Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 3373 - Posted on 4/9/2020 13:43:36

Alder's Blood: Prologue
Unlike other free "prologue" games, this one claims to be a "Mini-prequel - NOT a Demo".

SenorMexicano Backer Posts: 68 Registered: 9/20/2018
# 3374 - Posted on 4/9/2020 13:52:06

Part TIme UFO (iOS, Android) -
Jumping Joe & Friends (Switch) -
Saboteur II: Avenging Angel (Amstrad CPC, MS-DOS, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Switch) -
Blazing Beaks (PC, Switch, PS4) -
CROSSNIQ+ (PC, Switch) -

Post Edited on 4/9/2020 14:19:29
AlexanderRavenheart Backer Posts: 10 Registered: 4/8/2020
# 3375 - Posted on 4/9/2020 17:53:13

@moho_00 Well, you added them but without filling out fields like Initial Release Date, Developer(s), Publisher(s) and Available On. I could help with filing out that information myself but I don't see a way to do that on the game's page.

Also, what is the Edition field for? It seems like it's a redundant field if the edition is already included in the title and there needs to be a separate entry of a game for each edition.

Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 3376 - Posted on 4/9/2020 18:31:29

I usually use the Edition field for editions that don't exist here, for whatever reason. They haven't been added yet, they're excluded because they exist under many names (and the one I'm adding isn't the main one), or they're excluded because this edition may come with custom skin packs or something, but nothing worthy of a new entry here.

So, something I've had my eye on...
If I were to buy the ESO: Elsweyr Collector's Edition, it wouldn't deserve it's own entry here for the Collector's Edition, but it does come with some BS mounts, pets, emote packs, etc garbage. So I would want the option to specify.
Or for special physical editions which have no extra game content, so I can say: Steelbook Edition or something.

dhobo Curator Backer Posts: 1968 Registered: 1/5/2015
# 3377 - Posted on 4/9/2020 19:40:16

@AlexanderRavenheart - Nearly every game is added with the bare minimum of box art + title to give basic functionality and allow people to start adding them to their collections asap. The "fluff" data that isn't vital to site usage is added by the volunteer Curators (or moho_00 if he has time.) Though each of us have wildly varying times of availability as to when we can contribute. Not to mention we each tend to focus on updating certain groups or types of games. For instance, moho_00 tends to focus on older physical collections for platforms so that he can get a more fleshed out Browse by Platform list going.

The edition field, as Nocmin mentioned, is for filling in any specific info for an edition that isn't in the database. Generally if a game edition (ie: many GOTY editions) comes with DLC that's substantial by adding new gameplay content, it'll be added as a specialized Collection entry and have the various DLCs added to it as "sub games." But not all games have substantial DLC like the vanity content Nocmin brought up, so they generally don't have their own entry as a result. That's where you'd want to specify the edition yourself if having that distinction in your collection is important to you.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3378 - Posted on 4/9/2020 21:42:56

@dhobo already kinda touched on this, but I don't often fill out all of the metadata for new games simply because there isn't enough time. I am currently focused on filling out metadata for specific platform / regions to beef up the Browse by Platform page and that's where most of my time goes in regards to data entry.

The intent behind the Edition field is to provide an option to specify things like "Limited Edition", "Collector's Edition", "Greatest Hits", etc. The problem with the word "Edition" is that it can sometimes be used for things that we consider to be standalone entries. Generally speaking, if a new "edition" of the game is released after its initial release and has altered / addition content (typically in the form of expansions / DLC), we treat them as separate entries in the database because they're simply different. We don't support cosmetic type DLC, so this is not a factor when making a determination. Therefore, if the game has a "Collector's Edition" upon its release with a free skin or whatever, it's not a standalone entry and thus where the Edition field can come in handy.

On the curator side of things, when metadata is filled out for a game, we're able to outline the various editions, complete with corresponding cover art. The values entered this way will show up as auto-complete options when filling out the Edition field on a game in your collection (if they exist). Likewise, the corresponding cover art is displayed in your collection (if we have it).

