

Partical City Guardians -
C O S M -
Stick 'Em Up 2: Paper Adventures -

Post Edited on 2/24/2017 9:32:57
Drymonema Curator Backer Posts: 395 Registered: 5/31/2016
# 1104 - Posted on 2/22/2017 16:19:38

Bundle junk ;P

De-Void -
Nanuleu -
Pozzo Jello Crusade -
SnakEscape -
Teria -
Visitors -
Where are my Internets? -

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 1105 - Posted on 2/23/2017 18:01:05

Fire Emblem Heroes for mobile devices

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 1106 - Posted on 2/23/2017 21:51:40

jkersey450 Posts: 141 Registered: 5/12/2016
# 1107 - Posted on 2/24/2017 2:15:35

M&M's Blast!
Polly Pocket: Super Splash Island
Rugrats: Castle Capers

All for Gameboy Advance

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1108 - Posted on 2/24/2017 11:36:51

Everything requested has been added!

BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 1109 - Posted on 2/26/2017 12:04:23

And another one

Painted Memories -

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1110 - Posted on 2/26/2017 22:01:34

PlayStation Portable Titles

F1 2009 -
GripShift -
Hellboy: The Science of Evil -
Miami Vice: The Game -
Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play -
MX vs ATV Unleashed: On The Edge -
Need For Speed: Most Wanted 5-1-0 -
Pocket Racers -
Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory -
Ridge Race (2004) -
Rush -
Samurai Warriors: State of War -
Tokobot -
Warriors of the Lost Empire -

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1111 - Posted on 2/27/2017 12:12:32

@BinkieSmalls - That one has been added!

@Brunauss - Those have all been added! Oh and welcome to the site :) Let me know if you have any other games you need added or have any feedback!

BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 1112 - Posted on 2/27/2017 16:48:16

Thank you for the quick adds as always!

Dryat Empire -
Hyper color ball -
Joana's Life -
Star Fields -
Stone Age Wars -
The Land of Dasthir -
Gem Monster -

Post Edited on 2/28/2017 10:06:13
WildHobgoblin Posts: 12 Registered: 3/14/2015
# 1113 - Posted on 2/27/2017 20:51:40

Could you maybe add
Herald - An Interactive Period Drama - ?
I know it's a very new release, but I'm impatient :)

Xeretic Posts: 7 Registered: 2/28/2017
# 1114 - Posted on 2/28/2017 11:48:15

Sid Meier's CivNet (
Fightin' Forties: Worlds of War (

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1115 - Posted on 2/28/2017 12:04:12

@BinkieSmalls and @WildHobgoblin - Those have all been added!

@Xeretic - You must've posted right as I was loading in this batch :P I will get those added with the next load! And welcome to the site :)

Post Edited on 2/28/2017 12:04:22
Xeretic Posts: 7 Registered: 2/28/2017
# 1116 - Posted on 2/28/2017 12:15:08

Thanks! Apologies if this is the wrong place to post this, but I was wondering if you could also correct the titles of the following:

"Civilization II" -> "Sid Meier's Civilization II" (Seems all other Civ titles have "Sid Meier's" in front of them. Not having it for #2 seems weird, especially considering that it's on the box (,91437/))

"Frontier: First Encounter" -> "Frontier: First Encounters" (Missing an "s" at the end there from the proper title (

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1117 - Posted on 2/28/2017 12:31:17

I just fixed those two titles Thanks for the heads-up and definitely let me know if you find anymore that need fixin'!

BinkieSmalls Curator Posts: 107 Registered: 12/3/2016
# 1118 - Posted on 2/28/2017 15:57:46

Your getting quicker with each add :)

Karma Miwa -

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1119 - Posted on 2/28/2017 17:19:26

Oh I have much more to add and thank you for the prompt response. It will simply be a slow process. Forced to do the online database update in pieces LOL
Speaking of... lets start with these for now:

Xbox 360
Triple Pack: Xbox Live Arcade Compilation -

Witchaven -
Wolf -

If you have someone on your staff that likes a real challenge. Send them after: Way Cool Logic Games. It was exclusive to PC. The only website ever, that had it in their database years ago, was the famous All Game Guide. The Developer of this obscure title was Quantum Axcess. Unfortunately their latest Majong title is all that is listed on their website. Quantum Axcess are better known for their other creation. A Quake mod titled Shrak.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1120 - Posted on 3/1/2017 0:08:18

I love challenges!! I found a cover for Way Cool Logic Games I also found a bunch of other "Way Cool" games. I'll add what I found in the next load!