Game releases are quite messy when you really dig into them and there are a multitude of ways you could approach it, but that's where we currently stand on things. For comparison sake, the way we handle them is very similar to MobyGames and GameFAQs (though I'm sure not 100% identical in all cases.)

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 3379 - Posted on 4/10/2020 10:01:26

Battle Princess Madelyn Royal Edition -
this is not the same as Battle Princess Madelyn on other platforms, for differences see
essentially the NS release of the game is altered/remade to be more in-line with the original concept the author wanted before he had to add stuff related to kickstarter campaign.

moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3380 - Posted on 4/10/2020 12:32:08

@kw4s - That one has been added!

kw4s Posts: 144 Registered: 11/12/2016
# 3381 - Posted on 4/11/2020 13:50:08

Another one then.
Disaster Report 4: Summer Memories (PS4 / NS / PC) -

DJTreky Posts: 43 Registered: 9/6/2018
# 3382 - Posted on 4/12/2020 2:36:39

Snack World: The Dungeon Crawl - Gold

Pocket Mini Golf

Pokemon Home

Warp Shift

Post Edited on 4/12/2020 2:37:37
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3383 - Posted on 4/12/2020 14:10:16

@kw4s and @DJTreky - Those have all been added!

elko84 Curator Backer Posts: 372 Registered: 5/6/2017
# 3384 - Posted on 4/12/2020 18:59:59

@AlexanderRavenheart - An easy example for the "Edition" field is for games that release with a standard edition and a deluxe edition at launch. Adding deluxe edition in the field will give you the deluxe edition cover art (provided that a curator has had time to add that cover). We would not make a completely new database entry for the deluxe edition just because it has a different cover and a free extra skin or item over the standard edition.

loomdog32 Posts: 37 Registered: 11/11/2019
# 3385 - Posted on 4/13/2020 3:29:44

All FamiCom

SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 2
SD Gundam Gaiden: Knight Gundam Monogatari 3

Nocmin Curator Posts: 163 Registered: 11/6/2016
# 3386 - Posted on 4/13/2020 13:35:27

I think the stuff before the Edition talk got missed. :D

From Me:

Alder's Blood: Prologue
Unlike other free "prologue" games, this one claims to be a "Mini-prequel - NOT a Demo".

From SenorMexicano:

Part TIme UFO (iOS, Android) -
Jumping Joe & Friends (Switch) -
Saboteur II: Avenging Angel (Amstrad CPC, MS-DOS, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Switch) -
Blazing Beaks (PC, Switch, PS4) -
CROSSNIQ+ (PC, Switch) -

Post Edited on 4/13/2020 13:35:47
G4L01 Posts: 61 Registered: 12/16/2019
# 3387 - Posted on 4/14/2020 0:29:18


Gamecube Preview Disc (Gamecube) -
Action Replay Max (Gamecube) -
Action Replay Max Duo (Nintendo DS) -
GameShark CDX (Dreamcast) -
Mille Bornes (Mac) -
I Made a Game with Zombies in It! (Xbox 360 Arcade) -!
Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory (PC) -


Post Edited on 4/14/2020 0:50:21
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3388 - Posted on 4/14/2020 2:28:39

@everyone - I think everything should be added now, let me know if I missed anything! For the Action Replays, I just created a single "Action Replay Max". I know GameSharks have weird versioning differences and it seemed useful to split those out back in the day, but not sure that applies to Action Replay?

zdv80 Posts: 7 Registered: 4/13/2020
# 3389 - Posted on 4/14/2020 11:24:24

Hello! I't would be possible to add this games?

Athletic Land (MSX)

F-1 Spirit (MSX)

Konami's Ping Pong (MSX)

Magical Tree (MSX)

Navy Moves (Amstrad CPC)

Nemesis 3: The Eve of Destruction (MSX)

Operation Stealth (PC)

Prohibition (Amstrad CPC)

Stunts (PC)

Test Drive III: The Passion (PC)

PD: I think the correct name of the Athletic Land that's in your DB is "Mickey Athletic Land"

thanks a lot! :)

G4L01 Posts: 61 Registered: 12/16/2019
# 3390 - Posted on 4/14/2020 11:51:16

Thank you!

And concerning the Action Replays, it's pretty much the same as Gameshark in that regard. The versions have a lot of differences. For example, for the GBA/DS, Action Replay Max and Action Replay Max Duo are very different pieces of hardware. The former was for GBA cheats only, while the latter was for GBA cheats and allowed you to backup/load saves for DS games.

Would you mind adding Action Replay Max DUO? I've gotten into the obscure parts of my gaming history lol

Link Amiibo (Twilight Princess)
Chrom Amiibo (Smash Bros version)
Incineroar Amiibo

And speaking of obscure, anyone remember the Nintendo E-Reader? Would that be considered GBA or its own Platform? Some cards functioned as DLC while others were actual games. Specifically looking for the following to be added:
Mario Party-e
Air Hockey-e
Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3-e

Post Edited on 4/14/2020 15:45:53
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3391 - Posted on 4/14/2020 21:12:19

@zdv80 - Those have all been added!

@G4L01 - Those have been added and let me think some more on the e-Reader, but it seems like it should probably be added as a platform. That would allow games like Donkey Kong and Urban Champion to have their own release data (and cover art) for the e-Reader platform.

sin2sin Posts: 24 Registered: 2/19/2020
# 3392 - Posted on 4/15/2020 2:47:20

This is a weird one. I have a Call of Duty black ops collection for PS3. In addition to black ops 1 & 2 it has a black ops 3 disc that only has multiplayer and zombies modes on it?

zdv80 Posts: 7 Registered: 4/13/2020
# 3393 - Posted on 4/15/2020 7:12:57

thanks a lot @moho_00 :)

fredtoy Posts: 5 Registered: 8/17/2018
# 3394 - Posted on 4/15/2020 13:32:33

All PC. Thanks!

DX-Ball 2: 20th Anniversary Edition


Skatemasta Tcheco

Talk to Strangers

The Eternal Castle [REMASTERED]

Volantia: Kingdom in the Sky

Lahdgren Posts: 113 Registered: 4/15/2020
# 3395 - Posted on 4/15/2020 15:13:06

SEGA Mega Drive and Genesis Classics

Might be worth putting a separate entry for the steam version since it also includes Sonic 3 & Knuckles.

Capitalism 2

Post Edited on 4/15/2020 15:57:50
moho_00 Curator Backer Posts: 7117 Registered: 6/10/2011
# 3396 - Posted on 4/16/2020 12:35:49

@G4L01 - I've added Nintendo e-Reader as a platform. After reviewing some other sites, I think I'll just be adding new releases for existing games (such as Urban Champion and Excitebike) with e-Reader as the platform. I know some sites add a "-e" suffix to the titles, but others do not, so I'm not sure what the "official" name is. I prefer NOT adding the suffix though as it clutters up the aliases a bit (or we could add standalone entries, which seems unnecessary). There are, of course, a few exclusive e-Reader titles and those will be added accordingly. The library is small enough that I'll probably try and get it on the Browse by Platform page in the near future.

@sin2sin - That Black Ops collection is a tough one. I had no idea they did something like that! For simplicity, I'm leaning towards just adding a compilation with all three titles. I know the campaign is not included for Black Ops 3, but the cover art is there and it contains some of the content, which Activision somewhat tries to rationalize on the back of the case. I know there have been re-releases in the past that have dropped the multiplayer component, but are otherwise considered the "whole" game. This situation is just in reverse, I suppose...but still a weird one.

@fredtoy - Those have all been added!

@Lahdgren - Capitalism II was already on the site, but it was not hooked into the Steam import (not sure if were using that or what). I've looked at the Genesis pack on Steam before, but we have refrained from adding it since it's more of a retailer bundle that allows you to purchase titles individually as well. The concern there is that Sega adds (or removes) games in the bundle and now our data is inaccurate.

Rosaeme Posts: 8 Registered: 5/16/2016
# 3397 - Posted on 4/16/2020 13:06:48


The Secret Order 8: Return to the Buried Kingdom

Thank you :)