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1121 - Posted on 3/1/2017 0:45:27

@Xeretic and @BinkieSmalls - Those have all been added!

@Brunauss - Those have all been added! I ended up loading the Triple Pack as "Xbox 360 Triple Pack" since that's what Wikipedia refers to it as, but let me know if you feel "Triple Pack: Xbox Live Arcade Compilation" is the more official title (it seemed like different sites called it different things).

Also, THANK YOU for reminding me that Witchaven exists! I played the second one back in the late 90s when I borrowed it from a friend, but it had pretty much been purged from my memory...until now! Must find a big box version of that sucker...

Post Edited on 3/1/2017 0:46:24
Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1122 - Posted on 3/1/2017 7:41:51

I just logged on and was just ecstatic by what I saw on the main page. That is just awesome that you found the entire series of Way Cool games. It is a big help to me and the gamer community as a whole. The shutting down of All Game Guide created a series hole, that will likely take a whole decade to fill.

Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1123 - Posted on 3/1/2017 9:30:14

Steam Titles:
Alien Rage: Unlimited -
The Apogee Throwback Pack -
Crazy Chicken: Invasion -
Dungeons: Steam Special Edition -

Marcelloz Curator Backer Posts: 277 Registered: 9/14/2014
# 1124 - Posted on 3/1/2017 11:11:24

Wanted to add Horizon: Zero Dawn but.. it's not there??

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 1125 - Posted on 3/1/2017 13:23:14

@Marcelloz - I thought for sure I had added that game a long time ago. I went to add a bounty for it last night...and it wasn't here :( It's queued up for the next load!

@Brunauss - I think Crazy Chicken: Invasion is already on here: Let me know if they're not the same version or something (I'm not familiar with it). Also, for a couple of those Steam games, I'd like to get some input from the community on how the Steam import should work.

As some of you may already know, Steam likes to update / replace existing entries in your library as enhanced versions of a game are released. This is great as a consumer, because we oftentimes get free updates! But it makes things difficult when maintaining an external database and an import tool. For example, Alien Rage was originally released with the Steam ID 217920. It's here on Completionator and is wired into the Steam import using that ID. At some point, they released Alien Rage: Unlimited...but re-used the same ID and gave everyone the upgrade for free. The import here on Completionator only cares about Steam IDs, so I'm never notified if an update occurs (unless a new ID is issued, of course).

I think Alien Rage: Unlimited (and others like it) certainly warrant a separate entry here, but the question is, how does that impact the Steam import? There are a few options I could do with minimal effort:

  • Do nothing and the import will continue to pull in the original version (or at least whatever version was on Steam at the time I plugged it into the import)
  • Replace the original game (i.e. Alien Rage) with the new one (i.e. Alien Rage: Unlimited), which means if you run the import and have 217920 in your library, you will now receive Alien Rage: Unlimited here on Completionator, regardless if you had previously imported Alien Rage. If you did not have Alien Rage before (so you were a new user or something), you would NOT receive the original game, only the new one.
  • Add the new game in addition to the original one, so whether you're an existing or new user, you would receive Alien Rage and Alien Rage: Unlimited when running the import.
Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1126 - Posted on 3/1/2017 16:07:40

yup, you did already add the Crazy Chicken: Invasion. My bad.

Wow, that is very interesting mess. I seem to have a knack for making them surface. The Apogee Throwback Pack is no steam special but just a collection of games. I can see where this can be frustrating for older Steam users using this site as well. Especially when it comes to the recently issued Sega Genesis and Megadrive Collection LOL

I will go ahead and stick with basic versions on the other titles until things are resolved.

Post Edited on 3/1/2017 16:15:34
Brunauss Posts: 163 Registered: 1/11/2017
# 1127 - Posted on 3/1/2017 16:44:38

Hopefully this will be less of a bother LOL
Excubitor -